How the Environment can become better through Plastic Recycling

 How the Environment can become better through Plastic Recycling







This paper seeks to give an analysis on the process of recycling plastic. Research has found out that recycling of plastic is better than making new plastic. Also, the environmental impact is positive. The environment should be the most vital consideration when recycling plastics. Consumers are fond of using plastic bottles and bags, which are often recycled. Measures should exist, to ensure that plastic is disposed of well. A lot needs to be done to ensure that the environment is taken care of well. Recycling and waste management are key aspects, which should be known (Lajeunesse, 2004).


A polymer is the group where plastic originates from. Molecules, which are large in nature, are the ones that make up plastics. In other cases, plastic are formed when monomers, which are small molecules, are joined. Petroleum is also another source of plastic and undergoes polymerization to form the latter (Gerngross & Slater, 2000). Plastic obtained its name because it can take any form. It can exist as either soft or hard. Most materials, such as glass and metal, have replaced plastic as it is easily recycled.

This paper will analyze the importance or recycling plastics and its benefit to the environment.


Polyethylene terephthalate often known as PET is the most common packaging in the United States. In the year 1970, it was introduced into the market in form of a bottle. People accepted it because of its many advantages, such as being shatter proof, economical, as well as light weight. Today, plastic is still as popular as before and are used for a variety of reasons. These are used for storage of mouth wash, salad dressing, liquor, spring water, among others (Gerngross & Slater, 2000). The symbol used to present the recycling of plastic bottles is ‘chasing arrows’. This was introduced in the year 1987 as a resin code for identification. It was established by the ‘Society of the Plastics Industry. # 1 is the resin code of identification used by the SPI. A lot of responsibility towards the environment has been demonstrated by the industry of plastic packaging (Gerngross & Slater, 2000). The latter has been taking place in the form of recycling. In the year 1976, St. Jude Polymers became the first company to engage in activities related to recycling of PET bottles. The recycled bottles were made into brittles for paint brushes and plastic bottles (Brown, 2003).

Most people associate recycling with being beneficial and friendly to the environment. There is no energy use and environmental impacts, which occur during the process of recycling. The most common examples of plastics, which are used by consumers, are plastic bottles and plastic bags. The argument, which exists, concerning recycling is that wildlife is threatened by existing plastic found in stream litter (Patel, 2003). Also, there is extreme visibility of plastic bags in most countries.

It is estimated that the number of plastic, which exists in the world, are over 50. Usually sorting of plastic occurs manually .This is because it is expensive to carry it out automatically. After sorting has occurred, two major processes have to be conducted. First, chemical recycling occurs and this means that the plastic is made to exist in its chemical form .Secondly, it is made to exist in another form after being melted. According to research, when plastic recycling occurs, carrier bag making becomes easy (Brown, 2003). In turn, the energy used is less by two thirds when compared to plastic, which has not been recycled. Also, the water used is low and pollution levels low as well. This means that recycling is better than making plastic, which is new. In almost all countries, bags used for grocery shopping are made of plastic. The reason is because they are extremely cheap, strong and convenient. Many owners of businesses and consumers use the plastic bags frequently. Consumers of plastic bags are not aware of what is involved when it comes to manufacturing issues (American Plastics Council, 2000).

The Recycling process

Many environmental problems are caused by plastics. Most landfills are packed with plastics and they often take spaces, which are extremely big. Plastics are not dangerous in an intrinsic manner because fossil fuel is their main constituent. This means that plastic is a resource, which is renewable. It is vital that recycling of plastics occurs. There are five main stages, which have to occur, when plastic is being recycled. The first stage involves collection of plastic and this can take place anywhere (American Plastics Council, 2000). Examples include; industries, which use plastic, during manufacture, recycle bins and even ones which are collected at the road side. The next stage involves sorting the different plastics manually. Impurities such as stones and nails are removed. Afterwards, the plastic is placed in three different sections. These include; other, HDPE and PET. Then third stage involves washing the plastic, which ensures that the plastic remains in its original form. During this stage, remnants, dirt and paper labels are removed. The final stage is known as pelleting whereby, melting of plastic occurs. This is meant to ensure that the plastic can be reused while in the form of pellets, which are small (American Plastics Council, 2000).

During the process of recycling, environmental damage is reduced. The latter does not occur because recycling of plastic makes use of resources, which are nonrenewable, as well engaging in excessive landfilling. Safety measures are used during this process and water is conserved. The usage of water is minimized, thus the reason why recycling of plastics should be encouraged. New plastic products production is adverse as compared to recycling (Stein, 2002).

PET recycling plastic as well as Industry Standards and Best Practices

There are many codes, which are used during PET recycling of plastics. This is normally in accordance to Local level, state and federal regulations. The latter varies in accordance to operations, which exists at the PET facility. Jurisdiction exists in matter relating to PET matters. Certifications and permits are required when operating in facilities meant for recycling (American Plastics Council, 2000). Often tests of submission are required and this is in accordance with the agencies for regulation. This means that the operator has a financial obligation, which should be met. The post of a compliance officer has been established to deal with such matters. A criminal penalty is enforced upon facilities, which do not follow the set regulations (Karliner, 1997).

