Music lessons enhance IQ
The author of the article illustrates through performed experiments on certain individuals that taking music lessons does have a positive impact on IQ. The thing is that music lessons do involve many different approaches until one gets the desired results. A lot of attention has to be put in place when learning and mastering different musical tools and a tune, doing this improves on concentration and mental performance of the person involved.
The research variables applied in the experiments can be seen when looking at the two groups of individuals involved in the experiments. There is a group exposed to music lessons and another that is not. The group that has been exposed tended to develop a higher IQ as opposed to the ones who were not taking lessons.
The participants were selected after applying for the positions of receiving free art classes through an advertisement. They had to be age six as this was the perfect age to take music classes since older children will be hard to achieve certain perfection in music. The participants also had to have a keyboard with a full set of keys to practice on, so the ones who did not have it were not picked. The lessons were offered for a period of one year.
Out of all the participants picked, they were divided into four groups. Two groups took voice or standard keyboard classes, and another two groups took drama or no classes. This method made it easier to compare the results from the various groups. The results from the experiments were collected at an individual level from each group, and the data was compared to the results from an earlier test before the commencement of the programme.
In order to measure results the scientists used certain tests before the classes started: WISC-III, the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, and Behavioural Assessment System for Children (Schellenberg 512). Tests applied after the classes showed a detailed picture of childrens’ performance and skills development. Their behaviour was also considered through dedicated part of the testing and added to statistical analysis.
The author concludes that taking music lessons and extracurricular activities has a positive impact on individuals as these activities involve multiple experiences. They help to develop various parts of the human brain and hence boost the IQ level of individuals participating in such activities. Although IQ change was obvious, the behaviour of children involved into music classes didn’t change much.
The experiment did indicate that taking music lessons has a small increase in IQ (Schellenberg 513). Scientists state that IQ boost is connected to enjoyable studying perception which becomes more efficient when kids are gathered in small groups to take lessons. Music is related to development of abstract reasoning and the classes are perceived as enjoyable school lessons (Schellenberg 320).
The research does not indicate if such an increase is significant enough to suggest all children of age six to take up such classes. It is also not clear if such an increase is long lasting or diminishes when one stops taking such classes or stops participating in them.
Work cited
Schellenberg, E. G. “Research report: Music lessons enhance IQ.” Psychological Science 15.8. (2004): 511-513.
Schellenberg, E. G. Music and cognitive abilities. University of Toronto at Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 14.6. (2005): 317-320.