Homelessness and the costs of the unexpected expense

Homelessness and the costs of the unexpected expense

Homelessness is a problem, which affects every society. It should not be ignored as its effects are detrimental. Tragedy can occur at any time and people need to be prepared for it. Homelessness is considered as being an expense which is unexpected. There have been many cases of unemployment as this is a challenge, which needs to be addressed. Most jobs, which exist, are for unskilled people, as well as being low-wage and people are struggling to meet their needs. In the United States, the numbers of people who are working are 6% and are below the line of poverty. Also, working poor people are estimated to be at 20%. This means that they are likely to become homeless as they are economically fragile. Households are at risk of being crippled due to unexpected expenses, which have not been planned for and also earning mere incomes. There are certain indicators that make people who are poor, prone to homelessness. The burden of housing has become severe; this means that more than half of people’s income is used in paying for housing. In turn, people are living in situations, which are doubled up, and this is due to economic hardships. Poor people, who are working, often tend to work longer hours as well as in occupations, which are volatile.

Solving the problem of homelessness is expensive compared to how it affects society. In order to solve this problem, the economy would be affected due to the amount of money being used. High costs are incurred and inefficiency when public services are accessed by homeless people. Cost saving is bound to occur is homelessness is prevented. This will occur if permanent housing is available to homeless people. The homeless people’s lives will also improve if they obtain access to housing. A lot of spending will have to occur if homelessness will be controlled. Money is being spent on ensuring that the homeless are provided with temporary accommodation and hostel facilities. Also, it seeks to provide them with mental health and physical services. Other times, they are given support to ensure that they maintain tenancies and live independently. There are no major advancements in homelessness cost economic measurement. This is because the methodology is not advanced as compared to other sectors. Agency accounts analysis has to occur if costs are to be known. It is always good to prepare for disasters such as homelessness.

Most people who abuse substances are prone to homelessness. The help they need is to reduce their addiction to substance use as it will ensure that homelessness does not occur. Strategies have been set up, which fight homelessness, an example of a report on shelter, is in the year 2010. It focuses on prevention services and housing options in regards to costs incurred. In the year 2007, the Annex4 was published and concerns matters prevention strategies of homelessness. Homelessness costs are made known and savings, which can occur, if the report is implemented. Everyone is at risk of being homeless, thus people should always be prepared by having money saved for use in the future.

Apart from financial aspects of homelessness, it is associated with sleeping problems, strained relationships, depression and anxiety. This means that homeless people face many problems, which in turn, disrupts their lives quality. More should be done by people and governments to ensure that homelessness is eradicated. In turn, society will improve and people will benefit greatly. In conclusion, people should be prepared for unexpected expenses so that they can live their lives normally without any disruptions.