Final internship Training in Networks and Datacenter Department

Final internship Training in Networks and Datacenter Department





The reason for this report is to investigate the temporary position program at the IT bureau of the service of inside. We were told to keep up the network and server. We were additionally appointed a lot of other related undertakings on distinctive IT services, for example, get ready switch design, appoint network VLAN, arrange switch, wireless, switch and Firewall.


I was able to successfully complete the internship following the rich instructions which helped me gain a wealth of experience. I am therefore indebted to the help and co-operation from my supervisor, professors, teachers team worker member, and colleague from my college. I am thankful to those who have helped me complete this process. This has truly been a learning experience. I would like to thank God for His grace and mercy that has allowed me to see such beautiful blessings in my lifetime. I would also like to thank my parents, for their encouragement, prayers, love, and support. I would also like to thank the following people for their support


TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375677” List of Figures PAGEREF _Toc417375677 h 4

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375678” List of Tables PAGEREF _Toc417375678 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375679” Introduction PAGEREF _Toc417375679 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375680” What is the network PAGEREF _Toc417375680 h 8

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375681” Type of cable use in network PAGEREF _Toc417375681 h 8

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375682” Type of network PAGEREF _Toc417375682 h 12

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375683” Network topology PAGEREF _Toc417375683 h 14

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375684” Network layers PAGEREF _Toc417375684 h 19

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375687” Network device PAGEREF _Toc417375687 h 23

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375688” VLAN PAGEREF _Toc417375688 h 30

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375692” Virtual Private Network (VPN) PAGEREF _Toc417375692 h 32

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375693” Network Protocols PAGEREF _Toc417375693 h 34

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375694” Data Center Environment PAGEREF _Toc417375694 h 38

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375695” KVM switch PAGEREF _Toc417375695 h 39

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375696” Windows server (2003-2008-2012) PAGEREF _Toc417375696 h 40

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375698” Features of Windows Server 2012 PAGEREF _Toc417375698 h 43

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375700” Types of Server PAGEREF _Toc417375700 h 49

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375701” Backup Data PAGEREF _Toc417375701 h 51

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375702” Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc417375702 h 56

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375703” Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc417375703 h 56

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417375704” Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc417375704 h 58

List of Figures TOC h z c “Figure” HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376239” Figure 1: Illustration of the IT department in the Ministry of Interior8

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376240” Figure 2: Coaxial cable9

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376241” Figure 3: Twisted cables PAGEREF _Toc417376241 h 11

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376242” Figure 4: Optical cables PAGEREF _Toc417376242 h 13

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376243” Figure 5: Linear Bus topology16

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376244” Figure 6: Star topology17

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376245” Figure 7: Tree topology18

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376246” Figure 8: explains a simple interVLAN routing scenario32

HYPERLINK l “_Toc417376247” Figure 9: internet VPN35

IntroductionMinistry of interior

The ministry has various tasks to handle or functions. The ministry is divided into smaller and smaller department so that it could be easy to handle their functions. The ability to handle functions at the ministry has been helped by the introduction of Information technology. I was able to do my internship at the ministry under the IT department.

The vision of Ministry Of Interior

The vision of the ministry is to offer information concerning the activities of the government to the people.

It also fosters innovation and renewal service to the people of UAE

Data and Information Technology

The Ministry of Interior is led inside of a setting that is objective, interdisciplinary, and multimodal. This page highlights as of late discharged data and information reports, meeting declarations, demands for proposition, and different declarations identified with information and data innovation. Moreover, it incorporates connections to choose information and data innovation examination related exercises occurring at the government and state levels, and inside of the scholarly and worldwide busation groups. At last, this page additionally highlights and gives connections to TRB projects and exercises, which are the wellspring of the vast majority of TRB’s information and data innovation related examination items.


What is the networkA network comprises of two or more PCs that are connected keeping in mind the end goal to share assets, (for example, printers and CDs), Exchange documents, or permit electronic interchanges. The PCs on a network may be connected through cables, phone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light shafts.

