Irreversible Effect of Global Warming Name
The debate amount climate change and its effect on the humans, would animals, and plants has been raging for years. The neglect and abuse of the serene environment due to increased exploitation of natural resources has caused the climate to go beyond points of zero recovery. Today, millions of people living along coastal areas are already losing their habitat due to risking seas and this spells danger to the world. Climate change and global warming is said to be irreversible because it has gone beyond the tipping point. A study published in 2009, led by a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shows that climate change may in fact be irreversible. Still, the value and impact of the climate change can be seen far beyond where the damage is occurring and this includes things like bad weather, extreme heat, rainfall and flooding. The economic cost of global warming is said to amount to billions of dollars annually with the figures expected to rise even higher.
Global warming can only reverse if it is within limited reaches. However, the current global warming fates only shows that the world is to a point where it cannot reverse the situation. The world is today experiencing temperatures at rates that have never been recorded before (Hughes et al., 2017). The issue has even gotten worse in areas where some of the climate experts are waring of even higher temperature rise. Students have shown that in the current rates, the climate change may even become uncontrollable. The major issue in this regard is that the burning of fossil fuels is only adding fuel to the fire that is making the issue of global warming even more dangerous (Hanna & Tait, 2015). There is a lot of concern among climate experts that the current rates of fossil fuel burning will create trajectory that may be hard to reverse.
The other reason that makes global warming irreversible is that the climate safety commitments are being ignored and broken that makes the issue worse. For example, the U.S. pulling out of the 2015 Paris climate Accord under the Trump’s administration was heavily criticized by global leaders. Such actions that go contrary to the efforts being laid down in securing the world only point to the dangers that lie ahead in regard to the global warming. Still, the commitment to other climate safety laws mainly regarding coal burning has been ignored by counties like China thus adding to the risk of worse global warming in the future (McGlade & Ekins, 2015). Perhaps the issue can only be addressed when the world comes together and admits that human kind will exterminate itself through ignorance of the matter. Even with the adequate efforts being put, the issue of global warming still poses great risk to the stability in climate.
With the current state of lobal warming, expert have argued that the world still has chance to make things better. The safety of the world climate leis in the collective responsiveness to the dangers that lie ahead where every country has to play its part (Hughes et al., 2017). More compelling is the observed neglect of the global laws meant to restrict abuse of the resources like coal and other fossil fuels. There is an unfriendly competition in the global economy that is having great repercussions on the climate as the country go beyond the norms to attain the needed growth. Despite the fact that global warming currently appears irreversible, there is hope on what can be done to reduce the speed at which things are worsening (Hanna & Tait, 2015). The first approach to slow things down relates to the individua action and concern that every country has to take.
The global warming issue is already out of hand and more problems are projected to occur in the future. One of the things that makes the global warming issue appear irreversible is the continued ignorance and neglect of the laid down laws that are meant to curtail abuse of the climate (Hughes et al., 2017). For example, some countries are already going contrary to the 2015 Paris Climate Accord that has been a fundamental cause of the deteriorating issue of global warming. More efforts being out to deal with global warming have already proven weak. For example, the shift to electric cars is yet to show any significant in the area of fossil fuel burning. Another outlook into this is the neglect of the basic guidelines that have been out in the area of climate control. Still, global warming is being contributed by deforestation that has over the past ten years occurred at unprecedented rates. The burning of large forests like Amazon has raised concerns over the safety of the climate as more trees are being brought down (Feller, 2016). Global warming thus stands at irreversible state with more threats being out across the world. The loss of the basic pillars of climate regulation like the forests and the vast use of fossil fuels has led to the pressure on the climate.
Increased population across the globe is said to be the main cause of the global warming as the exploitation of resources continue to rise (Hughes et al., 2017). More and reclamation has led to the cutting down of trees and destruction of other natural habitats. These actions are collectively adding to the danger of climate change that has also led to massive loss of basic climate protective elements. More so, the adverse needs to meet the global demand for fossil fuel and the economic growth appetite has made many governments overlook the dangers lie ahead. The world is consuming resources at a fast rate than ever before and this is having effects on the climate (Hanna & Tait, 2015). The case of fossil fuels burning only points to some of the issues that needs to be addressed. With the situation projected to get worse, the issue of global warming will only intensify and thus put more pressure on the climate stability. More efforts need to be laid down particularly on the area of neglect of the current laws that are meant to safeguard the climate (McGlade & Ekins, 2015).
Global warming is already a major issue of this age that is affecting people at the furthest reaches of the globe. Solutions to the issue appears far from reach due to the ignorance from the governments and individuals. For now, global warming remains irreversible due to the deteriorating cases of abuse of the global resources that is putting pressure on the climate. The major concern over the irreversible state of the global warming is that most countries are still ignorant over the dangers ahead. The developed counties have been cautioned over their actions that are even putting the world in greater danger. Rising temperatures and worsening weather will likely get worse with time as the issue of global warming intensifies.
Feller, U. (2016). Drought stress and carbon assimilation in a warming climate: Reversible and irreversible impacts. Journal of Plant Physiology, 203, 84-94.
Hanna, E. G., & Tait, P. W. (2015). Limitations to thermoregulation and acclimatization challenge human adaptation to global warming. International journal of environmental research and public health, 12(7), 8034-8074.
Hughes, T. P., Kerry, J. T., Álvarez-Noriega, M., Álvarez-Romero, J. G., Anderson, K. D., Baird, A. H., … & Bridge, T. C. (2017). Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals. Nature, 543(7645), 373-377.
McGlade, C., & Ekins, P. (2015). The geographical distribution of fossil fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2 C. Nature, 517(7533), 187-190.