Musical Theatre Film
Musical Theatre Film
Now that we have gone over the 6 elements of theatre as defined by Greek philosopher Aristotle, let’s watch how these six elements come together to create one big piece of performance art.
West Side Story 1961 or the 2022 version HBO Max; Hulu
Chorus Line 1985 Youtube; Amazon Prime
Hairspray Netflix
Cabaret 1971 Amazon Prime, Paramount +
Chicago 2002 Hulu
You will be asked to write a 2 page paper/speech on one of these musicals. You may want to read the suggested speech topics on the next page, and the speech paper directions on the page after that before watching the film. That way you know what to pay attention for. You may want to watch your selected musical film more than once.
Musical Theatre Speech Topics
Suggested Topics for Musical Theatre Speeches
Write a speech on just one of the theatrical elements listed below. Use the questions listed under the themes to help you form your paper. You only need to submit your paper.
Purpose: To present your analysis of the specific area of the play. What was distinctive about it as theatre? How was it dramatically effective?
1-2 pages
Organization (Intro, Conclusion, Transitions); Clarity of speech (articulation, volume, and pace); Focus on topic; Analysis (Use of examples); Perceptiveness (original insights); Thoroughness (e.g. staying focused on the question)
Write your paper on one of the following musicals :West Side Story 1961 or the 2022 version HBO Max; Hulu
Chorus Line 1985 Youtube; Amazon Prime
Hairspray Netflix
Cabaret 1971 Amazon Prime, Paramount +
Chicago 2002 Hulu
Choose just one of these topics listed in bold. Use the questions provided under them to help you formulate your paper.
What is this show about? Can you list at least five single words that represent ideas in the play?
Does the musical have a goal, a purpose? What was the intention in writing the show?
Was the creative team making a thematic statement? About Government? Racism? Body Image? Acceptance? Others? Is this statement evidenced in examples from the play?
Is there a song that represents a theme? What lyrics in the song highlight the theme, and what do the lyrics suggest?
What is the general quality or tone of the music? What adjectives can describe it?
What does the quality of the music contribute to the story? What emotions does the music bring up?
Where do the songs support the plot or character of the story in Hairspray? Point out examples where Music, Theatre and Dance are integrated to reveal character or plot.
How would you describe the style of dancing? Does it add to the story line or themes? What does the style of movement communicate?
Is this musical theatrical in any way? What draws our interest in a visual way to an important moment? Does it work?
What moments give the play a theatrical lift?
What is the most theatrical moment of spectacle in the musical and why?
Describe one of the characters using adjectives. Show evidence from the musical to support each attribute. Also describe them based on what they actually do in the musical.
Formatting your paper
You will notice that each Topic has several questions underneath it. You should use those questions to help guide your paper. You do not have to answer all of the questions in your paper but you should consider addressing 2 or 3* of them. For example, your paper might look like:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Answer to one of the topic questions with examples from the show
Paragraph 3: Answer to another topic question with examples from the show
Paragraph 4: Answer to one last topic question with examples from the show
Paragraph 5: Conclusion.
*if your analysis in paragraphs 2 and 3 end up being long, you don’t need to include a third question. Not sure how to judge? Your paper should be around 1-2 pages. If it’s longer than that, then you can cut one of the topic questions.
There is a sample speech paper in the next Module that covers Themes for in the musical Zoot Suit to give you an example of what we are looking for.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the film, the speech topics, or any of the topic questions. You may want to watch the film again.
After you watch the assigned Musical Theatre film, you are ready to start your Musical Theatre speech assignment.
Write your speech paper on one of the following musicals :West Side Story 1961 or the 2022 version HBO Max; Hulu
Chorus Line 1985 Youtube; Amazon Prime
Hairspray Netflix
Cabaret 1971 Amazon Prime, Paramount +
Chicago 2002 Hulu
Take a look at the Module titled “Suggested Speech Topics for Musical Theatre.” You will see topics like Theme, Music, Dance and Character. You need to choose ONE topic and write a paper on how that one element contributes to the play and it’s intended messages.
You will notice that each Topic has several questions underneath it. You should use those questions to help guide your paper. You do not have to answer all of the questions in your paper but you should consider addressing 2 or 3* of them. For example, your paper might look like:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Answer to one of the topic questions with examples from the show
Paragraph 3: Answer to another topic question with examples from the show
Paragraph 4: Answer to one last topic question with examples from the show
Paragraph 5: Conclusion.
*if your analysis in paragraphs 2 and 3 end up being long, you don’t need to include a third question. Not sure how to judge? Your paper should be around 1-2 pages. If it’s longer than that, then you can cut one of the topic questions.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the film, the speech topics, or any of the topic questions. You may want to watch the film again.
To submit your paper click “submit assignment” in the upper right-hand corner of this page. Upload your paper and click “submit.”
Do you feel you might need Tutoring for this assignment? Here’s a link to our amazing Online Tutors at Compton College INCLUDEPICTURE “” * MERGEFORMATINET Links to an external site..
I understand that as students we have diverse needs when it comes to learning. Our DSPS (Disabled Student Programs and Services) office is amazing. “Fairness does not mean that everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need.” Here’s their link: INCLUDEPICTURE “” * MERGEFORMATINET Links to an external site.Rubric
Speech Paper Rubric
Speech Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion 60 pts
Full Marks; meets and exceeds criteria
Speech paper is 1-2 pages. The topic is on one of the assigned films. Includes an Introduction, body, and conclusion. Topic is focused on one element of theatre. Paper mentions and explores several examples from the assigned film. 55 pts
meets and possibly exceeds some criteria
Speech paper is 1-2 pages. The topic is on one of the assigned films. Includes an Introduction, body, and conclusion. Topic is focused on one element of theatre. 50 pts
meets minimum criteria
Speech paper is 1-2 pages. The topic is on one of the assigned films. Includes an Introduction, body, and conclusion. 35 pts
Does not meet criteria
Paper does not have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Paper lacks focus on one element of theatre. Paper does not explore examples from the assigned film.
60 pts
Total Points: 60