Flexible work places.

Flexible work places

Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454772” Executive summary 2

HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454773” Introduction2

HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454774” Barriers to flexible work Places 3

HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454775” Benefits of Flexible Work Places4-5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454776” Strategies of Enhancing Flexible Work Places5-6

HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454777” Reccomendations 7

HYPERLINK l “_Toc268454779” Bibliographies 8

Executive Summary

Flexible workplaces are getting more difficult to describe due to their more noticeable nature. Present surplus labor force, along with globalization, technological expansions, ageing labor force, new workplaces values and workplace diversity has transformed employers’ mindset on the issue of flexibility at the workplaces. Various barriers affect the existence of flexible work places such as Attitudinal Behaviors on Employees, fear of leadership and problems of organizational systems. However the establishment of flexible work places has benefits both for the employees and the organization if suitable strategies such as motivation, promotion of team building are adopted at the work place.


Followers of flexible workplaces regard them as a more significant recognition of the many problems that many employees have in harmonizing between their respective families and work duties. Critics on the other hand tend to challenge this citing that their intentions are only meant to restore some past inequities within the work as well as the family life balance (Thomas-Jones, 2006, 67).

This report is intended to give an overview on the benefits and barriers of flexible workplaces as well as giving out appropriate recommendations.

Flexible workplace barriers

Attitudinal Behaviors on Employees

Ashforth (2002, 103) outlines that Issues of attitude of employees on various work approaches can be a hindrance. These are often based on mistaken beliefs such as whether the work approaches adopted might hinder their future careers for instance. The problem lying here is that organizations only transform if the employees too accept changes and this has to begin from the top level. Attitudinal behavior is therefore really hard to attain if there is no consensus within an organization particularly on issues related to the adoption of new work methods.

Fear on Leadership and Managerial Blocks

This is due to many organizations opting to remain as they were other than experiencing the challenges that they may face on adoption. Such organizations therefore do not accrue benefits of such methods of working in the long run (Ashley 2009, 122).

Organizational System Problems

This can be observed in cases where there are splits within the organization particularly in times where new working approaches are to be implemented. Resentments may come out mostly from the workers and this can act as a barrier to adoption. No amount of policy development, values declaration and systems implementation can transform an organization to one that solves issues between the management and employees (Ashley, 2009, 123).

Flexible workplace benefits

Improved Balance between Work and Home Life

Flexibility at the workplace offers many benefits to members of the organizations in terms of work and home life balance. This is brought out as a result of the increased control over when their various duties are completed. Employees are therefore free to choose to work at their own timings in the evening as well as spending enough time with their children during the afternoon hours (Christine & Diane, 2000, 210-212).

They are also able to avoid disruptions related to the office environment. The main objective in the flexible work arrangements favors this a lot since it is often tailored to making sure that the work is conducted or done in the most efficient way in addition to being done at the most effective location. Flexible work places could be homes as well as satellite offices (Christine & Diane, 2000, 210-212).

Increased Productivity

Flexibility approach within the organization allows for transformations that restructures as well as giving out well-built analysis of the various organizational issues. This means the organization gets a three-dimensional look of its future or having a vision; a vision that encourages creativity as well as the drive to act as an employee and therefore assists developing a road map to get achievable steps towards the goals.

Productivity level of the organization therefore rises since everyone within the organization is his or her own driver working to attain the similar goals. It also cuts across diversity other than being three-dimensional. Their is diversity since flexible work places disregard language as well as cultural barriers in its operations. This allows a varied labor force to be involved in the culture transformation process more easily. Leaders who undertake this approach also provide the essential resources adding up to the motivation; this in itself is an innovation that makes it possible for transformations hence a prolonged flexible workplace (Maitland, 2009, 45).

Promote Team Building

Flexible work places employ a structured type of both part-time works together with other work models. They always have an equal split though it is not always the available option. Some employers also ensure that their employees have not more than one day in common. This enable employees share out vital and concise information about the current issues and tasks. Team work is built through these interactions.

Flexible workplace strategies


Management duties should mainly be centered on motivation, team work as well as creating a good working environment for all the employees. Employees work well when they are well motivated in addition to when they are most productive. Motivation therefore acts as a strategy that revolves around flexible work places. It has a role of encouraging employees in addition to promoting productivity. Motivations not only care for the employees’ but also bond the relations between the workers and employers. Better jobs are not easy to find and therefore such workplaces make and maintain loyal employees who working with an objective towards a shared obligation (Ashforth, 2002, 104).

Promote Team Building

Team work should be emphasized by the employers as a strategy within the flexible work places. This should be promoted between all the employees whether on-site or off-site. This can be made possible through involving them in shared activities such as training or special meals while providing unusual office coverage to make them aware of the realities of the workplace. This eventually acts as a forum for team building and productivity increment (Maitland, 2009, 45).

Appropriate and Occasional Orientation

The employer should make certain that the employees despite of their locations of work are equally directed so that they are all pulling together towards the same organizational goal. This should involve, for instance, keeping in mind the off-site employees making sure that they access training as well as promotion opportunities. Such opportunities are of great significance to every employee irrespective of their working localities (Thomas-Jones, 2006, 45).


Organizational success comes from an incorporation of focused dedications by all the members of an organization. Motivation in this case acts as the backbone that forms a road map towards the success.

Motivation develops various organizational workplaces coming up with environments that encourage employees for this reason fostering their productivity levels. Other than improving the morale of the employees, motivation also makes stronger the relationship between the respective employers and the employees.

In general, motivation provides a well balanced picture between the work, employees and their employers and as a result plays a significant role towards any organizational success.


Ashley, A, 2009, Five Barriers to Workplace Flexibility, Ezine Articles. 122-125

Ashforth, B.E, 2002, The Flexible Workplace: A Sourcebook of Information and Research, Personnel publications, Arizona State University, 102-105.

Christine, A and Diane, Z, 2000, The Flexible Workplace: A Sourcebook of Information and Research, Westport.200-212

Maitland, A, 2009, The Advantages of Having a Flexible Workplace, Article from The Times and the Sunday Times Archives, Times Newspaper Limited, London. P.45.

Thomas-Jones, A, 2006, Flexible Workplaces, Oxford Press, London p 67.