Coaxial cable

A kind of wire that comprises of a middle wire encompassed by protection and afterward a grounded shield of meshed wire. The shield minimizes electrical and radio recurrence obstruction. Coaxial cabling is the essential kind of cabling used by the HQ TV industry and is likewise generally used for PC networks, for example, Ethernet. Albeit more extravagant than standard phone wire, it is significantly less vulnerable to obstruction and can convey a great deal more data.

Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 2: Coaxial cableCoaxial cable is made of external empty channel and internal wire made of two directing component. The focal point of a cable is made of copper wire. Copper wire has encompassing by adaptable protection. Metallic foil is coted over the protecting called second layer. Second layer is decrease the measure of outside impedance. Coaxial cable is bolster 10 to 100 mbps of exchange rate. Coaxial cable is minimal lavish than UTP cable. Nonetheless, coaxial cable can less expensive in physical transport topology. Coaxial cable can cabled long removed than UTP cable.

Twisted pair cable

Twisted pair cable is a kind is can use for phone correspondence and can link ethernet systems. A couple of wires that can transmit information. At the point when electronic flag through a wire, that make little attractive field around a wire. At the point when place two wire together, the attractive fields are inverse of one another. In this way, two attractive fields are vanish. They can distory any attractive fields outside. There are two sort of turned pair link, unshielded contorted pair (UTP)and protected bent pair (STP).

Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 3: Twisted cablesUnshielded Twisted Paired Cable (UTP)

The Unshielded Twisted-Pair or UTP is the most well-known twisted pair cable used as a part of interchanges. Cables that comprise of sets of unshielded wire turned together. It is the most well-known sort of copper phone wiring. It has four sets of shading coded twisted pair cables that are secured with a plastic external coat.

Shield Twisted Paired Cable (STP)

Shielded turned pair is a unique sort of copper phone wiring used as a part of some business establishments. It is used to dispose of inductive and capacitive coupling. Bending offsets inductive coupling, while the shield wipes out capacitive coupling. Most applications for this cable are between gear, racks and structures. Protecting adds typically some lessening to the cable (contrasted with unshielded), yet more often than not on the grounds that on account of adjusted transmission, the supplementing signs will successfully counteract any shield streams, so shield current misfortunes are irrelevant.

Despite the fact that STP anticipates obstruction better than UTP, it is more costly and hard to introduce. What’s more, the metallic protecting must be grounded at both finishes. On the off chance that it is badly grounded, the shield demonstrations like a reception apparatus and gets undesirable signs. In light of its cost and trouble with end, STP is seldom used as a part of Ethernet networks. STP is fundamentally used as a part of Europe.

 Optical Fiber cable 

Fiber optics links have a more measure of data transfer capacity than metal links which implies it can convey more information at a decent speed and fiber optic links are exceptionally more slender furthermore lighter in contrasted with metal wires and the information can be transmitted digitally instead of analogically. It is lower at establishment cost, it is non-conductive and a decent point is, there are insignificant shots of short out and flash

Fiber optics links are lavish to buy and are additionally delicate then wire and it is likewise hard to consolidation. Fiber optic transmitters and recipients are lavish in correlation to electrical interfaces. Fiber optic is not helpless to radio recurrence impedance which would be a noteworthy issue for clients of coaxial cabling.

Optical frameworks are more secure than conventional mediums. Electromagnetic impedance causes coaxial links to hole data. Optical fiber makes it difficult to remotely distinguish the sign being transmitted inside of the link. The best way to do as such is by really getting to the optical fiber itself. Getting to the fiber obliges intercession that is effortlessly noticeable by security reconnaissance. These circumstances make fiber greatly alluring to governments, banks and organizations obliging expanded security of information.

Copper wire transmission can produce flashes, bringing about deficiencies and even fire. Since fiber optical strands utilize light rather than power to convey signals, the shot of an electrical discharge is disposed of. This makes fiber optics an outstandingly safe type of wiring and one of the most secure types of information transmission.

