Executive Summary

Executive Summary:

‘Sports’ is one of things which encompasses different sports activities starting from cricket to hockey to base ball to basket ball to golf. Sports has been well known to people in every phase. The sports organizations have unique characteristics as it is one of the voluntary organizations which works across different activities, involving different participants across different nations and even international boundaries.

The Sports organization needs to have a proper hierarchal structure as sports activities are the activities which helps in building a strong bonding and relationship with other nation through the means of sports and sportsmanship. The sports organization has different national and government officials. Sports organizations welcome and have open doors for all people, it follows an open approach for every individual and participants of different sports activities. A sports organization works on different ethics, morals, attitudes and standards so that the organization opens its door to different sports activities.

This business plan brings into picture the marketing plan of the sports organization which focuses on organizing different sports festivals across different nations and trying to bring up the talents in different filed of sports,


‘Sports festi’ will focus on providing full service sports complex organizing different sports festivals. This plan will define the scope of the different sports activities that the company will held so as to attract more and more new talents in the field of sports.

The key to success for sports Festi will be its ability to market itself effectively, and creating a competitive market and creating an unmatched environment for people to show their talents in the field of sports by running different programs. Our organization wil focus on hiring qualified and knowledgeable staff to aid in the running of our programs and leagues.

The company will focus on attracting more and more talents in the field of sports.


‘Sports Festi’ will be one destination for all the sports lover to show their talents and interest in sports, which will focus on bringing new talents in different field of sports. The company will focus on building best programs, staff and equipment so as to enhance the talents of the players.

Besides providing an excellent value to its customers, it will focus on creating an unmatched sporting environment that will add to the enjoyment of every member and employee of the facility.

It will focus on adding the value of its communities by bringing out new sports talent.

Keys to Success

Strong focus on marketing

Atmosphere of facility: Unmatched atmosphere for sports and enhancing the sports talent across different nations by use of first class equipment and targeting facilities that will be used in the organization.

Knowledgeable/qualified staff and management: The company will focus on having knowledgeable and qualified professionals in the field of sports so as to enhance the talent of the individuals.

Company Summary

‘Sports festi’ will focus on providing full service sports complex organizing different sports festivals. This plan will define the scope of the different sports activities that the company will held so as to attract more and more new talents in the field of sports.

Company Ownership

The company will be owned and financed partially by direct owner investment and a long-term loan by government. It will be government organization focusing on sports.

Start-up Summary

The startup cost will include equipment purchase, main building or complex, centers, different places for different sports activities like golf ground, basket ball court, legal and registration costs. The start-up costs are to be financed by direct owner investment.

Start up Table:

Start-up Requirements Start-up Expenses Storage space Supplies Marketing expenses Furniture and Textile Total Start-up Expenses Start-up Assets Supplies Cash Total start-up assets Total Requirement Start up Funding Table:

Start-up Funding Start-up Expenses to Fund Start-up assets to Fund Total Funding Required $ Assets Non-cash Assets from start-up Cash Requirement from Start-up Additional Cash Raised Cash balance Total Assets Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Current borrowings Long term borrowings Accounts Payable Total Liabilities Capital Planned investment Total Planned Investment Products and Services:

The company will focus on providing different sports services to its targeted customers. The company will organize different events and training for different sports by the professionals. A relaxation lobby for the players and a recreation centre. The company will focus on providing different professional training to the individuals which will help in enhancing the talents of the candidates. The company will also focus on sponsoring new talents in different fields of sports. A series of events and activities will be organized by the organization.

Market analysis:

The company will focus on building the talent of different individuals in sports filed. The company will operate on flexible time schedules so as to attract more and more customers. The company will also focus on developing good relations with different sports organizations.

Market Segmentation:

The company will attract the customers of different fields like cricket, basketball, football, golfers, skating, baseball, hockey, university students, tourists, young children interested in sports and even professionals.

Competitive Analysis:

With the advancement of sports different sports organizations and schools have opened up. For acquiring large market share the company needs to acquire and target on the acquiring large market shares.

Strategic Objectives:

Low Cost

Use of high end technology and equipments

Partnership with sports organizations.

Strategic Plan and objectives:

The company has needs to build up a new strategy by focusing on the coming future. It needs to build a new model and shift to sustainable business and innovation. For building up a sustainable innovative environment the company will focus on three main things i.e.

1. Innovate to deliver enterprise-level sustainability solutions.

2. Integrate sustainability into the organization’s business model.

3. Mobilize key constituents (civil society, employees, consumers, government and industry) to partner in scaling solutions.

The firm needs to focus on future and set its goals accordingly so as to make a stand in the global market and capture maximum organization. The firm needs to focus on research and development, innovation so as to enhance new talent.

The company needs to follow aggressive strategy basically to build and safeguard its competitive position which is needed to hold and have an opportunity for growth in the future with the increasing demand of products and changing preferences of the consumers. The organization needs to analyzes its internal strength and the different external forces on continuous basis so as to change its strategy accordingly so as to cope up with the changing environment.

The company should follow differentiation strategy and focus on providing extra sports facilities which will focus on fulfilling their physical and psychological needs.

Outline of Strategic Objectives

One year Strategic Objectives:

Accessing and studying different markets and plan to launch its training and festival centre

Collaborating with different sports organization.

Creating awareness of it’s the centre through advertisement

Three year Strategic Objectives:

Establishing itself successfully

Collaborating with international sports organizations.

Five year Strategic Objectives:

Establishing itself successfully in different parts of the nations

Focusing on bringing up new talents and active participation of sports all across.


            Sports organizations may also have some unique characteristics that separate them from other voluntary sector organizations in terms of their very clearly determined role. The role sports organizations play towards people depends and its effect to people depend on how well people accept sports programs.