Example of a Questionnaire


Section 1 – Personal details

(Tick or write down as appropriate)

What is your age bracket?



51 and above

Highest academic qualification obtained.



Tertiary level and above

How long have you worked with S.L.Horfords?


Indicate your job group/grade.


Section 2 – Implementation of TQM

(Please tick or answer this section appropriately)

In your own opinion how True is this statement: “S.L.Horfords management badly needs to implement TQM”

Strongly agree



If your answer to Question 1 above is a or b, how ready is S.L.Horfords for TQM implementation?

Very ready


Not ready

Which are the three vital Characteristics that you feel needs to be addressed at S.L.Horfords in readiness for TQM implementation?


In your opinion, whom do you think should be responsible to undertake the actions that you have listed in question 6 above?

A The Top management B Middle level management C Subordinate D All of us State three benefits that you think S.L.Horfords may enjoy if it successfully implements TQM in its operations.


Do you think S.L.Horfords will be successful in implementing TQM in its operations?



If your answer to Question 6 above is Yes, how will sales change?

Sales will increase by more than 20%

Sales will increase by less than 20%

There will be no change

Sales will decline