My native language is Arabic





My native language

My native language is Arabic. According to the statistics of 2007, globally, about 280 Million people speak Arabic. This constitutes 4.23% of the world population by then. It can be noted that the language has spread to other nations. Nowadays, even other nations do teach Arabic and have it in their curriculums. One factor that has resulted to rapid speared is that its Islamic language and wherever Islam is, they normally speak Arabic. The intermarriage, intercultural, and globalisation has also spread the Arabic language speakers to other nations and territories.

It is funny when other people from other nations speak Arabic. The accent quickly notifies one that he is not Arabic and has just learned the language. What makes the difference is the pronouncing and the speed. International speakers know the sequence of words, and the logics of sentence formation but make pronunciation errors. At times, it is interesting listening to them. The accent not only comes with mimic, but it becomes comedic.

At one time I was corned in a place where everyone speaks their language, something I could not understand. This was when I went to an office, and as I wanted, a discussion in a foreign language took place. I felt out of place and humiliated. I was not sure if they were talking about me or their things.

The global relations have done a great deal in shaping the inter-cultural differences. The language barriers and isolations in other nations have also been bridged. The impact of globalization and the ensuing increase in multinational organizations have necessitated intermingling of people of diverse cultural origin and orientation. These coupled with the interactions at the place of work brings a special blend of challenges organizations face in the bid to achieve effectual communication within the organization amongst employees or between the organization and customers. Nowadays one feels free to travel to remote areas where he could have never gone without globalization.