My Life- Selam Girmay

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My Life- Selam Girmay

Nobody knows the troubles and experiences I Selam Girmay has seen that comes to mind as I trek my way on in life. This is a difficult task since I am about to turn 15 years old. Who would think that at 15 I would have faced obstacles in my short existence here on earth? Every bump in the road I have faced has made me into the type of person I am and will become. The curves you are faced with in life I believe is what shapes and mould us into who we are and who we are to become. Every person is faced with things that shape their character more than once in their lifetime. Here is my short story of what has made me who I am as of today.

                My obstacles started long before I even was created. I was just a twinkle of an idea. My parents had a difficult time conceiving and had to go through many procedures to get pregnant. But they finally did. However, the twist here was I was a twin. I was not identical. The next obstacle I faced was my brother and I did not share living in the belly of my mother very well. We were constantly fighting for more room. The drama all started with my arrival. We were born at 26 weeks. This was a surprise not only to my parents but also to me. It was my brother who was rushing his entrance into the world. I was clearly not ready. After my brother pushed he was out my parents fearing for our lives suggested they let me stay inside my mother. Just as my mom finished this statement the doctor yelled, “we got get him out”. My heart stopped beating. In a panic the doctored wanted my mom to push me out.  As the frantic start of my life was about to begin, I was hit with another curve. The umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck not one time but two.

I began my preschool at the age of 3, and I attended my first school in Wakame public school that is in Oklahoma. At this stage, I knew how to talk fluently, and I made a lot of friends in school as we engaged in games together. I became more massive and slightly taller as I ate more than I used to eat when I was young. I ate a lot of sugary meals that almost gave me tooth decay problem. I often had nightmares and dreams because of too many games during the day. My thoughts developed, and I had very mature reasoning that increased my curiosity to know why some things are the way they are. I was one of the brightest in our class, and I managed to pass well and proceed to other classes through a smooth transition. My learning process was based on influence. I majorly learned through hands-on experience as my teachers made us to count sticks and to draw pets and fruits to enable us to engage in actual writing. Through my teacher’s help, my proximal development increased as I found it easier to certain things on myself.

I developed a social understanding and built powerful bonds with my teachers just as I had created with my mother. My mother always told me that when I grow up, I will become a pilot and this is what I always told my teachers whenever they asked me about it. My conscience development increased as well, and I could easily differentiate between good and evil, and I could follow what my teachers ordered me to do including keeping quiet in class and doing class assignments.

Most of my milk teeth began falling off, and I ate a little bit more compared to how I used to eat before. My sleep patterns could change over and over because I had some assignments to do or because of watching movies that were my passion. I was able to distinguish fiction from reality, and I could deceive. I began developing my interest in children at this age. I grew art of spending most of my time helping, and caring for younger children. My mother used to send me to school with packed lunch and some snacks that I shared together with my close friends.

Adolescence was one of my most exciting stages as I can confess, it was my first time getting approached by a boy to be his girlfriend. I underwent this stage while in NWOSU in Alva Oklahoma. This stage was accompanied by me growing “more feminine,” and I became more intelligent as I knew almost everything. I reached the internet whenever I wanted and found answers to questions. My love for children increased, and I realized that I could play basketball and softball as I actively engaged in co-curriculum activities. At this stage, I was undergoing some conflicts that I did not know the appropriate ways to address them. Like in a situation where the boy approached me, I was confused and turned down his request as I believed it was the best thing to do. I was also filled with energy, and my libido levels were high.

I believe I am on the right track to achieve my dreams. I joined Redlands community college in El Reno Oklahoma where I pursue OSU currently. My cognitive mind has developed to the extent that I want to have baby care when I grow up. My love for children is at a higher bar, and even currently, I am a nanny to the child of my best friend. I have become more loving and caring, and I have come to understand that I cannot ignore boys forever. I love hanging out with boys more as compared to girls, even though I hated them at some point in my life. I quickly bond with children and all the children I nanny never cry for their mothers because to them “I am their mother.”

My life has had ups and downs ever since I was conceived. But the truth is, the more challenges I face, the more I become experienced in this world. I have learnt very many life lessons that I believe keep me on truck in this unpredictable world. I have learnt to keep my circle small in terms of friends. Throughout my life, I have become so choosy in determining who and who not should be my friend. In the past, I have been a victim of fake friends who back bite me and eavesdrop my conversations just to pass them on to other friends. I have also learnt the art of being humble in all situations. Whether one is rich or has power over others, humility is key. In this world I have seen those who were humiliated rise from grass to grace while those who were boastful in power lose them all. It therefore requires humililty in one’s operations because no body knows what tomorrow holds.

                For sure, my life has not been a walk in the park and I have never given up on my dreams. I have managed to beat all the odds and I am currently studying my dream course. I believe I will go places and I am not stopping at anything. When the going gets tough, only the tough people get going and I believe I am one of the tough people.