how the recurrent famines in Somalia can be solved through having a stable government.

Somali Famine






A stable government is the solution for the famine in Somalia

This paper seeks to give an analysis on how the recurrent famines in Somalia can be solved through having a stable government. Somalia is experiencing the worst drought in about 60 years, as they try and struggle with the civil war. Around 3.7 million people are affected by the drought, and many lives are being lost. The children of Somalia are the ones, who are suffering greatly, as a result of the famine (Dixon, 2011). According to the United Nations, malnourishment levels among children are at 30%. UNICEF has confirmed that in every six minutes, a child dies in Somalia, due to famine. The country is extremely insecure, thus making it difficult for the United Nations to deliver food and aid.

A stable government needs to exist, so that the security issue is addressed, and a solution found. Most Somalis have to travel dangerous land in search of food, not knowing if they will be alive, before they reach the food. Most of the Somali people are finding their way into Kenya. It is estimated that around 1800 people enter Kenya on a daily basis. These numbers are extremely high and they cannot be all catered for by the Kenyan government. Since the Somalia government is supporting the activities of the United States, the group known as Al-Shabaab is causing a lot of problems. Somalia is guarded by militia, who are in support of the existing federal transition government.

The Somali government ought to become stable, so that the international community is able save the people who are starving. Aid in the form of medicine, water and food, is needed urgently (Qasim, 2011). Those working in the United Nations and transitional government should work together if the problems of the famine are to be solved. A strategy must be set up by the transitional Somalia government to eradicate famine, as this should not be taking place in the 21st century. The warring parties in Somalia, who are all fighting for power, are the cause for the famine tragedy .Instead of focusing on the needs of the citizens; they are only interested in matters concerning power.

The Somali people have for a long time suffered due to the civil war. In the year 1991, President Siad Barre was over thrown, thus becoming a failed state. There are no human rights in Somalia, as well the country being extremely poor. The worst hit regions by famine are Lower Shebelle near Mogadishu and Bakool near Ethiopia. The government is the root cause of all the problems affecting the Somalis (Allison, 2011). The existing Somali government has not done anything to control its population from exploding. The result is that the food resources in Somalia cannot fully cater for all the citizens.

Currently, famine occurs as a result of people not receiving food supplies, which they need to receive. In all the famines, which have occurred in the world, 90% have been in Africa. Politics has been the lead cause of the famine in Somalia, which is as a result of the malicious government. The other reason is that the Somalia government has not come up with effective policies to govern the country (Arab, 2011). Politics in the country has brought about nothing but conflict. Famine would not be in Somalia, if there was a responsible, united and stable government. Unfortunately, the government has left it self be affected by Civil war. There are at least ten warring parties who are all competing for power. Thus ignoring what is important as the expense of its people. Somalia should not be facing famine.


Allison, Simon. (2011). Al-Shabab: Bruised but not beaten yet. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from

Dixon, Robyn. (2011).Famine in Somalia: Will U.N. Aid be enough. International Business Times. Retrieved from HYPERLINK “”

Editorial. Famine in Somalia. (2011). Arab Retrieved from HYPERLINK “”

Qasim, Maryan. (2011). Why can’t we end famine in Somalia? Retrieved from