Forward Looking Statement

Statement of Purpose

My academic and professional achievements have been characterized by hard work and continuous effort. Just like in a race, I have thrived to reach the finish line by preparing myself well in advance and equipping myself with the required skills and knowledge. To this point, I can say that I can see the finish line but I still have to instill the final debonair attempt to avoid those who are behind me from crossing the line ahead of me. To do this, I have to push my self beyond but not past the elastic limit. This is the reason behind my interest in joining Masters of Science in Medical Informatics.

I believe that I am by all ways among the smartest people. This has been propelled by my quest for excellence and my never dying eagerness to defy my ultimate frontier. In my previous education, these qualities have made it possible for me to realize self-transcendence. Whether in my undergraduate studies in B.A. Psychology or my Masters in Business Administration or Ph.D. Business Administration; all undertaken in the most recognized universities, have all been achieved from end to end through strong self-discipline and perseverance. I believe that life is designed like a journey and my application at Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies will propel me to greater heights.

My professional journey has helped me gather the most competitive talents in the country. From all the awards of performance, team building contest and presidents’ Club Winner attained at Pharmaceutical Company (Fortune 500) in 2003 and 2004, to the position as the Regional Sales Manager in the same company and later the Senior District Sales Manager, have helped me grow and expand my team spirit, individual accountability and critical thinking. I later worked as Senior Director of Sales and Marketing in Marketing Company and it is here that my interrelation skills have been sharpened. My current position as the Vice President Customer Relations Technology in an Internet Company has made me competitive and has enhanced my basic skills in Microsoft Office, Microsoft CRM, Adobe Acrobat, Lotus 1, 2, 3 among others (Kindly refer to my resume for comprehensive information).

The old proverb goes “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. In my quest for attainment of my academic and professional goals I have also engaged myself in extracurricular activities. I was once the public speaker in National Organization for Women, Elected delegate and Elected Chairman for a National Political Party and also a Developer –Community Outreach Program at St. Francis Memorial Hospital. These roles have helped me realize the importance of teamwork, interrelation skills, and managerial skills. These skills are undoubtedly going to be important in my future studying and practicing Medical Informatics.

The motivation behind my decision to take up the Online Master of Science in Medical Informatics at Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies lies behind the integration of my psychology background to the exposure I have had in the Internet Company. Medical Informatics is a field of study that links health and the use of information technology, in such a way that patient care and records are monitored electronically. Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies is a university in the United States that is attributed to best graduates in the world and is well known for its superior scholarly culture. It is also a renowned, eminent, veteran, high-ranking and a university that equips its students with leadership skills.

Employment in the Medical Informatics field according to research is also bound to augment by a significant 18% through to the year 2016. It will expand my demand as a medical informatics proficient in healthcare management, clinical IT Leadership and research related organizations.

In seeking to attain the most that life can offer, I believe that concurring different hurdles and setting new goals to be attained are involved. My quest for further education is one of my new set hurdles. By undertaking my studies at Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies for Master in Medical Informatics will put me ahead of my challengers and what better way to do it than to enroll into a university of factual world stature.