Industrial Culture

Industrial Culture





Socialism should incorporate human rights but not property rights. The middle (bourgeoisie) and lower class (proletariat) continued to develop. The low class earned their living from work were vulnerable to market fluctuations. The machine development and division of labor has adversely affected their work decreasing their wages. They have become slaves and have neither sex nor age difference because everyone labors and exploited by the higher social classes. The lower category of the middle class has receded to the low class due to lack of capital and technology. The lower class has struggled with the middle class as individual laborer and as a group of workers against the exploitation. The workers however, were disorganized, geographically apart and competed with each other. They formed unions under middle class’ influence thus furthered their objectives.

However industrial developments have resulted to increase in proletariat who are strong and concentrated. They have become closer and have formed associations and trade unions. This has been facilitated by the developed communication thus nationalizing the struggle. Marx’s points out proletariats are the only revolutionary class while others are conservative and fights to preserve their positions. Proletariats lack properties to expand or safeguard and therefore has no subjection over the other classes. They destroy all means of attaining private property. They are vast majority and acts in their interest. Their struggle is a national one since the civil war through their open revolution to their conguering the middle class. This formed a base of the society through class oppression due to sustainable existence and steadiness. In the present time, laborers are being deteriorated in status and have become extremely poor. This shows that the middle class cannot rule since they cannot guarantee their existence and are falling while proletariats are succeeding. Modern laborer has become a machine and what he produces is what matters while their wages reflects exploitation (Marx & Engels, 2002).

Communist’s movement aims at overthrowing the bourgeois supremacy and private property rights abolition. Laborers acquires no property through their labor but are instead are exploited by the capital or labor they produce. The bourgeoisie owns power as a common property socially which is threatened by the communist. Marx points out that communism do not restrain people from use of products of their labor but restrains the subjugation of others in the process. He claims that philosophy and religion are based on existence of the people. Those ideas that prevail serve the ruling class’ interest. This shows that the ruling class structures the society by the rules they make and serves their own interest. Property rights are glorified by the bourgeoisie due to the fact that they are the owners. Proletariat abolishes class antagonism and eventually their class supremacy.

Marx views revolution where workers would be rulers and struggle to abolish private property. Communism portrays history as a force that is unchangeable and one that has morally desirable results. Critics of communism are harshly addressed by Marx in a sarcastic manner. If private property is abolished, some claim that there will be no workers and communism would end up destroying the intellectual products. However, Marx claims that workers acquire nothing while those who acquirers never works. He points out that class culture disappearance is different from all culture disappearance. Communists aim at freeing the property from the ruling class. Communists have been criticized to aim at abolishing nationality and a country but Marx claims that the workers have no country and national differences are insignificant where industrialization has continued to standardize people’s life.


Marx Karl, Engels Friedrich. (2002). The Communist Manifesto. England; Penguin Classics