. In October 2018, one person won a Mega Millions jackpot worth 1.54 billion dollars. How would you express that jackpot amo

1. In October 2018, one person won a Mega Millions jackpot worth 1.54 billion dollars. How would you express that jackpot amount in scientific notation?

1.54 × 1061.54 × 10915.4 × 10615.4 × 1092. In Major League Baseball, fans eat approximately 21 million hot dogs every season. There are a total of 2,430 games in each season. Approximately how many hot dogs are eaten at each game?

1,000 hot dogs

9,000 hot dogs

90,000 hot dogs

1 million hot dogs

The United States has two bodies of Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 435 seats in the House of Representatives. On November 9, 2018, following elections, 226 seats belonged to members of the Democratic party and 198 seats belonged to members of the Republican party. Election results were still undecided for the other 11 seats.

Republicans were leading 7 of the undecided races and Democrats were leading 4. If the 7 leading Republicans and 4 leading Democrats won their races, what percent of the seats in House of Representatives would belong to Democrats and what percent would belong to Republicans? Round answers to the nearest percent.

Democrats would hold 46% of the seats and Republicans would hold 52% of the seats.

Democrats would hold 50% of the seats and Republicans would hold 50% of the seats.

Democrats would hold 52% of the seats and Republicans would hold 46% of the seats.

Democrats would hold 53% of the seats and Republicans would hold 47% of the seats.

4. A syllabus in a student’s mathematics course states that she can earn 450 points on homework, 100 points on attendance, and 800 points on exams. What percent of her final grade is determined by her attendance? Round to the nearest percent.





5. Smoking-related illness in the United States costs more than $300 billion each year. In 2017, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States was $19.39 trillion. Calculate the total economic impact of smoking (cost) as a percentage of the United States’ GDP. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a percent.





6. Two students went shopping and bought $150 worth of clothes. They had to pay an additional $14.78 in tax. Estimate the tax rate they had to pay.

About 5%

About 10%

About 14%

About 15%

7. George took his long-time crush on their first date. They went to dinner where he spent $84.50 and left an additional 20% tip. Later he paid for two movie tickets that cost $12.50 each and bought snacks at the movie that cost a total of $14.45. Which equation would calculate how much George spent on his date?

84.50 + (0.20 x 84.50) + (2 * 12.50) + 14.45

1.20 x 84.50 + 12.50 + 14.45

1.20 (84.50 + 12.50 + 14.45)

84.50 + (1.20 x 84.50) + 12.50 + 12.50 + 14.45

8. In 2018, a Quinnipiac University poll found that 65% of Florida voters support stricter gun laws. There are approximately 13 million registered voters in Florida. If the poll represents how all voters in Florida feel, which of the following is the best estimate of the number of voters who support stricter gun laws?

Between 130 thousand and 650 thousand voters

Between 1.3 million and 2.3 thousand voters

Between 4 million and 5 million voters

Between 8 million and 9 million voters

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

9. A high school student is writing a report on which social media site, Facebook or Instagram, is preferred by Millennials (people born between 1980 and 1994) compared to Generation Z (people born 1995 or later). The results of her survey are below.

Facebook Instagram Total

Millennials 530 504 1034

Generation Z 129 905 1034

Total 659 1409 2068

Which of the following conclusions could be accurately drawn from these results?

Approximately 25% of Millennials surveyed prefer Facebook

Approximately 36% of Millennials surveyed prefer Instagram

Approximately 50% of Generation Z surveyed prefer Facebook

Approximately 90% of Generation Z surveyed prefer Instagram

10. The student made the calculation shown below. What question was she trying to answer?

504 ÷ 1409

What percentage of those who prefer Instagram are Millennials?

What percentage of those who prefer Facebook are Millennials?

What percentage of Millennials prefer Instagram?

What percentage of Millennials prefer Facebook?

11. A 2018 Chevrolet Suburban averages 15 miles per gallon of gas in the city. It drives 47% farther per gallon of gas on the highway. If gas costs $3.25 per gallon, how much does a Suburban cost to drive per mile on the highway? Round to the nearest cent

7 cents per mile on the highway

15 cents per mile on the highway

22 cents per mile on the highway

153 cents per mile on the highway

12. The following data table gives information about the change in smartphone sales of two leading companies from 2007 to 2017.

Company Smartphones sold in 2007 Smartphones sold in 2017 Smartphones sold in 2027

Apple 2.3 million 214.9 million ?

Samsung 435.5 million 321.3 million ?

The number of smartphones sold is changing for these companies every year. Suppose that over the next 10 years, from 2017 to 2027, their absolute rates of change of smartphone sales remains the same as the previous 10 years. Using the data table, determine which of the following statements would be true.

Samsung will sell more smartphones that Apple in 2027.

Samsung will sell over 400 million smartphones in 2027.

Apple will sell over 400 million smartphones in 2027.

Apple and Samsung will sell approximately the same number of smartphones in 2027.

Date 3/1/98 1/1/01 1/1/02 1/1/07 1/1/08 7/1/14 1/1/16 1/1/17 1/1/18

Minimum Wage $5.75 $6.25 $6.75 $7.50 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $10.50 $11.00

13. California’s minimum wage (in dollars per hour) has increased substantially over the last 20 years, as seen in the table below.

Which of these graphic displays should be used to show the rate of change, or trend, of these minimum wage rates over time?

a. A bar graphb. A line graphc. A pie chart

d. A table displaying the mean and median

15. The table below shows the yearly income of a random sample of family physicians across the US in 2018.

Doctor Income in 2018

Dr. Bonner$108,000

Dr. Dupree$210,000

Dr. Gilbreath$145,000

Dr. Griner$190,000

Dr. Hornbuckle$135,000

Dr. Houston$180,000

Dr. Kizer$187,000

Dr. Taurasi$162,000

Dr. Taylor$151,000

Dr. Thomas$235,000

Calculate the mean and median income in 2018 for these doctors.