Fiber optic frameworks are considerably more successful than coaxial or copper frameworks, on the grounds that there is negligible loss of information. This can be credited to the configuration of optical strands, in view of the rule of aggregate interior reflection. The cladding builds the adequacy of information transmission essentially. There is no crosstalk between links, e.g. phone signals from abroad utilizing a sign bobbed off a correspondences satellite, will bring about a reverberation being listened. With undersea fiber optic links, you have an immediate association with no echoes.

Not at all like electrical flags in copper wires the light flags from one fiber don’t meddle with those of different strands in the same link. This implies clearer telephone discussions or TV gathering. A few kilometers of optical link can be made far less expensive than proportionate lengths of copper wire. Management, for example, the web is frequently less expensive on the grounds that fiber optic signs stay solid longer, obliging less control after some time to transmit signals than copper-wire frameworks, which require high-voltage transmitters.

Type of network


A wired Local Area Network is said to be a network association which includes the utilization of cable or wire to connection one or more stations to the next in order to exchange and get information data. Prior to the presentation of wireless network, Computer network association has essentially is done utilizing wired frameworks. Wired based LAN makes utilization of Ethernet cables and connector which are connected to switches, center points or switch to unite with more PCs, then again a hybrid cable can be utilized to interface two or more PCs straightforwardly. In a wired network association, cables/wires are draw through the divider and it is been connected to a PC gadget to obtain entrance to a network station (Internet and so forth). In wired LAN the cable utilized it more like a phone shape jack, which is to be associated with the PC gadget, they should likewise be possible utilizing a dialup intends to get to the web; the facilitating PC which incorporates a present day run the web association whereby sharing its association with the related PCs on the network area.(Ref) One of the new improvements which are a broadband switch serves to simple network sharing from a cable modem or DSL web association and has in constructed firewall.(Ref)One of the significant issue of the wired LAN is it settled framework (Inflexibility and stationary).

Wired network is secured and its security does not give any extra encryption to data information which are transmitted through it; be that as it may, on the grounds that the network is exchanged it makes it troublesome for interlopers to get entrance to the information in the wire framework without taking advantage of the line physically. Then again if the information leaves the network range, the PC services can not guarantee or insurance the client about its security. (|Ref) If there is touchy data that is foreordained off the network district, a few clients ordinarily utilize an outsider encryption instruments to empower their and secure its data:(Ref) for instance like in that of a DOCSIS-based cable modem frameworks which empower client with high velocity access to parcel -based information services, they incorporate Internet access, packet telephony, feature conferencing, and working from home (i.e., wireless access to big business networks).(ref) The DOCSIS structural planning does sifting which serves to lessen danger of assaults which are connected to CPE device(Customer Premises Equipment, or individual computer),this are fundamentally related in the use of wired network access frameworks

The favorable circumstances and impediments of a wired based LANs are straight forward. Wired based Local territory network (LANs), are known not valuable in regions where high measure of information data, which additionally incorporates both features and representation are to be exchanged from one network association with the other. Not withstanding it likewise has its shortcomings, which are as per the following: Flexibility is an issue in wired based LANs, amid establishment it obliges the buy of cables or wires, and they are extravagant both on the forthright cost (establishment) and upkeep angle. The other one is it versatility, wired based LAN term to bound one to a specific locale when utilizing them. In any case, on account of Wireless LANs, the two principle drawbacks of a wired LAN are known not preferences in them. Wired LAN has two key preferences which are its great and high transmission limits furthermore great security .These two favorable circumstances of wired LAN stance to be shortcoming in WLAN. A wireless range Local Area network (WLAN), uses radio waves for transmission and this make them inclined to impedances furthermore presented to programmers man in the center assault and free network clients assailant who need to make utilization of free web or get entrance to imperative data. As of late better methods for securing wireless LANs has been put to place .The utilization of wired equal protection (WEP) encryption, Wi-Fi ensured access(WPA) and different wireless network sniffers are currently choices which have been presented, however they are still a long way from flawless and this has made the WLANs stay under-secured. One other issue with the subject to Wireless Local Area Network, is the issue of its dependence on battery innovation, this can likewise restrain altogether there use. Then again, the issue confronted by Wireless Local Area Network which is restricted transmission limit and high cost connected with the rate of transmission. Without further ado, change are been done and will require more propel innovation towards sorting. Notwithstanding WLANs has more points of interest in contrasted with that of the customary LANs, looking starting here of perspective; Wireless LAN has an improved establishment and arrangement mode, and simply the entrance point which obliges the utilization of cabling. Once it has been design it (WLANs) can be moved from its available area to an alternate area with practically zero alteration issue. At long last ,its starting expense of establishment and upkeep expense are generally low contrasted with wired LAN and its adaptability issue is a major point of preference ,whereby making open door for it clients towards changing their working example


