Evaluation of my group project and each members contribution towards the project





Evaluation of my group project and each member’s contribution towards the project


This is a report based on the contribution of all my group members during our group project. The project has two parts/sections; Reflective Account, and Peer Assessment form. The reflective account gives a detailed account of the project period, individual’s contributions, the intensity, and approach applied by the group in completing the project. The peer assessment form section contains the details of all the group members and analysis of their contribution in point forms. Information contained in this report entirely depends on the data given about the group members and the level of the contribution or their role towards the completion of the project.

Reflective Account

From the analysis table of the group members, it is evident that all the group members contributed towards the completion of the project. The level or intensity on the contrary varies from one individual to another and his or her knowledge on the project’s area. The group deployed the use of its members’ knowledge while locating each task to undertake. From the evaluation process and the results, it is evident that all the group members passed the average mark of 3/5. This implies that, despite any shortcoming during the process, all the members made effective contributions, which led to the success of the project. Each member was given a task to complete depending on his capability to undertake the task.

For instance, Laith never missed any of the group meetings; he managed to score 3.5/5 in the final performance assessment of each group member. In the analysis part, he displayed the following tactics in project work; good knowledge and understanding of the project. However, he was offensive to the group members and used the wrong communication to the group members. This implied that he made the following contribution, by discussing different ideas and sharing knowledge with the group members. Another group member who managed the highest score of 4/5 is known as Fahad. Analysis of his capability reveals the following about this group member; Fahad, has struggled to understand the project at the beginning of the work, then he got to it quickly, and he was an efficient member with great ideas provided. This implies that Fahad contributed to the first survey and has put a lot of effort to the project by sharing his ideas with the group members and taking his parts randomly. After evaluating the capabilities of some of the top contributors in the completion of the project, it is vital to evaluate the contribution of the weaker students in the group, as well. This section contains the evaluation and analysis of the student who scored the lowest mark in the project’s contribution process. The student who scored the lowest points of 3/5 is known as Adulphus, and his capabilities and contribution analysis are as follows; Adulphus has missed four meetings and was submitted his work later than what the group members has stated. He has a good communication level of interaction. Overall; he was an independent worker using good ideas and thoughts. He contributed to the project with his own experiences and knowledge. He also very confident to discuss his idea.

From the sample assessment of the top and the bottom students in the group, it is clear that each group member played a vital and unique role in ensuring that the project was a success. Communication skills come out as the most vital tool in the project. Despite any shortcomings, the group members displayed a commendable communications skills during the coordination of the project work. This ensured that the project was a success. Knowing the strength of each member also played a role in the allocation of tasks to each group member. This ensured no one was overworked, and all the work force was utilized to its maximum ensuring the success of the project. Despite the absence of some of the group members during the group meetings, their impact was still felt since they undertook the duties assigned to them accordingly. All these factors ensured that the group’s project was a success.

Demonstrate How Your Learning Is Developing, And Help You To Identify Your Strengths And Weaknesses

From the group work project I acquired vital skills for my educational journey. Such Skills Include working effectively with other people. The group project gave me an opportunity to learn about how to interact with people. It gave the knowledge to understand each person`s capability hence ensuring that no one is underworked or overworked during such projects. This skill makes it possible for me to learn in any environment set up without any difficulty.

Peer Assessment form

This peer assessment form indicates names of the group members, evaluation of their performances, meeting attendance, description of each member, and their contribution towards the project.

Group members Evaluation Missing meetings Description Contribution to the project

Laith 3.5/5 None Laith has good knowledge and understanding of the project. However, he was offensive to the group members and used the wrong communication to the group members He has contributed to the project by

Discussing different ideas and share knowledge with the group members

Fahad 4/5 None Fahad has struggled to understand the project at the beginning of the work, then he got to it quickly, and he was an efficient member with great ideas provided. Fahad contributed to the first survey and has put a lot of effort to the project by sharing his ideas with the group members and taking his parts randomly.

Sui 3.5/5 1 Sui has missed one meeting due to crash with other topics. He has good communication level and tries to adapt with different perspectives in the group’s members Sui has contributed to the project independently and has provided nice suggestions to improve the work performance.

Adulphus 3/5 4 Adulphus has missed 4 meetings and was submitted his work late than what the group members has stated. He has a good communication level of interacting. Overall, he was an independent worker using good ideas and thoughts He contributed to the project by his own experiences and knowledge. He also very confident to discuss his idea.

Bader 4/5 None Bader has clarified the assignment requirements to the group members by analyzing the ideas and providing feedback to the group members. He has submitted his part late due to his wife delivering a new baby. Bader has contributed to the project by discussing the ideas and concepts. He also has a clear knowledge from his own experiences and adds it to the group knowledge.