Evaluating Safe Working Conditions

Evaluating Safe Working Conditions

Student’s Name




Q 1 Security

Sam ought to have investigated on what was taking place with the employee from the finance department on the second day when he saw a continuation of the behavior and record them when talking about the plan. This shall provide enough evidence to support his case. The next step should be to alert the police and report to ABC Corporation Manager for further supervision and more security. The investigation should be done and kept confidential to prevent the finance employee to seek for a law suit for defamation. Any weapons found should be exhibit evidence. In this instance the security should not show the recordings to anyone but only to the investigating team. The suspected employee should be suspended or transferred. The company should recommend for a thorough checking at the gate to ensure no one enters with a weapon. A zero-tolerance policy toward workplace violence should be established by the employers. Companies that are well-managed must have understandable policies in position that outline every part of dealing with workplace insecurity, from prevention mechanisms to investigating in order to disciplining employees who are found planning on violence. In addition, employers should develop methods necessary to protect employees in high risk organizations.

Q2 Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a humiliating conduct based on sexual behavior affecting the dignity of a person. It might be a verbal non verbal or physical conduct. In this case, Ralph harasses Harriet verbally which makes her uncomfortable and therefore are regarded as sexual harassment. The first thing Harriet should do is to tell Ralph to stop the behavior and if he does not change, put into writing for instance “I don’t like the way you say about my figure and I do not like going to date after work with you. I consider this sexual harassment and if you do not stop I will file a complaint.” Sign a date and ensure to have a copy and witness see her give the letter to Ralph. In addition she can file a complaint at the Department of Fair Employment and Housing or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The company should have organization Sexual harassment policy and conduct education on sexual harassment and make it clear that sexual harassment is prohibited. It should also monitor the environmental conduct of the work place (Boland, 2005).

Q3 Drug Abuse

His suspicions are correct and reasonable since the security officer does not come to work and when he comes he looks exhausted and unfocused. It is like he is not himself and there is something bothering him. Since James has tried to talk to the security officer but all in vain, then he should look for a better way to solve the issue. James should report to the Security Network manager who should do a drug test. If the drug test is positive he should recommend the security officer a psychologist and a drug therapy.

It is advisable for every security personnel to be tested for drugs and alcohol since a person under the influence of either is not in a good position to work.


Boland, M. (2005). Sexual harassment in the workplace sexual harassment. (Reprint

Ed.).United States of America: SphinxLega.