A wide region network is a network where a substantial number of assets can be conveyed in a wide topographical zone. The best illustration of a WAN is the web itself by which is the biggest network on the planet. With the goal correspondence should occur between PCs a medium must be utilized. Illustrations of this are cables, Routers, Repeaters, Ethernet, centers and switches.

These diverse mediums make information correspondence conceivable. There are two fundamental sorts of Wide Area Network disseminated and brought together.

Centralized WAN:

A WAN that comprises of a server or a gathering of servers in a focal area to which customer PCs associate. The server gives a large portion of the usefulness of a network. Numerous banks, high road chains schools and colleges utilize this sort of WAN.

Distributed WAN

A wide region organize that comprises of customer and server PCs that are appropriated all through the network. This sort of WAN is normally use for corporate business that have branch workplaces all through the world. WANs are vital in associating foundations that are a long way from one another. The fundamental reason for the wan is to build up a safe, quick and solid convey channel among the individuals who are generally far from one another. Wide region networks are regularly exclusive networks. An illustration of this WAN is “SURFnet”, which is an examination organize that join the colleges and exploration focuses of the Netherlands with one another.

Versatile steering or element directing is the technique by which a framework is equipped for change the way a course as a consequence of progress in conditions this is to permit a high rate of courses that can have their destination come to this is generally utilized as a part of information networks management to depict the ability of a network to ‘course around’ harm, for example, loss of a hub or an association between hubs, inasmuch as other way decisions are accessible. Non-versatile directing or Static steering is an information correspondence idea portraying restricted of designing way determination of switches in PC networks. It is the kind of steering portrayed by the nonappearance of correspondence between switches with respect to the present topology of the network. This is accomplished by physically adding courses to the directing table. Clogging control concerns controlling activity passage into an information transfers network, to keep away from congestive crumple by endeavoring to dodge over-membership of any of the preparing or connection capacities of the transitional hubs and networks and making asset decreasing strides, for example, diminishing the rate of sending packets. It ought not be mistaken for stream control, which keeps the sender from overpowering the recipient.

The lines in LANs are preferred quality over the diverts in the WAN, on the grounds that to the contrasts between the neighborhood and the wide system range, their topologies can take altogether different structures. The structure of the WAN has a tendency to be more unpredictable, because of the need to interface numerous terminals, PCs and exchanging focuses.

Circuit Switching: The circuit exchanging is a WAN exchanging system which sets up, keeps up and closures devoted physical circuit through a conveying system for every session of correspondence. The exchanging circuit, which is utilized broadly as a part of the systems of the phone organizations, works of structure like one circuit, which is generally utilized as a part of phone organization systems, works like a typical phone call. ISDN is an illustration of a circuit-exchanged WAN innovation. Associations circuit changed one site to another are activated when vital and by and large oblige low data transmission band. The circuit exchanged associations are utilized essentially to interface remote clients and versatile clients to the corporate LAN. Likewise it is utilized as reinforcement lines to circuit higher paces, for example, Frame Relay and other committed lines. One point of preference is it is profoundly solid for its capacity. A disservice is all the time spends to set up the channel furthermore there is the single point disappointment which can bring about an interruption in interchanges.

