Motivational Interview

Motivational Interview


TOC o “1-3” h z u The five stages of change PAGEREF _Toc378595597 h 1The five techniques of motivational interviewing PAGEREF _Toc378595598 h 2The five core components of motivational interviewing PAGEREF _Toc378595599 h 2

Motivation is the change of one’s attitude and character through the introduction of positive reinforcement. There are several methods of motivating people depending on the situation at hand. Motivational interview involves enhancing motivation using different stages and techniques so as to yield alternative results (Miller & Rollnick, 2002).

The five stages of change

The five stages of motivation seek to conceptualize a situation by recognizing a problem and offering a method of change. The change in this case should affect their approach on the condition that makes them behave in a certain way. The first stage is known as in the pre contemplation stage. Offenders in this stage seek to defend their behavior. This defensive nature is triggered by the pressure to change from either family, friends or professionals. Despite the evidence of denial in the behavior of the patient, the patient recognizes that he or she has a problem. It takes time for the offender to admit the existence of the problem thus the phrase pre contemplation. The second stage is the contemplation phase. The offender in this is ready to admit the existence of an underlying problem. Most people in this stage are tasked with weighing the merits and demerits of the result of their change. The third stage is the preparation or determination change. This is a crucial stage in the life of an offender. People in this stage display signs of change in that their actions are different from their normal behavior. The fourth stage is the action or willpower stage. During this stage, people make the declaration of the need to change. A person has to develop the willpower that helps them overcome the internal and external pressure. The final stage is the fifth stage which involves maintaining of the set goals and objectives (Rosengren, 2009).

The five techniques of motivational interviewingAs stated earlier, there are five techniques of motivational interviewing. The first principle is the expression of empathy. This involves identifying with the situation that that a patient or offender is experiencing. The second principle involves developing discrepancy by ensuring consistency when applying the agents of change. The third principle entails avoiding of arguments by maintaining a positive attitude towards the change process. The fourth principle is the maintenance of resistance in the case of the introduction of any negative change. The fifth principle is the support of self efficacy. This involves adopting efficiency in all aspects of the change process (Miller & Rollnick, 2002

The five core components of motivational interviewing

The five core principles of motivational interviewing are essential for the success of a person. The first the core principle is the use of counselor style motivating. The second technique is the introduction of positive therapeutic influence in the life of the patient. The third technique is the introduction of a comfortable environment to improve the cooperation of the patient. The fourth component of motivation is the adaptation of group therapy. This allows for a person to experience change through the help of their peers. The final component is the use of reflection to fight any form of influence. This makes the patient derive strength from the negative aspect of their previous life (Rosengren, 2009).


Motivation interviews are essential for enhancing behavioral change. This change is positive in nature and is thus ideal for the improvement of the society. The various motivational techniques ensure that change occurs effectively. It is thus ideal to adopt motivational change techniques as a form of eradication various forms of behavior.


Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing: Preparing people for change. New York: Guilford Press.

Rosengren, D. B. (2009). Building motivational interviewing skills: A practitioner workbook. New York: Guilford Press.