NameProfessorCourseDateFeasibility Report on Using the Flasher Device for Advertisement Purposes by the Nestle International IntroductionPurposeThepurpose of thisreport is to assessthefeasibility of usingthe flasher devicefortheproductioncommercial adverts for their newinfantproduct availed in themarket. ProblemNestle is a global food processing company headquartered in Switzerland andtheleadingfoodcompany in totalrevenues worldwide. Thecompanywascreated in 1905 following themerger of two milkcompaniesandwasable to grow over theyears to becometheleadingfood processing company worldwide.Thecompany is present in 86 countrieswhereitoperates 450 factoriesandemploys about 328,000 employees. Thecompany has diversified is the production from producingtheinitialbabyformulaproductsandcondensedmilk to its currentproductportfolio of 8000 brands. Its majorproductsare distributed across 12 majorfoodtypes that includebabyfood, milkshakes, chocolate andconfectionery, pharmaceutical products, icecreams, coffee, teas, breakfastcereals, bottled water, and cosmetics. Thecompanyrecordsthehighestnumber of sales in thefoodindustry, with 29 of its topbrandsalonehavingannualsalestotaling to over $ 1 billion, andwasrankedthemostprofitablecompany in 2011.It has branchesandsalesoffices in over one hundred and fifty countries in theentireworld.Thecompanyrecentlypurchased a flasher fortheproduction of its commercial adverts. Thisdeviceuses an automatedsystem to control lightening during theshooting of the adverts. Thissystemdeploystheuses of circuitbreakersfitted with sensors, which controlsthe lightening system of thelamps as per the programming during theadvertisementperiod. To maximize theperformancecapability of thisdevice, themarketingandadvertisementdepartment of nestle international improvised the flashers with strongerandmoresensitive fitters, which controlsthelampsmoreefficiently. Theyfittedthe flasher with sensitivedetectorsbelievingthatthis would maximize its performance level; thiswas not thecase during one of theshootingsessions since the flasher stoppedfunctioning. Thisfeasibilityreport will addressthefeasibility of boththe flasher andtheimproviseddetectorsinstalled in it to makeitperformancecapabilitybetter than theunimproved one.ScopeThe flasher is an automateddeviceused to controlthe lightening system during theshooting of commercial adverts. Thisdevicewill be evaluatedusingthefollowingcriteria: cost, performance, and availability in themarket. DiscussionCostThestreetvalue of thisdevicevaries depending on thebulkorpurchaseamount. Whenpurchased in bulk, thedevicecostless than whenpurchased in singleorsmallquantity. DataComparison between different online retail websites provided a range of $200 to $700 for a number of vendorswhoowns online salesstores with thisdevice, the flasher. Thispricerange is fair sine thedeviceperformsa vital task during theshooting of commercialsandother adverts. InterpretationThisoffer of charges between $200 and $600 received from most of the online stores is a prettycompetitiveandfair to theprospectbuyers. Availability This not onlytheexistenceorpresence of thisdevice in the online marketbutalsothetimerequiredfor its delivery to theclients, thenewdevice is required by the Nestle Company within 20 days after thepaymentperiod.DataMost of the online storeshavetherequireddeviceandthe improvised device, which makesthedetectorworkbetter. They can makedeliveries within 12 hours from thetime of thetransaction. Thisindicatesthatthedevice is readilyavailableandbe acquired at anytimethecompanychooses to makethetransaction. PerformancePerformancerequirementsincludethe flasher’s accuracy, sensitivity, andsignalratio as well as its pick up pattern. DataThetable below providesresultforthis flasher device. Theresultsincludeboththeimproviseddeviceperformanceandtheunimprovedperformancecapability of thesamedevice. Italsoshowstherequiredperformancecapabilityandtheactualperformancecapability of these two devices.
Improvised flasher device Excellent speed and sensitivity level Recorded a generally excellent performance considering all the required factors
Unimproved flasher device Average speed, excellent sensitivity level Recorded a generally good performance with average speed but high sensitivity level
InterpretationThetableshowsthatthe improvised version of the flasher devicerecordedbetterresults than its originalversion. Thespeed level of the improvised deviceshowsbetterperformance than its originalversion. Thesensitivity level on thecontrary,remainsconstant in bothdevices. ConclusionSummaryThe data presentedindicatesbetterperformancerecordsdisplayed by the improvised device than its originalunimprovedversion. Thisimpliesthattheinstallation of thedetectorsimprovedthespeed of theflasherswhencontrollingthelampsused during thecommercialshootings. However, theydid not affectthesensitivity of the flasher device. ConclusionThe improvised flasher is a feasibledeviceforuse in theshorting of commercial adverts. RecommendationNestle should accepttheofferprovided in the online marketandpurchasethedeviceandthedetectors, which makes its performancelevelfaster than theoriginalversion.