Multimedia Reflection Journal
Advancement of technology towards security has led to the capture of high profile rogues. The law breakers are however catching ground with the same technology. They have devised ways that help them conceal their identities. This is possible because most surveillance cameras are placed overhead. Thieves now use hooded clothes and caps to conceal their heads thus hamper easier facial recognition.
The choice of coming up with enhanced security surveillance cameras is to counter the ever growing evasion of law breakers. This will be achieved by development of ground cameras that are strong enough to withstand weights of up to 150kgs. The cameras will be placed on the ground of entrances that are to be surveilled. They will provide a facial recognition from below and any content that is being withheld. The cameras will also be fitted with security scanners thus detect explosives and fire arms. These devices will be water proof to function in all weather conditions. People will not know whether they have undergone security screening because they will be placed outside the doors and will resemble door mats, floor tiles and mud removers. These devices will measure five feet by three feet so there is no way one can evade from stepping on them.
The choice of this kind of project is due to the fact that, it will create a cutting edge over other types of security appliances. Time will be saved due to the easier identification of persons unlike now where there is a lot of time consumption in unraveling the perpetrators. This choice is further fuelled by my ambition to join the security sector and possible start my own security firm.
Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, D. (2005). Behind the cameras. Plagrave Macmillan Security Journal , 43-54.