My opinion on Intelligence Assessment

Unit IV (4) Journal

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My opinion on Intelligence Assessment

After reading chapter 8, my opinion on intelligence assessment is that it implies the capability to comprehend complex ideas, take part in various forms of reasoning, learn from experience, adjust effectively to the environment, and overcome obstacles through psychological effort. Intelligence signifies a feature of life that scientists have for a long time attempted to assess, measure, and define ever since its origin. A number of models on intelligence originated in the early 1900s, momentarily after contemporary intelligence assessment appeared. With different models come different forms of intelligence assessment. Different intelligence is assessed to determine their validity. To begin with, the Pro-certified IQ test of the International High IQ Society is an example of the intelligence assessment. It was a timed assessment made up of eight pattern identification questions. Contemporary intelligence assessment usually focuses on abilities such as memory, spatial perception, language abilities, and mathematical skills. The capability to solve problems, see relationships, and remember information are significant intelligence elements, so they are usually the skills on which IQ assessments center. The assessment is recorded in terms of intelligence quotient, or IQ, an idea initially proposed by German psychologist William Stern and adopted by Lewis Terman in the Stanford-Binet Scale. The perception of intelligence draws back to the Latin verb intellegere, denoting the acquirement, processing, and storage of information. From this perspective, intelligence is limited to the intellectual, psychological capabilities of the individuals. 

Whether We Have a Better Job of Making It Less Biased Than It Was In the Past or Room for Improvement

So far, we have done a better job making intelligence assessment less biased than in the past. However, there is still much room for improvement. Improved and better intelligence assessments are reliable, signifying that they are consistent over time. They also show concept validity, meaning that they, in reality, measure intelligence instead of something else. The intelligence assessments done in the modern time gave some information about their particular text and what made it good and had their own advantages and disadvantages. However, some assessments tend to be the best generally is actually measuring as a whole. Intelligence assessments are developed son how we comprehend intelligence- our theories. One of the theories that best explain intelligence is the multiple-factor model of intelligence. Some intelligence assessments cover an extensive range of diverse psychological abilities, permitting it to assess an individual’s numerous bits of intelligence more systematically. So far, we do a better job of making intelligence assessment less biased than it was in the past. There is only a small room for improvement. Most intelligence assessments are good, and the fact is that they are not culturally biased increases their validity. However, at other times, the intelligence assessment is too narrow in its questions and does not assess multiple intelligences the same way a good assessment is supposed to do.

Whether IQ is a relevant, culturally-competent concept

IQ is a relevant, culturally-competent concept. It is evident that culture impacts IQ scores. However, some researchers assert that intelligence is a concept specific to a certain culture. According to them, intelligence’s cultural specificity makes IQ assessment biased towards the settings in which they were developed. One actual thing is that intelligence cannot fully or meaningfully be understood outside its cultural context. The connection between different intelligence features can be different across cultures, with positive relationships in one setting demonstrating to be negative in another. IQ is a relevant culturally-competent concept signifying that culture impacts IQ scores. Something that we think of as intelligence in a particular state means a lot in some regions and somehow little in others. An individual cannot just disregard IQ scores he does like, as most people do at times, as invalid as a result of cultural differences. Intelligence cannot completely or even expressively be comprehended outside its cultural context. A certain thing that is well-thought-out as intelligent in a particular culture might be well-thought-out as unintelligent in another culture, and vice versa. Furthermore, individuals in diverse cultures have dissimilar implicit models of intelligence, so they might not even signify a similar thing by the word. The associations between diverse features of intelligence can differ across cultures, with optimistic connections in one environment demonstrating to be undesirable in another.