Female Circumcision

Female Circumcision


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Female circumcision is one practice that has been in existence for a long time. This practice has been said to be a passage rite by those who practice it. It has brought a lot of range from those who oppose the practice. This practice is seen as one of the most inhumane acts in the world. Circumcision is only allowed to male, but has escalated to the female gender. Mainly practiced in the African continent, this practice is seen as one of the ways of culture in Africa. This practice is also known as the genital mutilation. This involves removal of some of the external or even the whole parts which are external. This practice is said to have no anesthesia given to the victim, and the use of tools like knives and razors are used. This practice is grouped into four. They include clitoridectomy, excision, infibulation and practices like the vagina cutting with a motive of enlarging it.

This practice is said to have a lot of consequences to the female gender. Some of these complications include infertility, epidermoid cyst, vaginal infections, chronic pains and fatal hemorrhage. This practice is also associated with complications that are associated with pregnancy. This practice has continued to gain popularity in its rejections as many of the professionals claim that this practice has a lot of health complications and consequences and is a violation of the rights of the female gender. These professionals also claim that those who practice it have no information about its consequences. This practice is deemed to be bad and a ban imposing its rejection is imposed.

Female genital mutilation is as explained in the article to be very prevalent in Africa. The article explains that this practice is deemed by many to be a traditional and religious practice. This practice is also said to be prevalent since women look up on their male counterparts for advice and other necessities. This practice as explained by the article states that women are said to lead the practice to continuation. The article also states that this practice also has become one that is very hard to eliminate. Elimination of the practice has been met by protests mainly led by women. This states that the practice is very imminent in the lives of these people. This states that a considerable measure must be taken to ensure that it is curbed. The article also states that lack of education and other amenities have led women to this practice. The hard economic times also acts as a propellant to this practice.

The practice of female circumcision is said very imminent in many African and some western states. This practice is basically practice on basis of culture and traditions. This practice cannot be deemed unsafe or bad based on practice. This practice was practiced as per the rules of traditions and culture. This practice was practiced by different cultures who deemed the practice as on their important ways of ushering a person into adulthood. The rejection faced as the other western countries tries to bring it to an end may seem as very useless. This is based on the fact that it is their culture. This practice may only end after a longer period since not many of the African states are as civilized and improved in comparison to many western states. This means that based on these African countries, female circumcision is bad and is considered a tradition that should not be broken.

Critical cultural relativism states that if a practice is a tradition, then it cannot be changed or judged. This states that these traditions cannot be judged by another. This implies that the western countries should not judge the African communities that practice female circumcision. This is because it is their tradition which they hold from a very long time. Those judging these people would be considered ethnocentrism. This means they judge others based on their practices which is not very good. This implies that those practicing it view it as a way that helps those who pass the practice. This means that in the eyes of the western states, they view this practice as very consequential. This practice on the eyes of the African people is sacred, and a tradition, and should be respected by those who are the members or not. Based on this relativism, it is important for each state and community to respect the practices of the other. This also means that they should also respect the views and all what they do.

Female circumcision is one practice that should be judged. This is because the practice is not very helpful as those who practice it claim. Based on the effects that this practice has to those who have undergone it, it should be abolished. This is also based on the fact that it plays and dehumanizes the rights of the female gender. This practice should not be viewed as a tradition as it also engraves the rights of the female people. This means that the dangers which include infertility, epidermoid cyst, vaginal infections, chronic pains and fatal hemorrhage are very harmful to the practitioner. This is also attributed to the fact that death is also another consequence that can be imminent. These dangers mean that they lead and make the life of the female in compromise. This practice should be disregarded as also many tend to do it facing pressure from their family members. This practice should be free and fair and no measures should be issued to those who willingly want to do it.

The way that the practice is also carried also signifies that it is done as a secret. This implies to the fact that it is done mostly at night and in very awkward places. This practice also is never carried out in hospitals entailing that is not fit for practice. This practice should be rejected and special measures taken to those who use and practice female circumcision. This practice is deemed to be unfit as these complications are very complicated to ladies.


Female circumcision is very imminent in many African communities as a tradition and also as a religious practice. This tradition as explained in the essay proves and has proved to be very disastrous to those it is imposed to. The fact that this practice is forced to the female gender makes it very harmful and also very bad. Measures to end this practice should be put in place to ensure that considerable time is taken to end it. For those who believe that it is tradition, other ways to substitute it should be put in place.


Momoh, C. (2005). Female genital mutilation. Oxford: Radcliffe Pub.