Message Switching: a PC is in control to acknowledge joined activity of systems to him. The PC inspects the course that shows up in the leader of the message towards the DTE that must get it. This innovation permits recording the data to deal with it later. The client can delete, store, course or answer the message of programmed structure.

Bundle Switching: In this sort of system the information of the clients are bothered in littler pieces. These sections or bundles, you are embedded inside of data of the convention and cross the system like autonomous associations.

Connectionless and Connection-Oriented Services: they happen specifically of the free circumstance to the best approach to exchange information. These systems don’t offer affirmations, stream control and neither recuperation of mistakes pertinent to the whole system, despite the fact that these capacities in the event that they exist for every specific association. A case of this kind of system is Internet.

In association Oriented bundles exchanged, the multiplexing idea exists in channels and ports are known as virtual circuit or channel. The client claims to have a committed asset, when he imparts to another then what it happens is that they deal with blasts of activity of distinctive clients.

A Wan is an extensive zone arrange that grows in a topographical region, for example, a nation or a mainland. It is referred to likewise as a correspondence framework that join PC systems, for example, LANs (neighborhood) and MANs (metro region system). The associations experience neighborhood, national or global ranges open or secretly, utilizing for the most part telephones lines, alluded to as POST, or utilizing PSTN (open exchanged phone system) or fiber optics, making the connection between systems situated in diverse offices.

A WAN varies from a LAN in a few imperative ways. Most WANs (like the Internet) are not claimed by any one association yet rather exist under aggregate or circulated possession and administration. WANs have a tendency to utilize innovation like ATM, Frame Relay and X.25 for network over the more drawn out separations.

These systems contain a gathering of machines to execute a few projects which are called hosts. These are joined with systems that have correspondence through switches with each LAN and a WAN interface. Remote access is something key for the organizations and clients on the grounds that it permits you to have versatility and work through diverse zones. Likewise it gives the advantage to show signs of improvement business out of your region.

Web Control Manage Protocol (ICMP) this convention is utilized to send lapse and control messages between framework or gadgets. The Ping utility uses ICMP to demand a reaction from a remote host to check whether accessible for correspondence. The reaction, if got, show that the remote host is reachable as well as to what extent it took to message to make the round outing from sender to beneficiary.

TCP/IP is a Transport layer convention , Transmission control Protocol (TCP) it can acknowledge any length of message from the upper layer convention and gives transportation to a TCP peer on another system station. TCP is association arranged. TCP sets up the association by utilizing the procedure called a three way handshake, whereby the PC starting a discussion sends a specialpacket to the proposed destination demonstrating is sought to make an association with a certain system benefits on the destination PC. The destination PC reacts with a positive affirmation if the solicitation administration is accessible .The initiator then sends its own affirmation, and an association is built up. At the point when an association is set up, a TCP port location is resolved for which association is bundle is ordained. TCP is in charge of message fracture and reassembly. Furthermore an acknowledgementensures that all information was gotten and to give stream control.

Class D locations are held for multicasting, in which a parcel is tended to so that more than one destination can get it. Applications that utilization this element incorporate videoconferencing and gushing media. In a class D address, the first octet is in the extent 224 to 239. The class D address can’t be utilized to appoint IP location to host PCs. Class E locations have a first- octet esteem in the extent 240 to 255. This scope of locations is saved for trial utilization and can’t be utilized for location task.

The system starting with 127 is known as the loopback address. The loopback delivers dependably allude to the nearby PC and is utilized to test the usefulness of TCP/IP. A bundle sent to any host location beginning with 127 is sent to the neighborhood gadget without coming to the media. An IP system or subnetwork can be characterized as a gathering of PCs and gadgets that have the same system part of their allocated IP deliver and don’t need to experience a switch to speak with each other. Isolating IP systems into smaller subnetworks is defeated various reasons

WLANWireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is a Local Area that uses high recurrence radio signs to transmit and get information over separations of a few feet. IEEE 802.11 gathering of gauges determine wireless LANs advancements. This uses spread-range or OFDM adjustment innovation taking into account radio waves which convey between gadgets in a restricted region. This is otherwise called the fundamental management set.

