My Life Lesson

My Life Lesson




My Life Lesson

I wish I could say that I have liberated myself through this moment of my confusing myself and not knowing where my life is heading. It has been an uphill task trying to regain a solid ground, and the burden of hopelessness and feeling lost in my life is now magnified than ever. In the beginning, my life was full of fun as I grew up living with my parents and three siblings. However, the fun could not last for eternity as I felt helpless when my life was quickly drowning, and the reality was not within reach. It was a prerequisite to urgently find an easy way out of the situation, hoping for someone or something to influence me by offering a helping hand positively. It was the only I was to liberate myself out of that quagmire I had dug myself into.

The story kickstarted when I relocated from California, and I was not buying the fact that it was something my parents had to do, whatsoever. Emotionally, it was a big mess for me. I was so enraged, and I found my parents as the only scapegoats I could vent my anger on to, and in most of the cases, my points were vague. Ultimately, the issue amplified to be an even bigger mess. So, as I was starting making new friends, I contemplated drowning my sorrows to whatever I could think was “fun,” such as high drugs and alcohol. On school nights, I was mostly out until one or two, arranging on skiving classes and failing to attend school since, in my mind, I had better things to take care of but not schooling. Time lapsed, and I routinely failed to attend my days of school, and it immensely caused my grades to fall. I decided to drop out of school when I was in tenth grade. The decision seemed an easy one to buy as I could no longer wake up at four or five o’clock to prepare to go to school. Now, I could stay out and not feel guilty. Somewhat, I knew what was conspiring, and my life was now on a downhill slant, and there was little or nothing I could have done to save my life.

On the other side, my friends kept track of what I was doing, and they decided to emulate me, which in return led them to lose respect from their families, teachers, friends, not to mention everyone concerned. And so, we went on a field trip, and we cared less about losing our education or even jeopardizing the love from individuals and family who were concerned. To us, it was a great thing and sense freedom not to be controlled and enjoy life wildly until we became bankrupt and could no longer finance our adventurous life. To escape suffering, I had to find a full-time job that only lasted for a few months. I was sick of working hard. I could not stand any person authorizing and commanding me on what to do and how to do it all. Eventually, I was fired as I could frequently rebel such orders. Once more, I cared less. Out of my desperation, I started getting into a lot of mischiefs, not to mention troubling police officers in numerous encounters. I was finally arrested, and the authorities were ready to take me to the juvenile institute to try getting me back on the track. At that time, I had no information concerning how my friends were doing. I returned to our home and tried to contemplate about my lousy demeanor. I was trying hard to think if there was any chance that I could patch up my mistakes. Well, I could not just find the solution, and so, I said to myself, I should move on.

Weeks passed by while, and I was still at home, and schooling was perhaps the last thing I could think about. Indeed, I witnessed the kind of mess my friends were dragging themselves into, but I failed to understand why none of them saw what was happening to their lives too. Just like me, they were also ripping off. By then, I was disinterested with other people, and I wanted nothing to do with anyone. Perhaps, this was a crucial turning point of my life, and I needed time to myself. I was inspired to take my life back into normality. I went back to school for the second term of my tenth-grade year while I was also working on a part-time basis to finance my education and upkeep. I started to improve my grades gradually, though, still a little on edge, but ultimately, I knew they would be perfect. It did not take too long getting back into the swing of things and living normally both at school and outside. I can only pay tribute to myself for feeling the significant change and working so hard turn things around.

To summarize, I had to turn myself around since I knew my lifestyle was straying, not to mention the dangerous activities I actively took part in. More than anything, I needed time to discover myself, and as for now, I am waiting for my graduation. Out of that experience, I learned that it is not a nice thing always to be selfish as that can lead one into troubles. When I got involved in those dangerous acts, the only thing I cared about was me. People often fall into a sinister trap in the name of enjoying the freedom and having control of one’s life. As humans, it is a prerequisite to be governed by good moral values as negligence and ignorance can only lead people into serious problems. It is good to have life discipline and be mindful of other people. I could be far in terms of life wellness if only I had not wasted my precious time doing silly things.