My Reading and Writing Experiences

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My Reading and Writing Experiences

When I first learned to read the excitement was overwhelming as I tried to read out aloud all words that I came across. However, it proved difficult to read out complex words and words that did not have vowels. When I was young I enjoyed reading to me it was an adventure reading short stories and learning new words. Learning to read was not as challenging as learning the meaning of the new words that I came across. The most memorable stories that I read were short stories they were full of adventure and new discoveries. The stories were able to capture my mind and put me in a state of adventure to find out the discoveries made by the writer. My imagination developed from reading these short stories. The fact that the stories were short made the interesting to me at my young age.

Today I engage my mind in the research literature and history because it is my area of interest. I also read magazines like writer’s digest because I am able to develop writing skills by reading the magazine. Recently I read an article on American history that I did not like. The writer presented an article that was not well researched; the names of the early explorers were not well researched. It is the writer’s responsibility to research on a topic before writing about it. The work of a writer is to pass on ideas and facts to readers not confuse them. Over the summer, I read online journals on a writer’s forum blog. The journals gave me insight in writing and developing ideas for publishing.

Recently I wrote a research article on life before American civilization. The article was a success since fellow American history writers approved it. I took the time to research on the internet and local library. I also looked in a local museum for artifacts’ that I could write about. I enjoyed the writing because American history is my field of interest. I also enjoyed the writing because I had taken my time to research on facts.

I enjoy writing about American history. I enjoy writing in a relaxed environment where I am not under any form of pressure. When writing a piece of work with a set time deadline, I enjoy writing it before the deadline so that I avoid rushing on the deadline. This way I am able to provide quality content that has been well researched.

I enjoy story writing because it is engaging. I have to present the ideas in limited words; I have to manage my content so that I am objective. Story writing presents an opportunity for me as a writer to improve my skills since the reviews from readers are forwarded to me, and improvements are made based.

When writing I am held back by lack of information. Since my writing is based on research, I have to search for information before I start writing. When the information I am looking for is not available, I experience hard time writing. This is because I aim at providing only facts and providing content that can be used by young scholars to do their academic research. As a writer concentrating on research and American history, I try my best to write history without changing the facts.