Mean = $162,000, median = $171,000

Mean = $167,800, median = $162,000

Mean = $170,300, median = $171,000

Mean = $171,000, median = $180,000

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

19. The cost of Carlos’s electric bill (E) is computed by using a monthly charge of $29.99 plus $0.11 per kilowatt hour (k), as follows:

E = 0.11k + 29.99

Solve this equation for k.

E0.11 – 29.99 = k

E0.11 + 29.99 = k

(E – 29.99) / 0.11 = k

(E + 29.99) / 0.11 = k

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

22. Which of the following could be a model for the amount of money (A) Maddie’s saving account will contain after (w) weeks?

A = 300w

A = 300 + 0.03w

A = 300 + 1.03w

A = 300 * 1.03w

23. A 21-year-old in New York wants to figure out how much he will spend at a new club, Club C. He figures out that his cost can be calculated using the formula below. Which of the following could be an interpretation of this formula?

C = 20 + 12D

The cost he will pay to go to Club C is a $12 cover charge plus $20 per drink.

The cost he will pay to go to Club C is a $20 cover charge plus $12 per drink.

The cost he will pay to go to Club C is $20 after 12 AM.

The cost he and his friends will pay to go to Club C is a $32 per person.

25. The average price of 42-inch TVs has gone down dramatically over the past 20 years. The graph below shows the approximate average price of a 42-inch TV each year, beginning in 1998. The equation to model this is:

P = $1200 * .97 t


P = the average price of a 42-inch TV

t = number of years since 1998

Which of the following statements gives the best interpretation of this model?

The average price of a 42-inch TV has decreased by $97 every year

The average price of a 42-inch TV has decreased by $36 each year

The average price of a 42-inch TV has decreased by 3% every year

The average price of a 42-inch TV has decreased by 97% every year

26. Recall that the formula for earnings on a principal investment compounded annually is:

A = P * (1 + r)t


A = amount in the fund

P = principal (initial amount invested)

r = Annual Percentage Rate (APR) (as a decimal)

t = time in years, or term

If you invest $3,000 into each of the four options below, which option would yield the highest amount at the end of the term?

12 years, 3% APR

8 years, 5% APR

6 years, 7% APR

4 years, 10% APR

27. Nikolas invests $1,400 into a certificate of deposit that earns 1.8% compounded semiannually (twice a year). How much money will he have at the end of 5 years? Use the compound interest formula given below. Round final answer to the nearest cent.

A = P(1 + r/n)n*t


A = the amount in the account

P = the original principal

r = the annual interest rate

n = the number of compounding periods in a year

t = the number of years





Part 2: Open Ended Items

For Part 2: Write your work and answers on the test. The answer sheet is not needed for this section.

An Amazon Echo originally costs $99.99. It is on sale for 10% off. Sales tax of 7.5% is then added to the sale price. What is the cost of the Echo on sale including tax? Round your answer to the nearest penny.

1+7.510099.99*0.9=96.74The population of Minnesota is about 5.577 million people. Write Minnesota’s population in standard notation (as a number).

5.577*106=557,7000 peopleIn 2018, the Unites States had a population of 325.7 million people. Of these, 11.66 million lived in Ohio. What percent of all people in the United States lived in Ohio in 2018? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

11.66325.7*100=3.6%As people are living longer and the world’s population is increasing, there are more and more people ages 65 or older. In 2000, approximately 419 million people were 65 or older. By 2017, that number increased to 656 million. On the two questions below, round to the nearest tenth when relevant.

a. What was the absolute change in the number of people 65 or older from 2000 to 2017?

Absolute Change=656-419=237 million b. What was the relative change in the number of people 65 or older from 2000 to 2017?

Relative Change=237419*100=56.6%

A student downloaded a new game on her phone that was recommended by her friend. She wanted to show her friend how good she was doing, so she wrote down all her scores on the game. Her first five scores on the game were 432, 543, 348, 788, and 823. On the two questions below, round to the nearest whole number when relevant.

a. What is her mean, or average, score on the game?

Mean=432+543+348+788+8235=586.8≈587b. What is her median score on the game?

Rearranging: 348, 432, 543, 788, 823Median=543Using the equation:

d = r * t


d = distance traveled

r = rate (speed, velocity)

t = time

If you have to fly from JFK airport in New York to LAX airport in Los Angeles, you will fly 2,475 miles. If the average amount of time for a plane to fly from JFK to LAX is 5 hours and 30 minutes, what is the average speed that a plane flies on this trip? Include the appropriate units.

Av.Speed=dt=2475miles5.5 hours=450 miles/hourYou need to buy bananas at the store, but you realize you only have $2. How many bananas could you buy if they each cost 30 cents? (Hint: you cannot buy a fraction of a banana).

Whole Bananas=20.3=6

After trick-or-treating, a boy opened all of his M&Ms and put them into one big jar. He ate the same amount of M&Ms each day until they were gone. He made a graph, shown below, to represent how many M&Ms he had left over time. His teacher explained that his situation could be modeled by a linear equation where M represents the amount of M&Ms left and d represents the number of days since Halloween that had passed. Use the student’s graph to answer the following questions.


a.  Circle the horizontal intercept on the graph.

b. What information does the horizontal intercept tell you, in the context of this problem?

The Horizontal Intercept (days=50):There would no M&Ms left 50 days from Halloween

c.  What is the slope of the line on the graph?

Slopem=Change in M&MsChange in d(Days)=0-6050-30=-6020=-3 M&Ms/dayd.  What information does the slope tell you, in the context of this problem?

Slope tells rate at which M&M’s left are decreasing per day.