My Career Path in Ten Years after Graduation


(Instructors’ name)



My Career Path in Ten Years after Graduation

Many individuals go to school so that they can get a decent job. I came to the US for the purposes of acquiring a descent education. I also came here so that I could learn a different culture from my own especially because it is widely claimed that the US’s culture is among the best in the world. As it follows, I consider the following five years as the beginning of my future career. After I graduated from high school, I did not feel like joining the college immediately. I acquired permission from my parents to travel for a while before I joined college. Since I wanted to learn English, I opted to travel to England were I stayed for six months. After this, I visited some other parts of England. I then went back home where I helped my father with running his business for less than a year. It was after this period when I decided to continue with my education, with the hope that I would be able to procure an appropriate job just like every young person did.

Before I commenced with my education, I had several questions about where and how I was to complete it. I, therefore, consulted with my parents about their views and ideas. Since my father had studied in the US, and in German, he was of the opinion that I should complete my studies in the US, specifically in California; my mother supported the idea too. After this, I felt it was necessary to get other people’s opinions on the issue. So I asked the opinions of my friends, family friends who well extremely successful in their businesses and jobs, and even some business owners, and they were all of the opinion that I should come study in the United States. After I had decided where I was going to study, I was faced with another challenge; of how I was going to support myself in the US. Though my father offered to help me with this, I found out that the Ministry of Education back home offered students like me scholarship programs. I decided to apply for the program, and they accepted my application. I considered this the best thing that has happened to me.

I came to Chico in 2008, and immediately started n an English program. After I completed the program, I got accepted into Chico State. As soon as I became a student of the institution, I started to participate in numerous organizations and clubs in the campus. SIFE is one of these clubs that I attend and it is among the most significant ones. In addition to this, I am trying to focus on SAP classes, and especially the elective classes. I did some research in which I found that the application is particularly marketable back home, and that most specialists in the area are foreigners. I also want to get an internship in the US before I go back home. If I succeed in achieving all of my aspirations, I will be able to attain an excellent job in a reputable company back home.

I plan to start my career in a reputable company once I get back home; like SABIC and Aramco, mainly because in such companies I can continually further my knowledge and gain more experience and expertise. Such companies have highly qualified, and experienced employees from whom I can learn from. In addition to this, I will have the chance to attend business seminars and training courses that can be beneficial for my career advancement. I plan to attain all these within my first five years. Later, after I have gained all the experience, and after I have gained financial stability, I plan to start my own business. I am well aware of the challenges associated with beginning a new business but with the experience from my prior job, I will have the knowledge of numerous market needs, and I will also come up with a business plan that will enable me start a successful business; one of my Chico professors has advised me as so. I have numerous business ideas some of which might be viable and some of which are not. However, I am hoping that I can narrow down all these choices down after I get some considerable experience about the market needs and wants in the area I want to specialize in. the beginning of the new business will not be easy; it will probably deny me family and social time, but I am ready to sacrifice for my goals.