My text is a memoir

Arak Mcduffie

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My text is a memoir. It signifies a non-fiction genre written in the first person about a slice of life. It is a specific type of narrative that is autobiographical in nature but not meant to be as comprehensive as biography. My text tries to give a story with a proper narrative shape, focus, and subject matter, involving a reflection. By being a memoir, it is associated with popular personalities. Writing this memoir is essential in helping me to identify the threads and themes in my life and make sense of what I have lived. Writing about life that concerns me is a transformative and healing journey. It also contributes to recorded history and my legacy to the world, friends, and family. I think that memoir is functional in preserving history through my eyes.

I chose the memoir genre because memoirs are true stories that bring the inner story that ties to something universal. I find that writing a memoir is worth it because I have a clear purpose for it, and the story is worth sharing. I have reflected on my life, and I am passionate about communicating what I have learned with the world. It helps me to identify integrity, connectedness, empowerment and finding the meaning of life. Preserving my life story leaves a meaningful legacy that offers intergenerational connectedness. I chose this genre since I desire to share my personal experiences about epic battles. I am the main character in the memoir, whereby I reflect on my truth about life and experiences. At first, I wanted to choose the autobiography genre, but a limitation forced me to choose memoir over autobiography. In writing an autobiography, readers might feel that my true purpose in writing is to persuade, maybe to be embellishing or even lying, instead of informing. I chose the particular tools in composing because I wanted to narrow my focus, include more than just a story, tell the truth, and put the readers in my shoes. If given an opportunity to start over, I would use something else.

My research paper’s argument changed as I revised it into his new genre. It changed in a way that the new genre transformed to involve written depictions of my personal experience. It changed to allow me to establish a working relationship with the readers. For readers, these new genres aid in organizing information so that they can more effortlessly make sense of what they are about to read. The way that I used or cited sources changed in a way that I memoir; I do not have to cite or quote another person unnecessarily since I write the memoir from my personal experience.

I learned to research, outlining, reading comprehension, and time management from this project that might transfer to a future class or writing experience. I have been equipped with thinking and communication skills. Writing has done my thinking and learning visible and permanent. It has also fostered my ability to explain and refine my ideas to others and myself. It is something very significant and powerful tool that will be beneficial in everyday life. Writing has helped me to store information, make a permanent record, and communicate well.

The highlights of things I have learned this semester include writing ability, applying critical thinking skills, and identifying cause and effect. Things that I will take away from the class include higher vocabulary, adaptability, creativity, and reflection. One thing that I remember about college writing is that writing equips us with thinking and communication skills; it expresses who we are as people. When we study, we learn to appreciate words and their power. I have improved to a great extent as a writer.