Course No:
Section B: Literature Support
Evidence-Based Research Project on Administration in Healthcare
Health care management heavily relies on the management by different professionals to ensure the general leadership, management and operations of the healthcare services provided are of high quality. The management of health care requires different professional organizations; both personal membership and institutional membership groups. Both of these professional associations assist in maintaining the different departments in the health care systems such as accounting, budgeting, finance, human resources and policy analysis. To understand the importance and structure required in health management systems it is essential to analyze different literature and facts that relate to the topic.
The World Health Organization describes through their website that effective leadership and management are the key factors required to achieving quantity and quality health care services and increasing population health. Good leadership and management in health care systems is mainly about providing direction and attaining commitment from all practitioners and stakeholders, embracing change and gaining better health systems through creative, efficient and responsive movement of people and other service. The WHO website goes further to illustrate the importance of strengthening leadership and management in health care through a well designed research that focuses on different departments in the healthcare services. It carries out a research on different hospitals on areas relating to quality and quantity of health care services. The research specifically addresses the required number of managers deployed, appropriate level of competencies, functioning of management systems and required work environment expected by experts in the health care systems. Using the research sample selected which comprises of different departments in the health care services from different hospitals the WHO concludes that leadership and management of health care services should be harmonized to include all the stakeholders.
The handbook Occupational Outlook Handbook consists of a detailed article titled Medical and Health Services Managers that focuses on the medical and health services of managers. It highlights who the medical and health services are and their duties. According to the authors, medical and healthcare managers are the executives that are responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and monitoring the delivery of health and medical services. To ensure that the managers effectively carry out the above duties the article provides a detailed literature analysis through proper research on the medical statistical data in twenty hospitals in Canada. The main goal of the research is to establish requirements that the health manager must attain to better achieve their goal. It also focuses on the available opportunities that exist to boost the functions of the health managers. The findings of the research considering the method used was quantitative hence depended on factual evidence, the managers in all health facilities including nursing homes, group medical practices and hospitals need to be qualified in terms of their academic merits as well as posses’ high leadership qualities.
The book by Stevens focuses on the combination of private and public institutions that at one time were regarded as charities but now have changed to business. The health industry is a perfect example of an industry that has greatly transformed due to science, wealth and technical advancement as the author puts it. To support his argument, he provides multiple situations that charity hospitals have now turned to focus on profit maximization. For these reason both the charities and business need to concentrate on managerial sectors to achieve required goal of providing quality and quantity services in their sectors. The research finding after carrying out a methodological data based survey of hospitals in United States, both public and private he came to a conclusion the management of hospital should be a social policy. This means that just like most other businesses hospitals too require harmonizing leadership and management sectors in their operations. While these two sectors are harmonized the stakeholders will not only be motivated but the organization will also be in a position to counter some major long term challenges such as handling chronically ill patients (Steven 1999).
While focusing on the effect of the administrative sector in the health care systems it is essential to also pay attention to the existing policies and political processes relating to the same. Harrington’s book Health Policy comprises of multiple articles that focus on various policies and political processes relating to hospitals in the United States. Using the evidence that he collects through these articles and specifically those that the data provided is based on information provided by ministry of health, the author explains that health systems and healthcare economics require unifying strategies to be in a position of providing adequate health care to all in the country. The research carried out finding show that existing policies on health care require proper administration in all disciplines to be able to tackle acutely sick and curable patients as well as provision of quality care for chronically ill (Harrington 2008).
Works Cited
Harrington Charlene, Health Policy: Crisis and Reform in the U.S Health Care Delivery System:Jones & Bartlett Publishers 2008.
Medical and Health Services Managers Occupational Outlook Handbook Retrieved from HYPERLINK “”
Stevens, Rosemary. In sickness and in wealth: American hospitals in the twentieth century.Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1999
Who framework: Strengthening health leadership and management Retrieved from World HealthOrganization website HYPERLINK “”