Legislation is being passed in many countries to control the use of plastics. For example in Ireland, a consumption task based on plastic bags was introduced in the year 2002. In turn, consumption of plastic has reduced by around 90%. Consumers who choose to use plastic bags to carry out their shopping will pay 0.15$ more. As a result of this legislation, a lot of oil has been saved (Goodship, 2007). The latter is known to be around 18 million liters. Many countries have started to implement this law due to its many benefits. Companies are meant to ensure that they are involved in matters relating to plastic bag use. For example in Japan, businesses, which use plastic bags without proper control, face being closed down. Culture plays an essential role in influencing how people use plastic bags. Also, in Japan, politeness and hygiene is respected when items are wrapped individually. This means that more plastic bags are used, thus threatening the environment (Stein, 2002).

Environmental Impacts involved during Plastic Manufacture and Recycling

0.48 is the amount of energy in form of mega joules, which is spent during production of HDPE. As a result of recycling plastic, the emission of carbon dioxide is reduced .People should be able to make decisions, which are informed as well as responsible. This ensures that a shift in terms of culture occurs. Emission of carbon dioxide and toxic chemicals leads to pollution of the air. This mostly occurs when plastic is being manufactured. This is an extremely key concern in matters related to the environment. Atmospheric pollution of 1.1 kg occurs when plastic bags, which are two in number, are produced. The latter is according to an assessment by the Lifecycle Environmental Institute (Lajeunesse, 2004). When pollution of the air occurs, smog and rain are bound to occur as well. Environments made by human beings and the natural ones are affected by acid rain. This is mostly in areas such as Eastern Europe. When smog occurs, the health of human beings is threatened. Waste, which is waterborne, is produced when plastic bags totaling two are manufactured. This in turn affects life, which exists in the waterways. Ecosystems are also disrupted as well during manufacturing of plastic. This means that it is better to recycle than to produce new plastic. For example in China, there are no existing regulations concerning the environment. This is the reason why most Chinese people suffer from health issues (Lajeunesse, 2004).

Plastic bags are transported to different countries and this occurs mostly in the form of shipping. The pollutant produced during transportation includes sulphur (Watson, 2007). The demand for plastic is high and this means that more transportation has to take place. 80 % of plastic bags are manufactured in Western Europe and North America. Every year, the numbers of plastic bags, which are produced, are 5 trillion. During plastic production, production of toxic emissions takes place. Animals are also not spared by the effects of plastic production (Watson, 2007). Plastic ingestion by mammals and sea birds leads to their death. Mammals more than 100,000 are killed each year as a result of plastic ingestion. It does not end here as the dearth of mammal leads to that of others. This is because other animals feed on it, thus ingesting on the plastic. There are many barriers, which ensure that effective recycling does not take place. This is in terms of plants for reprocessing and even markets for the plastic, which is recycled. Challenges also occur due to packaging of the composite, which is tough. There is a problem of lack of markets for products, which are recycled (Lajeunesse, 2004).

Benefits of Plastic Bottle Recycling

Energy conservation occurs during recycling as opposed to manufacturing new products. Plastic worth more than 4 billion pounds in the year 2007, was in the United States saved ,in the form of energy. The reductions of gases, which are known as being greenhouse, are reduced during this process (Watson, 2007). This occurs in the stages of production, extraction and preprocessing. The recycled plastic is produced into beneficial products, which help people. Some of the products produced include; jackets, paintings, among others. The industry of recycling products is growing due to the demand for the plastics. The supply, which exists for recycled plastic is exceeded by the demand. This figure seems to triple according to reports by the American Chemistry Council (Goodship, 2007).


There are many stages which have to be undergone before a plastic bag is manufactured. The consequences can either be negative or positive to the existing environment. The environment which is affected is the air, water and soil. This is because fossil fuels are used during the process. Physical environments and human beings suffer as a result of the produced emissions. The other major contributor of environmental degradation is plastic bags transportation. Plastics which are post-consumer have been reclaimed in large numbers .The figure is as high as 1800 according to the Plastics Council of America. This has in turn made many stores which sell groceries to act as agents for plastics. The latter has occurred in the form of people dropping their plastic in special bins for collection later on. Australia should be praised for its efforts in ensuring that the plastic bags used by families declines. In turn, every year, 253 million bags are saved. The environment is extremely precious and laws have been influential in saving it. Plastic recycling which is inefficient causes many vital negative externalities in the American economy. They include mostly the aesthetic damage of landfills, toxic emissions from incineration, the impact to marine life, and loss of profits from recycling markets which are potential. Legislation at different American government levels seeks to deal with the negative externalities. More sufficient policies are needed to be able to decrease the effects of subsidies in the market failures, as a resulting of plastic recycling which is inefficient. Improvement in the recycling sector is obtainable. The effort of many environmentalists is yielding progress which has greatly improved people and animal’s life. This is the reason why the conclusion of recycling of plastic being beneficial is necessary.


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Karliner, J. (1997). Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in Age of Globalization. San Francisco, CA: University of California Press

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Watson, Tom (2007). “Where can we put all those plastics?” Seattle Times. Retrieved from Retrieved 2007-06-02.
