how a piece of art, a work of literature, or a dramatic presentation can have a significant impact on students intellectual d

Art and Literature

(Author’s name)

(Institutional Affiliation)


Student intellectual development is, largely, influenced by art, literature and other dramatic presentation. Research studies illustrate that a student’s experience with the arts not only increases the student’s creative abilities, it also develops their spatial reasoning, abstract thought, as well as, critical thinking abilities (Eisner, 1998). The arts have also been associated with increased cultural awareness in students and communication abilities, as they gain knowledge of how to use the arts to converse with the larger society. Appreciation of the fine arts is essential for the growth and development of students both mentally and socially, as it increases an individual’s adaptive techniques

Key Words: Art, Literature, Dramatic Presentation, Intellectual Development


Students’ exposure to the arts take place in the form of drawing, book reading, or participation in school plays, among other things. Accordingly, educators agree that such exposure of students is essential if a student is to advance to other levels of the education system. In essence, student awareness of the arts takes place in four main phases. The first phase requires that students understand the basic concepts of the arts, ranging from the very simple concepts to the larger and much complex concepts and ideas (Umphrey, 2006). Providing a critical analysis and appreciation of the concepts of art is the next phase of student awareness of the arts, whereas, performance and creative work is the third phase of this process. Lastly, for students to fully comprehend the fine arts, they need to display the ability to communicate this awareness with the rest of the world.

This paper explains how a piece of art, a work of literature, or a dramatic presentation can have a significant impact on students’ intellectual development and their appreciation of the fine arts.

The Impact of Art and Literature on Student Intellectual Development

Researchers and educators argue that art and literature is beneficial for students as it facilitates the enhancement of various skills in students. This is because exposure to artistic forms encourages students to utilize most of their senses, hence, promoting mental stimulation (Umphrey, 2006). Such stimulation further encourages spatial reasoning and abstract thought, which are necessary for student advancement into other levels of education. In addition to this, exposure to the arts encourages students to exercise their creative abilities, prompting them to create their own pieces of work as well.

More specifically, art promotes the enhancement of student reading and analytical skills. Literary writing and dramatic presentations familiarizes students with the various components of writing and performing, which in turn, facilitates critical thinking in students. Most literature transpires within a historical or cultural context, hence introducing students to various concepts relevant to their education and learning (Horowitz, 2002). From this, students have the ability to understand the importance of expression through the arts. Historical and cultural exposure through the arts increases cultural awareness, hence cultural sensitivity, which is importance for students in their various social institutions.


Unswerving exposure to the arts in the learning environment supports the growth and development of students into well-rounded individuals who are beneficial to the society. It influences intellectual development in students and encourages the development of various skills that are necessary for their interaction with the larger community. Understanding of the fine arts improves social awareness and critical thinking abilities, all of which are indispensable elements of academic achievement.


Eisner, E. (1998). Does experience in the arts boost academic achievement. Art Education,

51(1): 7-15.

Horowitz, R. (2002). Arts Education Promotes Intellectual Development. Retrieved from:

Umphrey, D. (2006). Developing Creative & Cognitive Skills through a Comprehensive Arts

Education. Retrieved from: HYPERLINK “”