My first time with Malaria

My first time with Malaria

In many cases, bad condition in one’s health cannot be anticipated. Once it has occurred, the patient tries to understand the cause of the condition. If the symptoms seem to be beyond the patient’s control, the patient heads to a health professional that is expected to make the condition better. Due to congestions in hospitals and past experience, getting a good and encouraging service from some doctors is a surprise, like the one I got.

It was on Monday morning when I woke up as usual ready to attend my lectures. I stood up and felt some kind of tiredness in the whole of my body. I just thought it was the famous Monday blues. I just recalled the football game that we played on Sunday with my friends and related my feeling with it. I took it simple and expected that it would end after a while. I took a hot-water shower. I struggled to do my activities that morning. I could tell that that day I was going to be late for the lecture. I also did not enjoy my breakfast as I had always been.

The breakfast brought all the difference. I felt something that I had never felt there before. My body was jam-packed with fatigue; I had a severe headache and nausea. I had to change my mind and forget about the lecture. I explained to my parents about it and they immediately organized a taxi to take me to the hospital. We reached the hospital and on setting his eyes on me, the doctor ordered for immediate treatment. He took me to his consultation room and asked me about how I feel. As I was explaining to him, I felt like I could jump and take one of the medicines I could see a round.

He listened to me attentively and asked me whether there was any detail that I could have forgotten, but there wasn’t. The doctor then explained to me what such symptoms implied. He approved some medical examination to be done to me. He told me that according to what I told him, I had symptoms of malaria. So I was tested for malaria, and the results indicated that I had malaria. Without wasting time, I was given prescriptions, and I was on my way back home. The doctor said that I should get back after three days so that he could examine my progress. I really enjoyed the service.

This incident was very critical to me because I had not experienced such a feeling in my life. I just thought that I was going to spend some nights in the hospital. All through the feeling I was thinking about the cause of such a feeling. I thought it was just fatigue due to the previous day’s football game. I could also think about a snack I took from one of the shops around where I live. I thought of so many causes including taking contaminated water, but none was true. This was because it was my first experience with malaria. Despite my poor condition, I was very impressed by the actions of the doctor who took the matter very seriously and served me. Even though it looked like it was a very simple task to me, he taught me a lot of lessons in the medical field.

From this experience, I realized that a doctor should serve a patient with a kind heart like the doctor did to me. In the future, I found that the patient needs to be given enough time to explain what they feel. By doing this, I, as a doctor, will be in a position understand the actual problem with the patient. Again as a health professional, I learnt that the doctor should not assume the ailment and conclude that it is a particular one without testing it. Being friendly to the patient helps the patient to feel at ease. Good service will forever be remembered, and inspire the upcoming professionals.