My Name





My Name

Sierra is a name with Spanish origin which means “saw” in English and “mountain” in Spanish. The name, however, has been used in the description of the mountain ranges because of the saw tooth appearances that exist on the picks. Sierra Nevada and Sierra Madre are good examples of the mountain ranges. It’s a name that relates to the sun rise. The beam of sun rays we see in the morning as the sun rises from the mountain peaks. Sierra for sweet and friendly, a name that matches my personality.

Sierra is a name for brown color. A color that can blend with so many other colors as one can never go wrong with brown if they use it. It is a name that my mother gave me as one of her wishes was to name a child Sierra because Sierra Boggess, celebrated American Actress was one of her favorite actresses. A name I now hold with pride as it defines who I am. The name gives me an identity that is quite unique around. A name that oozes with lots of confidence and self-love for oneself, the two qualities I need as a woman to go far. My mother often says her desire to name me Sierra was associated with the sunrise from the mountains. It was a ray of hope just as we see the sun rise in the morning.

Si, the nickname a few friends have adopted. It makes it easier for them which is also a cute nickname. The sound of my name is that of class. Just by the pronunciation, you can feel the strength it bears on one’s mouth. At school most of my friends actually love my name with several already borrowing the idea to use the name on their future children. At no point in my life have I encountered a human in my life who was not happy with my name. The name gives me an identity that is quite unique around. A name that oozes with lots of confidence and self-love for oneself, the two qualities I need as a woman to go far.

I would never want to change my name. This is one thing that gives me an identity. If a Sierra is called out I stand out confidently without hesitating. It’s a cute name that has a cute story, yet a powerful message on its origin. My name has not really earned me any favors or different treatment, only thing is compliment from most friends as well as strangers who find my name intriguing. The best feeling in the world would be getting good compliments about one’s self, and this case applies to my name. Any positive comment made on my name has helped me build my self-esteem and love for myself.