Motorcycle and bicycle helmets laws in all states

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Motorcycle and bicycle helmets laws in all states

All states should sign a bill requiring all cyclists and passengers to wear helmets when cycling to protect the riders from traumatic fatalities and brain injuries in the incident of a crash. Brain injuries can result to disability or death. A smaller number of motorcyclists die in states that require helmets, and encounter less cost to society. Some study shows that recently motor cycle accidents have increased with high percentage compared to motor vehicles. The reason of passing helmet laws is to succeed numerous safety programs of the federal government and the highway creation funds. Since 1967, laws requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets have been a debate in many states. However about twenty states have accomplished to make that law effective. An example of a country where helmets laws are effective is Canada (2001). These laws should comply with every cyclist, no matter the age or the road distance. A state that enacts the helmets law only thinks of what is best for its people.

Economics of Organic Agriculture

Farm subsidies are expenditures made to provide economic stability to certain farmers in the duration of depression to make certain that a steady domestic food supply. The can be in form of credit, cash or organics (1984). These subsidies are provided to farmers to increase their income and manage the pricing and supply of certain commodities. The subsidies are primarily designed to improve the effects of the Great Depression. Farm subsidies protect the conjugal farm region as a determinant of homeland security. Thus it protects the states people from relying on imported food to feed its population.

Unpredicted catastrophes, government subsidies and war, may befall a country and have an impact on food supply accessible for acquirement in the global market. Without governmental subsidize aid, domestic farmers could basically be driven out of business by foreign competition, thus placing the States at the mercy of other states to supply even the easiest commodity.

Safe Driving and Standardization of Cell Phone Regulations

 There should be standardization of regulations regarding cell phone usage while driving across all states. The safety of the states motorists should regarded as vital as the convenience. Most countries ban mobile texting while driving however there no bill that has been passed to eliminates the use of cell phones while driving across all states. Most people believe that if this bill is enacted, it would limit their freedom. A research shows that one in 20 U.S. traffic accidents takes place when a driver has phone distracted driving. The drivers either alone or with passengers have accidents that leave them traumatically injured or disabled and most end up dead. In spite of the rising growth dependency on usage of cell phone, there should be regulations concerning their usage while driving and should be standardized across all states. There should be a change of enlightenment requirements to take place for instance; Responsibility should rest directly on the shoulders of each American to acknowledge, discover and act to broaden this knowledge in hopes to preventing this crisis from persisting. The Issues concerning the pessimistic side effects to standardize cell phone policy should be dealt with in the will to save lives, and this should be the reasons for the policy (Thulin & Gustasfon, 2004).


Directions for future farm policy the role of government in support of production agriculture:

Report to the President and Congress. (2001). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Economist.

Thulin, H., & Gustafson, S. (2004). Mobile phone use while driving: conclusions from four


Quarterly, i. (1984). Farm policy: the politics of soil, surpluses, and subsidies. Washington,

D.C.: Congressional Quarterly (2014) Retrieved from