Experiential learning


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Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610327” Introduction PAGEREF _Toc406610327 h 2

HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610328” Theories of Experimental Learning PAGEREF _Toc406610328 h 2

HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610329” Discussion PAGEREF _Toc406610329 h 3

HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610330” Experiential Learning Cycle PAGEREF _Toc406610330 h 4

HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610331” Experiential Learning Styles PAGEREF _Toc406610331 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610332” Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc406610332 h 6

HYPERLINK l “_Toc406610333” References PAGEREF _Toc406610333 h 7


Experiential learning is the demonstration of taking in picked up from the encounters an individual has been included in or has encountered. Experiential learning appraoch have been produced to depict the strategies by which experiential learning is picked up. This viewpoint on adapting “experientially” accentuates the focal part that experience plays in the learning methodology (Bergsteiner, Avery & Neumann, 2010). “Learning is depicted as a procedure whereby ideas are gotten from and consistently adjusted by experience, no two contemplations are ever the same as experience dependably intercedes” (Bruneel, Yli‐Renko & Clarysse, 2010) or the “result of reflection upon experience, with the way of the reflection and the nature of the experience being critical to general learning” (Jordi, 2010). Albeit experiential taking in is separated from different modes of learning, information is picked up from a blend of techniques, for example, behavioral learning, albeit behavioral learning speculations deny any part for cognizant and subjective involvement in the learning procedure (Kolb, A & Kolb, 2012). Instruction is the demonstration of conferring or securing learning and this may be picked up in numerous distinctive ways. Any strategy for discovering that learning ought to be investigated, to give a finer understanding of how we learn.

Theories of Experimental Learning

There are numerous speculations about how learning is picked up. Experiential learning scholars have arranged learning into two sorts – Cognitive and Experiential. Cognitive learning is the information that is picked up from effectively captivating to remember data – settling on a cognizant decision to take in the data. Adapting in an experiential circumstance captivates the intuitive personality and is gotten from the demonstration of doing – support may not be needed for an experience to be occupied with. How information obtaining happens, decides the techniques that are utilized to convey data or circumstances that may structure a learning knowledge (Kolb, A & Kolb, 2012). Learning scholars have endeavored to characterize experiential learning and created numerous models to inspect the phases of learning experienced in different experiential learning cycles. Each one model uses distinctive stages to decide how the information is picked up from the experience. These reach from single stages models – where the experience itself is sufficient for figuring out how to two, three four or more stages. All have been utilized to further refine learning picked up experientially and portray the methods that are included. David Kolb, John Dewey and Bert Juch are scholars have endeavored to characterize experiential learning with these models (Mainemelis, Boyatzis & Kolb, 2002). As more research is led the models gave, are altered to further clarify how information is picked up or granted. This thus furnishes instructors and understudies with instruments expected to expand the learning imparting procedure.


Mainemelis, Boyatzis & Kolb (2002) accepts that learners have quick solid encounters that permit them to ponder new experience from alternate points of view. From these intelligent perceptions the learners take part in “theoretical conceptualization” making speculations or standards that coordinate their perceptions into sound hypotheses. At last these speculations or hypotheses are utilized as advisers for further activity of the learner. This experimentation permits the learner to test what has been realized in other, and more mind boggling circumstances. Regularly the result is an alternate solid experience, yet one that is experienced at a great deal more mind boggling level even subliminally (McCarthy, 2010). The application of this hypothesis proposes that when a learner is in a circumstance which is synchronized with their learning style a larger amount of accomplishment in that specific circumstance will happen (Mainemelis, Boyatzis & Kolb, 2002). The ramifications of this hypothesis is that if a working part could survey the specific learning style of the understudies she was showing she could perhaps pick the strategies for instructing, and the evaluation of the learning conclusions of understudies in a classroom that reflected those styles all the more nearly. Analysts don’t totally concur that these learning styles can be dependably measured utilizing instruments, for example, Prices’ Learning Style Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicators, or the Learning Preference Inventor (McCarthy, 2010). Different specialists have discovered little proof that “matching” learning styles with “learning strategies is connected with enhancing learning results”. Disregarding that certainty the utilization of Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory has been demonstrated “psychometrically dependable” (McCarthy, 2010). As experiential learning is built all the more in light of the reason of the dynamic expression of “doing” as opposed to the latent expression of “being carried out” it exhibits various difficulties and obstacles for business employees. Basically understudies in this environment are required to practice the very abilities they are adapting in the classroom as they are more prone to exchange that experience to their picked professions or callings. Adapting subsequently gets to be “experiential” when it likewise contains the essential fixings of reflection, exchange, and backing for the understudy. Staff showing business subjects are regularly ignorant of this critical procedure of adapting as most courses in business schools are taught fundamentally utilizing address, and the educator assuming the part of speaker (Mainemelis, Boyatzis & Kolb, 2002).

