Find A Newspaper Article That Converts Measurement At Some Point In The Article

Find A Newspaper Article That Converts Measurement At Some Point In The Article. Show The Calucatlation That Are Neaded To Convert The Measurement And Indicate Weather The Publisghed Reslts Appear Tio Have Been Calucatedm Correctly.

The published results in the article have beeen calculated corectly, however, the results is wrong. The wrong results can be attributed to the fact that the article final steps in the question have been concantated.ths means the there are section of the conversion factors that were left out for the ease of conversion. This was done to enable the conversion have an easy time converting the final result (Kreswell, 2002).

Write areport about kelvin, fahrenheit, and celcius temperature scales why each is used and why we have a diferent temperature sure to include how these diferentr systems affect the values of the community and respect.

Fahrenheit is majorly used for recording the surface temperatures measurement. This is mainly used in the US by meteorologists. However, a large portion of the world’s population is conversant with the use of Celsius which was initially developed in the 17th century. This forces the meteorologists to convert the measurement to a standard unit that can be used by everyone. This involves the conversion from Fahrenheit to degree Celsius. Kelvin is mainly used in scientific experiments, and is also applicable in scientific calculators as it starts from the absolute zero,

Celsius to Kelvin: K= ͦᴄ+273

Kelvin, fahrenheit and celcius are the main conversion and measutrements units for temperature. However, they very in the values used based on the conversion factors used. However, these names are just compledx and may scare people, the conversion process need not be that complicated. For example to convert fahrenheit to celcius, one can start be deducting 32 from the fahrenheit termaprature, to get the conversion factor than multiply the reulting figure by 5 and finaly devide the result by a value such as 9 to derive the celcuius temperature.

On the other hand, one can easily get the Fahrenheit temperature from the Celsius temperature by first multiplying the Celsius temperature by a figure such as 9, and then resulting figure is divided by 5. And finally the result after the operation is added to 32to get the Fahrenheit temperature required.

degrees Celsius (oC)     HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1

degrees Fahrenheit (of)     HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1

Kelvin (K)     HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1

degrees Reaumur     HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1

These values changes the way people reason, for example, if one qouted the fahrenheit outside the americas, it will be a new concept and many are not conversent with it. Additionaly. The fahrenheit is not widely used (Kreswell, 2002).

Compare and contrast metric and english measyrement systems. Also include, where each iusn used and why we have difFerent measurememt systems. What reason might e given for continuing to use the the english systems


The two systems are both used for measuring volume, distance, mass, and temperature. They are both accurate with negligible variation.


The metric system is much easier tom use as it is specific to a unit for example volume, for capacity. The English system is complicated as one unit can be used to refer to number of measurement. For example, the ounce can be used to refer to volume, quart or pounds.

Relevance of English measurement

The English measurement will only be used a different measures especially when we want to have a single unit for measuring many values. However, it is rather illogical.

Compare and contrast conversion in linear measurement, area and volume measurement.


Linear measurement is used to measure the displacement in straight line

Area measurement- refers to the amount of space covered by a plane.

While volume is three dimensional space enclosed by a border line


measurement formula Si unit

area Length X width unit²

volume Length X width X height Unit 3

Length displacement unit

Write a paper why every measurement has two parts

All measurement has two parts, for example every measurement has the numerical part which is also referred to as the factor and the other part is the dimension also called the unity. This is useful for showing what is measured and the quantity measured. For example: 2 meters. Two is the factor, meters is the unit of measurement.


Kreswell. J. (2002), Operation Research, A Gentle Introduction. NY Sage