Motor behavior

Motor behavior





Motor behavior

Motor behavior is movement study, which is an old discipline mainly in the forefront to enhance coaching aspects. It comprise of motor development, motor control and motor learning.

Motor development

 In motor development, the focus is mainly on child development s well as historically studied in relation to athletics. It remains important in term of considering keeping children interested for a long time. It is defined as the continual age associated changes linked to movements from basic unorganized skills to complicated motor actions. The data associated with motor development is based from child research and applicable to track and field’s. This is because athletes tend s to move from basic to complicated movements during their development. Athletes development referred to as body development and it’s systems is a new field of research. It is evident that all systems are required for conducting simple tasks such as running, control of musculature Central Nervous System and vestibular system for balance (Hoffman, 2005). Different athletes develop at dissimilar rates with these systems being rate controllers. An example of such a scenario is that some infants start walking when they are nine months, while other s at sixteen months, which shows different system development rates (Hoffman, 2005). The aspect remains vital to understand as a coach in that not only infants and young athletes not able to act, but their body systems might not have developed enough to perform certain skills at a specific level.

Motor learning

Body systems are often developed and then integrated to what is termed as ability. Even the best athletes have to learn for them to attain new skills and reach the next refinement level. Throws, jumps, as well as hurdles are sporty events that are skills oriented, which makes usage of motor learning to help them acquire the skills (Lee, 1991). In most cases, Motor Learning is viewed as a comparatively permanent change in relation to motor behavior because of practice and experience. Even though motor learning has been there for such a long time it still exists in academia and not used by the coaching community.

Motor control

Motor control is helpful in assisting a coach deal with skilled athletes and high level, trained to acquire greater levels of skills. The process can be attained through the usage of Motor Control termed as the mechanisms, which leads to coordination (Lee, 1991). The areas have been researched since the time of the Greeks with modern time’s research limited to clinical populations. It is obvious that there are various factors in terms of motor control and neuro-physiological (Hoffman, 2005). The major areas influencing influence control as well as coordinative action remains level of freedom, freeing together with freezing, 

It is clear that performance in sports is linked to hereditary and environmental aspects. Practice coupled with feedback remains a fundamental variable, which influences motor skills acquisition. It is evident that each person has the capacity to improve, but at different levels. The fact has resulted to frequent debate on the relative significance of genetic as well as environmental influences in relation to motor learning. These factors influence a person initial proficiency level, improvement rate final attainment level. Coaches need to be equipped educationally as well as intellectually to motor behavior issues and development as it allows coaches together with athletes to be efficient in their development.


Hoffman, Shirl J. 2005. Introduction to kinesiology: studying physical activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.Lee AM. 1991. “Research on teaching in physical education: questions and comments”.Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 62 (4): 374-9.