Final Project Proposal Worksheet





Final Project Proposal Worksheet

Question 1: The idea

List three questions about art, gender, and culture that you want to find out about by doing your final project.

How does gender identity influence how people live in a family setup, the wider community, and the workplace?

How do gender expectations relate to advertising and the media?

Is the media afraid of challenging the traditional thinking following how it represents males and females?

How might these questions help create your final project?

My project is mainly focused on the idea of advertising and looking into operations of the media.

Identify and describe the option choice you are considering (i.e., creation of an object, performance, collection, or interpretive exhibit). Tell me why you chose it.

I was delighted to find out that one of the options for the final project was concerned with creating one’s own piece of art because this has been my area of interest since high school. I also believe that the topic gives one the opportunity to express himself well and at the same time be able to expose any form of injustice in the world.

What insights, substance, thoughts, and creativity will this project bring to our work from the term? That is, what topic is explored more deeply? How will it contribute to what we have already discussed this term in a unique or new way?

The project will strive to touch on everything learnt throughout the term although it will focus more on the aspect of male gaze and how it is related to today’s media from my own perspective. It will be unique in the sense that it will focus on male gaze in today’s world unlike how we only discussed past history over the term.

Question 2: Depth of scholarship/commitment project

What steps are/will you take to complete the project? How will you record your steps? (We can only evaluate what you present to us. For example, you may work for weeks on the creation and analysis of a coed football game. However, if by the end of the term all you share is that you held the game, we don’t see the fullness of your commitment. Images, interviews, journaling, and post analysis are all good ways to document what you did.) Explain in detail all the process and procedure you are intending to complete to create, implement, and complete your research project.

My major focus will be to create an art piece and to keep a journal of all my project activities, why I undertake the activities, and what they stand for, in order to document all the experiences during the project work. I will also focus on creating rough drafts and sketches to show how the piece of art changes during the entire experience.

List which readings, lectures, and activities you have completed in class that are leading you to designing your final project the way you are currently thinking? Remember that a minimum of three readings must be cited. Other sources, lectures, activity examples and the like may also be referenced and are highly encouraged.

The major reading learnt in class that my project will be based on is “Bergers Ways of seeing”, although I will also borrow a few ideas from “Horowitz” readings. The other reading that I plan to borrow some information is the reading titled “Gender and Art”, by Gill Perry, which we learnt in class in the beginning of the term.

In what ways are/will these particular sources influence the approach, analysis, goals, and details of your project?

The readings will form the foundation of the whole project since the sources supports the need of carrying out the project although it will be necessary for me to carry out other independent researches on current events.

Findings and Analysis: What are you hoping to learn about art, gender, and culture in this project?

I hope to learn more about gender and gender stereotypes and how they influence the media (Boomen Marianne, 89) I will also focus more on advertising since I’m a journalism student.

Question 3: Personal voice and imagination

Creativity/Originality/Relevance: Explain why your project design brings forth your creative talent. Tell me why you think this is a fresh, new idea or approach. Explain why your project is particularly relevant to your life and interests.

I plan to draw a large and desirable picture although I’m not sure of making it look perfect. I plan to first make a sketch using a pencil, and then use two sharpies; one black, and another color in order to highlight the use of contrast in the piece. I plan to make the design as original as possible although I’m not sure if creating a drawing is a fresh and new approach. I find the project interesting and relevant to my life since I like drawing and doodling all the time by use of sharpies.

Clearly state your purpose, focus, and argument for this project.  What is it about, why is this your concept and intention?

I find the project relevant because I’m interested in learning how male gaze is related to today’s media. I’m interested in the topic because I had earlier looked at it in my midterm essay and it also gives me the opportunity to learn how people are depicted in media and advertisement, especially women (Boomen Marianne, 78-9).

Question 4: Format to reflect your purpose and focus

Careful, thoughtful organization and construction of the product.  In what ways are you planning to organize and construct the project to best represent and exemplify the questions you are explore in the “idea” section? How do you intend the two to direct connect and intertwine your purpose with the visual presentation?

I plan to organize and construct the project by use of contrasting colors and sharpie. I make use of a sharpie because it is modern and has a pop-art feel, which is relevant in critically examining women in today’s media (Boomen Marianne, 87).

How do you think this choice of format will best represent your research and findings?

The use of sharpie and two contrasting colors will help in showing extreme conflicts observed in advertising (Boomen, Mariann, 90. The sharpie also gives a modern and pop-art feel, which is relevant in examining women in the media.

Tell me how the choice of format best represents your intended purpose, focus, and argument for the project?

I make use of sharpie and contrasting colors to represent my idea. The contrast shows extreme conflicts in advertising, as represented by the two conflicting colors. The use of sharpie depicts a sort of modern day and pop-art feel, which is critical in examining women in the media.

Question 5: Provide a one paragraph (no more than 5 sentences) describing how your project will look, how others will interact with it, and what they should walk away from it doing or thinking about art, gender, and culture.

I plan to present my project in a large piece of thick sketching paper and it will be on an 18 by 24 inch sheet since the larger the paper, the easier it will stand out. I also plan to use a black sharpie with either red, blue, or orange as contrasting colors since the contrast is used to depict extreme conflicts observed in advertising (Boomen, Marianne, 98-9). Other people will interact with the project by observing it and getting informed on how male gaze affects advertising and how women are depicted in the media.

Work Cited

Boomen, Marianne. Digital Material: Tracing New Media in Everyday Life and Technology. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009. Print.