Family Health Assessment
In assessing family health patterns, The Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment proves to be a vital tool because of its ability to enhance caregiver’s understanding of the overall health of the family (Carole, et al, p. 53). In this paper, the focus will be only Thompson’s family consisting of a father age 42, mother age 36, and two teenage daughters (16 and 14 years respectively). The findings of this assessment relates to three of the open-ended questions with reference to the diverse patterns of the assessment tool.
According to the findings, the current health status of the family is not that bad. Their 16-year old child suffers from chest problem managed by adherence to specific regimen from the health provider. One of the health values promoted in the family from childhood is the need to seek medical check-up on a monthly basis unless in cases of emergency. In order to improve their health, every member of the family pays maximum attention on what they consume, engage in daily exercise activities, and adheres to the routine checkups at the family’s health provider (Keeling & Catherine, p. 27).
As a mechanism towards enhancing the family health, the family notes that their daily diet must incorporate carbohydrates, protein, minerals, and vitamins. For instance, on a meal occasion, the family might feed on cereals, milk, and fruits in the course of the day with the aim of improving their health conditions. The assessment also revealed that the family members focus on avoiding too much fat and cholesterol in their meal compositions. In addition, they tend to feed on fruits and salad. According to the father, body weight is a critical issue and every member of the family must monitor his or her weight after every two weeks. This led to a consistent body weight among the family members in the course of last year.
According to the assessment, the family value sleep or rest. Every member of the family goes to bed by nine to ensure that they have approximately 8 hours of rest after every dreadful encounter during the day. The family notes that there are rare cases in which one would not be able to sleep. In such cases, they just lie on bed and let the toll takes its course with exception to illness or health problem requiring medical attention during the night. Prior to bed, the family converges in the leaving as a show of togetherness and prays before departing to their sleeping rooms.
Every member of the family has diverse elimination patterns. For instance, the head of the house (father) has a regular pattern of elimination, which tends to occur very early in the morning before going to work. Other members have irregular elimination patterns. In addition, the family tends to add more fiber to its diet through consumption of fruits and vegetables with the aim of dealing with constipation. In most cases, the family drinks plenty of water and other natural fluids. This is to prevent dehydration and aspects of constipation.
The family a weekly pattern of exercise or activity in attempts to enhance health conditions of the members. This is through engaging in weekly road trips covering about four kilometers. In addition, the girls engage in netball team sports in their respective school to keep fit. As a family, the members participate in family tag-games on a weekly basis playing handball and basketball games. The father has a degree in business administration while the mother has a degree in psychology. The girls are pursuing their high school education. They complain about having some difficulties in handling mathematic problems. In the last week, the 16-year old did vectors concept while the 14-year old could not recall what she did in the course of last week.
Every member of the family has different leisure activity. For instance, the girls prefer to spend their leisure time visiting friend rather than being with the family. On the other hand, their parents spend their leisure time at various joints for dinners. There is no any sensory deficit within the family aided by the quality nutrition for the family. The family views each other as a close friend. They feel like they are there for each other in the time or moment of need. Emotions and moods might vary, but in the end, they feel like one family joined by love and respect for each other. Each family member seeks to portray quality image of the family thus mirroring the perception of the family and each other within the society.
The most important relations within the family include how they feel about each other and how they treat one another. This defines respectful relationship among each family member. According to the girls, their role model is their mother. On the other hand, family role models include Hillary Clinton and Martin Luther. According to the family, there is no problem in relation to reproductive system. The parents are satisfied with the sexuality of the family. Each parent had an objective of having three children. This indicates that they are still in the process of searching for the third child. In order to cope with problems, the family adopts a transparent approach in discussing the issue on a family platform. These mechanisms are effective towards the achievement of the goals and objectives. Finally, no member in the family member has ever suffered from emotional distress.
In relation to these findings, I would recommend two critical wellness nursing diagnoses. These include health-seeking behaviors and effective therapeutic regimen management (James et al, p. 1521). These approaches will ensure that the family maintains its health conditions as well as improve and monitor the condition of the sick child suffering from chest pain.
Open-ended Questions
Values/Health Perception
How would you describe your current health?
What health values are important from your childhood?
What family mechanisms do you engage in to improve your health?
Can you describe the composition of family’s daily diet?
What kinds of foods do you like or avoid and why?
Are in a position to describe your weight patter in the course of the last year?
What are your sleep habits?
In case you cannot sleep, what do you?
What steps do you take in your preparation to bed?
What can you tell me about your elimination patterns?
In this family, what do you do in case of constipation?
What fluids do you drink daily?
How do you describe your weekly pattern in relation to activity and exercise?
What kind of team sports do you engage in?
What activities do you participate in as a family?
What level of education have you completed?
What can you tell me about school encounter? Was it easy or you had some difficulties with any subject?
What did you do in the course of last week?
What do you do for leisure?
Would you describe your ability to exercise?
As a family, do you have any sensory deficits? Are they corrected?
How do you feel about each other?
What are your emotions and moods?
Can you describe how you view yourselves and each other within the family?
Role Relationship
What relations are important to you as a family?
How would you describe family members’ relationship with each other?
Who are their role models?
Do you have any problem in relation to reproductive system?
Would you term your sexuality as satisfactory?
How have your plans achieved with reference to having children?
How does this family cope with problems?
Are these actions effective or ineffective?
Has any member of the family had any treatment on mental stress or emotional distress?
Works Cited
Weaver III, James B., et al. “Health Information–Seeking Behaviors, Health Indicators, and Health Risks.” American Journal of Public Health 100.8 (2010): 1520-1525.
Keeling, Joanne L., and Catherine McQuarrie. “Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in Practice.” Mental Health Practice 17.5 (2014): 26-28.
Nettle, Carole, et al. “Family as Client: Using Gordon’s Health Pattern Typology.” Journal Of Community Health Nursing 10.1 (1993): 53.