Music and Psychology Paper
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Part I: Introduction
Music typically has a significant connection with human actions, feelings, emotions, and the mind. It is a story narrated in a language comprehensible worldwide. Music connects individuals to their various personal past encounters, hence, manipulating their feelings and emotions (Greb et al., 2018). The manipulation can be negative or positive. The three songs that influenced my behaviors and thoughts positively are “Let Me Love You” by DJ Snake, “Not Afraid” by Eminem, and “Time” by Don Carlos. In the present paper, I will examine these songs’ lyrics utilizing three theoretical perspectives, which include Kohlberg’s theory, information-processing theory, and Piaget’s theory.
Part II: Stories and Lyrics
“Time” by Don Carlos gives me positive thoughts daily. I listen to numerous reggae music, especially after waking up and in the evening. They are among my favorite songs as they keep me going in my daily struggles. “Time” by Don Carlos was released in 2012 and is among my top favorite songs. The song’s lyrics are inspiring and penetrating. There is also a well-arranged rhyme to make it easy to memorize the song while listening for the third time. Nevertheless, this song changed meaning when I began listening to it every morning at 6 am after waking up and in the evening at 8 pm after unsuccessful days. The initial listening of the song began some eight years back on one evening when my friend and I had had a bad day. Thus, I went that evening, lay on my bed, and typed in YouTube, “tomorrow is another day,” only to find the song as the second in the result list and these lyrics:
Tomorrow is another day, as the clock keep tickin’ away:
Time is so precious and so I say.
Tomorrow is another day, as the clock keep tickin’ away:
Time is so precious and so I say.
Let’s make it, when the sun is shining,
Get up let’s do something creative (O.D.M Lyrics, 2020).
From that day, whenever I needed some positive thoughts, I would ensure the song was among my top priority on the playlist. Every time I listened to the song, I felt inspired and strong again to keep pushing through the struggles. If I missed waking up, I would feel something is missing while the lyrics resonated in my mind concerning how precious time is. Therefore, listening to this song’s lyrics made me avoid wasting time and rise early in the morning.
Hip-hop music has been my workout song for a prolonged period. I can affirm that music truly increased athletic performance as I listened to the music every time during the morning run and gym. Specifically, the “Not Afraid” song lyrics by Eminem are essential in my workout and life opinions. The song was released in 2010 and have been among my top playlist for the last ten years. I have liked this song since the day I saw it on TV during a live performance and began memorizing it word by word. The song was a piece of fast music containing strong beats, which were essential. The musical tempo resulted in an increased heartbeat which facilitated my exercise early at 5 am and while in the gym. I made sure it was my workout song. Every time I got dressed for a workout, I thought of the song and its lyrics:
I’m not afraid (I’m not afraid)
To take a stand (to take a stand)
Everybody (everybody)
Come take my hand come (come take my hand)
We’ll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just lettin’ you know that you’re not alone
Holla if you feel like you’ve been down the same road (Tyz__official, 2012)
Moreover, when I listened to the song, I remembered my life decisions involving good morals without fear of losing bad friends. Thus, it contributed to good behavior. For example, the song resonated with various occurrences. I was tempted by friends to avoid being ‘clean’ and take drugs, but I took my stand. It also resonated with the multiple times I could carry out exercises while listening to the song’s lyrics. Therefore, the song’s lyrics have promoted endurance in my workout and strength and determination in making moral decisions.
Greb, F., Schlotz, W., & Steffens, J. (2018). Personal and situational influences on the functions of music listening. Psychology of Music, 46(6), 763-794.
O.D.M Lyrics. (2020). Don Carlos – Time Lyrics.
Tyz__official. (2012). Eminem – Not Afraid Lyrics (HD).