The entomb working issues between the 3rd Generation wireless network and Wireless Local Area Network with wireless web and the actuation of WLAN services are as of late came into spotlight. 3rd Generation wireless network gives the low transfer speed and it is excessively costly where as on account of WLAN, it serves the high data transmission in little regions and cheap. With the end goal of home clients the wireless has get to be famous because of simplicity of establishment and area flexibility with the picking up prominence of portable PCs. Utilizing OPNET test network a profound investigation has been finished with pioneer.

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is in view of a cell construction modeling where the framework is separated into number of cells. Indeed, even a wireless LAN can be shaped by single cell, with a solitary access point, most establishments will be framed by a few cells where the entrance point is joined. Present exploration has been sought a few applications in the field of network architectures and PC networks. 802.11 have the relatives, for example, 802.11a and 802.11b. The wireless LAN 802.11g may give either high throughput like 802.11a or 802.11b similarity, however not both at one time. Indeed, even these gadgets bolster a turbo mode that pairs the connection rate at 108Mbps.

The most extreme throughput may be accomplished at option at relative short separations with WLAN items, genuine execution will diminish as the separation between wireless stations is expanded. Natural effect can likewise be seen on reach and throughput. In these diverse sorts of situations the aggregate scope extent will be altogether distinctive. Present exploration work has been motivated from the continuous PC network improvement and intuitive sharing of assets between the pair of individual or gathering of work stations. Subsequently a compelling method for structural engineering outlining example has been executed in the present work to plan the physical network essentially.

Network topologyWhat is network topology?

Network topology alludes to the physical format (structure) of a network including cables, PCs and different assets. This decides how segments convey on the network influences network’s execution and development potential and decides kind of gear to buy and how to oversee network.

Local Area Networks (LANs) can be composed into different diverse structures. The most essential thing is that there are physical and legitimate topologies. The physical topology is the way wires are sorted out or keep running in the network (alludes to plan of cabling) though the sensible topology is the manner by which the network carries on consistently, that is, the way information or network messages go between PCs/hubs on the network.

Linear Bus

A bus topology is a network situated up in which hubs are joined with a section of cable fit as a fiddle of a line, with an eliminator at every end. A bus topology join every PC or hubs to a solitary section trunk. All hubs on the network share a typical bus and utilize a multi-drop transmission medium. Bus network permits stand out gadget to transmit at once. A conveyed access convention figures out which station is to transmit. The sign goes starting with one end of the bus then onto the next. An eliminator is required at each to chop down the sign so it doesn’t reflect back over the bus. CSMA/CA, media access strategy, is utilized to control the crashes that happen when two signs set on the wire in the meantime.

There are two sorts of bus topology: Linear Bus Topology and Distributed Bus Topology. In Linear Bus Topology, all hubs of the network are joined with a typical transmission medium which has precisely two endpoints. Dispersed Bus in which the majority of the hubs of the network are associated with a typical transmission medium which has more than two endpoints that are made by adding branches to the principle segment of the transmission medium.

Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 5: Linear Bus topologyRing Topology

Ring network topology has no focal server and join PCs around of point-to-point associations. Every hub handles its own applications. Furthermore shares assets over the whole network. On the off chance that one hub gets to be separate, the others are still ready to keep up contact with each other. Such a network is best for decentralized frameworks on the grounds that no needs are needed.

The sign is exchanged through a token for one station to the following. At the point when a station needs to transmit, it gets the token, joins information and a location to it. And afterward courses it around the ring. The token goes along the ring till achieves the destination address. The getting PC answers an affirmation to the sender source. The sender then discharges the token for utilization by another PC. Every station on the ring has equivalent get to yet stand out station can utilize token at once. To permit a precise access to the ring, a solitary electronic token goes starting with one