Factors, which led to this speedy change or differences between different generations in the modern era

Generation Gap







Generation gap refers to limited or lack of good communication terms between two generations. This lack of communication is always between the old and the young in the society and may results from differences in outlook, tastes/choices, and values among other factors. Research records indicate that generation gap has been in existence since the early times due to ideology differences. However, the current generation gap surpasses the previous ones due to hasty cultural change between diverse generations in the modern era. There are certain factors, which led to this speedy change or differences between different generations in the modern era. These factors include different music taste, different fashion taste, cultural affiliations, and different political views. This generation gap affects both generations involved though on different intensity. The effects may be positive or negative depending on the outcome of the differences. During the 1960s, there was a rapid increase in the number of young generations; this magnified the generation difference between the old and the young generation as years passed. The young generation alienated themselves from the old establishing themselves as an independent block in the society (Falk & Falk, 2005).

Importance and the Effects of the Generation Gap on the Parties Involved

The effects of these differences between the generations had both negative and positive impact on the two generations. For instance, the young generation believed in modernity and the new western culture hence abolishing some of the primitive cultural practices such as female circumcision among other practices. The abolition of such practices helped in saving the lives of many young and innocent girls who may have succumbed to that backward practice. Different fashion taste had both positive and negative impact on the young generation as discussed in this section. During the ancient times, the mode of dressing was primitive with people dressed in animal skin and leaves. This mode of dressing exposed most of the body parts to the ultra sun rays, which can cause serious skin diseases. These diseases may not only lead to misery but also to unnecessary loss of lives. After modernization, the young generation adopted and embraced the western culture of dressing, which include dressing in clothes manufactured in cottons. These clothes cover body parts and are made for different seasons of the year. For instance, there are clothes meant for the cold season and others for the hot or warm seasons. These clothes depends on material used, clothes meant for the warm or hot season are usually made from light material while the ones meant for the cold season are relatively heavy to aid in survival during such seasons. The old generation dwelled so much in politics and political activities making this practice personal. Due to this differences in political views, many development projects were affected or halted since the camps involved could not reach a mutual agreement. This is not the case with the new generation, which does not consider the differences personal but ideological. This helps them to avoid unnecessary stalemates since they understand that they work for the development of their countries or region rather than for persona benefit (Prasad, 1992).

This generation gap also had negative impact on the parties involved. For instance, the relation between parents and their children was affected, as the children tend to keep secrets from their parents. This is dangerous since the children may suffer in silence instead of seeking necessary help from their parents. The young generation tend to share among themselves and with the limited experience they posses; they may resort to the wrong solution to their issues. This difference on personal relationship between parents and their children may lead to depression between both parties involved. Parents may be stressed since they may feel unwanted by their children. The same case may happen to the children since they may also feel negated by their parents (Riegel, & Meacham, 2008).

Different taste in fashion and music taste may have negative effects on the young generation in a number of ways. The young generation idolizes their role models who are celebrities, musicians, politicians, and other media personalities. Some the music produced by these celebs promotes violence and pornography and since the young idolize them, they may be involved in such vices. The mode of dressing of these celebrities also promotes immorality since they expose too much skin, which may lead to lust and rape cases. This not only encourages immorality but also puts the lives of the youths in danger since they may fall victims to rapist and robbers. The young generation also tend to take most of their time indulging in unnecessary events such as watching movies, series, and other TV programs. These events consume most of their time, which they could have used in undertaking important activities such as studies and other constructive sports (Deal, 2011).


In conclusion, it is evident that the generation gap has both positive and negative impact on the generations involved. Some of the positive effects may be professional handling of situations rather than personalizing everything. These may lead to development in the regions since people will handle projects from professional point of view rather than personal views hence avoiding personal conflicts. Consultation between this two generation will however, prevent the negative effects since they will assist each other in needy cases


Deal, J. J., & Center for Creative Leadership. (2007). Retiring the generation gap: How employees young and old can find common ground. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

Falk, G., & Falk, U. A. (2005). The youth culture and the generation gap. New York, N.Y: Algora.

Prasad, R. (1992). Generation gap, a sociological study of inter-generational conflicts. New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications. international Society for the Study of Behavioral Development.,

Riegel, K. F., & Meacham, J. A. (2008). The developing individual in a changing world. New Brunswick, N.J: AldineTransaction.