My Values in Counseling

My Values in Counseling





My Values in Counseling

Personally, it is unnecessary to expose ones values to his clients during the session. If the client is aware of the counselor’s values, then this counselor will have no control over the interpretation the client will have on his values. Exposing values of the counselor will result into random issues that may make the session unproductive. In Counseling, personal values are key elements in the development of an individual and society. When i help other people despite being open minded, i constantly run the risk of inflicting my values on the clients. It is impossible to listen to the client and avoid judging what they tell me.

Personal Values in counseling is a difficult ethical theory. Even the most careful and principled counselors can also be influenced unintentionally by their values. As counselors, imposing my values to clients is a deceitful scheme, and it jeopardizes with our professional objectives. Some people would disagree that objectivity is a false impression and that it is totally impractical.

Integrity is a key value for me and all the counselors. To me, this means I have to behave accordingly according to the moral principle. I need to know what I believe and practice within that system of belief. I am not supposed to do harm to my clients, and observe my boundary to all my clients.

The second significant value is freedom. Freedom helps me by driving me into performing certain actions. It helps me decide on what the next move to take. Freedom allows me to be creative and responsible for decisions I make. With these values, I am able to commit with the client making him responsible for his actions and its penalty.

Another value is neutrality. This helps my clients get a perceived control of their own self from the external environment. This implies that i should be neutral, and the client will feel comfortable believing that i am OK with any behavior. As a counselor, I remain neutral and avoid communicating any value orientation. This helps me appear ethically neutral and keen on the client’s values. In a situation where certain topics are raised such as bisexual, religion or lesbianism, am not supposed to position to avoid any kind feeling from the client to me.

In some of my counseling sessions, there is the behavior that occurs naturally, and it is known as counter-transference or counseling transference. Counter-tranference is where I might project my own past conflicting experiences to the client. Transference is where the client involuntarily redirects certain feelings to me after interacting with other people. This behavior is common, and it is damaging to the session. Following my experience with this situation, I am keen when it comes to my feelings, and I try to use counter transference to get productive results rather than harm my sessions with my clients.

One of my best values that I consider challenging is neutrality. I need to be neutral on some issues such as abortion, adultery, drug use, child abuse and many more. I am to pass no judgment and be neutral to make the client comfortable during the session. However, this may lead to serious risks, and I may be held responsible. If I do not exercise the session with care and something happens to the client, then I will be responsible for negligence, unless the client withheld some valuable information during the counseling session.