Final Essay Questions
Directions: Write a 4-6pg. research paper on one of the following topics. Be persuasive in outlining your criticism/interpretation. One must incorporate 2-3 sources from scholarly journals. You must adhere to MLA guidelines.
There are many cultural and domestic elements present within “The Rocking Horse Winner.” Why did Paul die? Can we blame his mother for his demise? Briefly explain what capitalism is and how class structure may have influenced Hester’s motives. You must be persuasive in your argument.
What do the characters in Hills Like White Elephants tell us about relationships and power? Explain the multitude of meaning behind the apparent symbolism in conjunction with The Ice-Berg Theory? Lastly, talk about Hemingway’s use of ambiguous dialogue as the compelling force for plot and character development.
We saw the absurdity that was The Metamorphosis. In what way did this help us understand the narrative? What does this story tell us about human compassion? What is existentialism? Given his state, could Gregor had done anything differently? Explain.