Map Exercise
(30 points)
1. Please look at the three maps shown on the slide labeled question one.
Name one difference you can find in the size and shape of a continent (3 Points)
The continents are all of different sizes and shape but Africa and south America seems to have almost similar shape and size but there is a difference still.
All other continents except Africa and south America have an absolutely irregular shape.
Some continents are too small in shape compared to others
Which map would you use if you where sailing a ship (3 Points) (Hint which shows the least distortion of the ocean)
I would use the MD 1951 Map
Open the map entitled 1951
And look at the key shown below
What do the brown lines on the map represent and what do the numbers mean (2 points) (Hint they look like this below)
The brown lines on the map represents the contours.
The numbers are the altitudes of the different areas.
How do you use these lines to understand the landscape (2 points)
These lines give the landscapes altitude and the slope. When the lines are close to each other, it means that the landscape is steep and if they are distanced from each other the landscape is less steep.
How can you find out where this map (entitled 1954) is of (I am looking for a location) (2 Points) (Hint look at the bottom)
By using the information provided at the bottom of the map one can know where this map is of. That is, Lanham, MD. Upper Marlboro 15’ Quadrangle, N 3852.5-W 7645/7.5.
How can you measure distance on the map and where is this located and why is this important to all maps (2 point)
Distance on the map can be taken using a string or flexible material and then the measurements are converted using the maps scale.
The map’s scale is located at the bottom of the map.
Open the map MD_1993
Compare this map to the previous map how has this area changed (3 Points)
The area has become more occupied. The population of people has increased as well as that of infrastructure. More structures like roads and buildings have been added to the map changing the area. The vegetation seems to have reduced significantly.
What does the pink areas of the map represent (Hint look at the pink writing at the bottom) (3 points)
The pink areas represent the extension of urban areas.
Can you find Prince Gorges Community college on this map and describe how would you identify the location using what you have on the map (2 points)
Yes. Towards the eastern part of the map.
I would identify the college by first looking at the map key. I would then go through the map identifying the college sign as indicated in the key. After that I would look for the name prince Gorges.
Please find a map and either paste it below or provide a link (Either from the internet or else were.) I found an Africa physical features map. The link is, describe what the map shows (2 points)
The map shows Africa continent physical features and also the latitudes and longitudes.
Please describe why this map interests you (3 Points)
I am interested in knowing more about Africa continent physical features and mostly because of the unique features which support life of many wild animal. I also want to learn about this feature which mostly sustain summer climate.
How does the design of map you chose help emphasize the purpose of the map? (3 points)
The physical feature map indicates the topography and the physical features of areas in the map. This indication helps learners know more about other places in details.
MD_1993.tifMD 1951.tifQuestion 1.pptx