Experiential Learning CycleDavid Kolb named his model as ‘Experiential Learning’ on the grounds that he generally accepted that experience is the center reason which prompts all preparation and learning. Each one end of the lattice framed by recognition continuum and handling continuum prompts venture of learning methodology. Steps in learning procedure are ‘Cement Experience’ which is identified with the “inclination” in observation continuum, ‘Intelligent Observation’ which is identified with the “Viewing” in transforming continuum, ‘Unique Conceptualization’ which is identified with the “Reasoning” in discernment continuum and last one is ‘Dynamic Experimentation’ which is identified with the “doing” in handling continuum (Kolb, A & Kolb, 2012). Expounding on Concrete Experience (feeling) this sort of learners gain from a few unambiguous or distinct encounters and they relate these occurrences to the individuals and besides this kind of learners will be exceptionally delicate to other individuals’ feelings and emotions. Proceeding onward to Reflective perception (Watching) this sort of learners like to take choices in the wake of investigating a matter from diverse plot and they watch or watch the circumstances painstakingly before taking any choices they tent to investigate the internal significance of things. Next is Abstract Conceptualization (Thinking) this sort of individuals or learners attempt to break down given thoughts or circumstance utilizing coherent thinking and assess them and will be extremely judicious and they will just follow up on educated keen of a circumstance (Mainemelis, Boyatzis & Kolb, 2002). Presently the last and last of the cycle is Active Experimentation (Doing) this gathering of learners have incredible capacity or ability to accomplish thinks by others by impacting individuals and they will likewise be prepared to take danger to attain what they require and will be dynamic. Kolb’s and rotisserie has contended that an individual can enter the cycle at any four focuses yet more often than not it is chosen by circumstance or environment from where to begin. Kolb’s says that a learner can be the best in an errand in the event that he hones all the four aforementioned modes. Emulating example will help for better understanding of the subject, consider a kid figuring out how to ride a bike for this situation

Experiential Learning StylesKolb’s have by and large created four fundamental styles of taking in these are made out of blend of recognition continuum and handling continuum which insights about how individuals yearning to learn. He doesn’t feel that learning styles are focused around identity qualities or they are consistent however rather he accepts that it is focused around foundations and experience which make them create some steady examples of conduct. The four principle learning styles are;

Diverging Experimental learning:- These individuals are exceedingly creative and imaginative; they demand development and strive for consistent change in their regarded field. They are more fulfilled by perception, and has capacity to research a matter from distinctive heading, than doing activities and they likewise have a wide social viewpoint these individuals are sentiments situated and get effected by emotions effortlessly (Kolb, A & Kolb, 2012).

Assimilating Experimental learning) :- They can thoroughly consider numerous perception and contemplations and can consolidate everything together and after that they put these information’s into intelligent thinking’s .This sort of learners are the person who is making hypotheses , models and intrigued by making examinations. They are not peopling focused yet more joined with theoretical ideas

Converging (Abstract Conceptualization, Active Experimentation):- This gathering favors in taking care of issues utilizing reasonable application, they are not inventive or creative and has tight hobbies however great in choice making on the grounds that they are unemotional however they favor specialized issues over interpersonal issues.

Accommodating (concrete experience, Active Experimentation):- These people groups most prominent quality is in doing the work, they are prepared to test any work given they hop in and simply begin doing. They profoundly appreciate danger taking and are exceptionally adaptable. On the off chance that the circumstances requests them to act instantly they do in like manner and full fill the destinations. They despise thought and reflections rather lean toward experimentation (Bruneel, Yli‐Renko & Clarysse, 2010).


The Kolb’s experiential learning model is an incredible idea however as every coin has an inverse side this additionally has some negative side. Firstly Kolb’s learning model aided in sorting out, arranging and learning exercises yet it neglected to address the when an individual needed to reflect his or her individual experience and it additionally couldn’t uncover components of reflection.

ReferencesBergsteiner, H., Avery, G. C., & Neumann, R. (2010). Kolb’s experiential learning model: critique from a modelling perspective. Studies in Continuing Education, 32(1), 29-46.

Bruneel, J., Yli‐Renko, H., & Clarysse, B. (2010). Learning from experience and learning from others: how congenital and interorganizational learning substitute for experiential learning in young firm internationalization. Strategic entrepreneurship journal, 4(2), 164-182.

Jordi, R. (2010). Reframing the concept of reflection: Consciousness, experiential learning, and reflective learning practices. Adult Education Quarterly, 0741713610380439.

Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2012). Experiential learning theory. In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 1215-1219). Springer US.

Mainemelis, C., Boyatzis, R. E., & Kolb, D. A. (2002). Learning styles and adaptive flexibility testing experiential learning theory. Management learning,33(1), 5-33.

McCarthy, M. (2010). Experiential learning theory: From theory to practice.Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 8(5).