Paper #2
Museum Visit Paper
(200 points)
Take a virtual tour of a major art museum from the list provided and identify one artwork to describe and analyze.
Describe the work and how it is displayed.
Identify the style of the work.
Analyze the work by describing and applying commonly used approaches and criteria for analyzing works of art (basic elements and principles of art).
Include a photo of the work.
Length: Minimum of 1500-words, double-spaced, not including title page and works cited page.
Tutoring though is required for this paper
Outside research requirements—at least 2 sources, and textbook
Use MLA Citation format (cite in-text and on a citations page at the end)
Submit a reflection paragraph in a separate document (about 100 words)
The objective of this assignment is to write a four-page paper:
Describe using all of the art elements
Analyze an artwork using all of the art principles
Identify the style
Due Dates:
Submit your paper as a Word document by uploading it on Blackboard
No other submission method or file type will be accepted!
Sun. 3/21Museum Paper Topic due–identify the Museum and the artwork
Sun. 4/18Rough Draft due—send it to
Sun. 5/2Final Draft due—include comments from Reflection Paragraph due—submit it in a separate document along with your paper
Internet materials—you may use websites, and periodicals for research
Please do not use Wikipedia or Encyclopedias
Resources: a free online tutoring service available to all PCCC students
Find the link at the bottom of your Blackboard “My PCCC” page
Course LibGuide: — Citation management software to help you create citations
Choose a major museum to take a virtual tour of from the list provided. The list is posted on Blackboard.
Take a self-guided tour–wander around a bit to get used to the atmosphere.
Now you’re ready to choose a single work of art. It can be a painting, print, sculpture, drawing, installation, etc. Feel free to pick whatever piece seems to “speak” to you.
After gazing at the piece for a significant amount of time, and taking notes, you are ready to do some research and begin writing.
Minimum of 1,500 words, double-spaced, that include the following:
Introduce your topic and identify the work by artist, title, date, medium, and size.
Include a Photograph of the work with your paper.
Describe how the piece is displayed. Include information about how it is framed or installed and what artworks are displayed next to it. Be specific!
Discuss the technique–Briefly describe how the work was made.
Research and discuss the Art Style. Identify the Art Style, such as Renaissance, Impressionism, Surrealism, etc. and describe an aspect of the work that indicates the art style.
Describe the work using all of the art elements listed below. If the work does not relate to an element in any way, you should say so. The description should be detailed enough so that a viewer unfamiliar with the work might be able to get a mental picture of it and give the reader a sense of what the work looks like. You can begin with what is depicted, who or what is represented.
Art Elements
Analyze the work. You should analyze how the artwork relates to each of the principles of design. If the work does not relate to a principle in any way, you should say so.
Principles of Design
Repetition and Rhythm
Scale and Proportion
Emphasis (focal point)
In conclusion, and based on your research and all the careful examination of this work, did you reach any new conclusion or ideas about the work that weren’t obvious to you at first? Has your interpretation changed?
Reflection Paragraph–In a separate file, write a reflection paragraph, about 100 words. You should write about your experience in researching and writing this paper. You can include what you expected, and what you learned.