Personal development Plan as a Florida Nursing Home Administrator

Personal development Plan as a Florida Nursing Home Administrator

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Personal development Plan as a Florida Nursing Home Administrator


The personal development plans as an administrator of Florida Nursing Home create a systematic approach to handling the healthcare issues and the management of the Florida Nursing Home Healthcare Organization. In the administrative role, the personal development plans make a comprehensive overview of the organization to enable the healthcare workers to adopt effective approaches to healthcare delivery within the organization. As such, the paper analyzes the personal development plans through the depiction of the career goals of the position. The analysis of the position as a career goal entails goal setting, goal prioritization, creation of timelines for achieving goals, analysis of the strength and weaknesses using SWOT, determination of an action plan, and measuring the progress.

Job Analysis and Description

As a nurse administrator at Florida Nursing Home, my work entails supervising the nurses and other healthcare officers. Also, I am responsible for recruiting, training, and hiring nurses. Additional responsibility includes conducting performance reviews and building a work schedule. Consequently, the work of nurse administrators is maintaining the budget and reporting financial issues (Chisholm et al., 2018). Liaison between the nurses and other hospital workers through execution continues to remain the function of the job administrator. Furthermore, I develop the hospital’s and other departments’ strategic visions.

Goals Setting

Goal setting enables me as a nurse administrator at Florida Nursing Home to advance my career and professional development. It also creates a system of using the frameworks for achieving the planned milestones, increasing the possibility of having success with the set goals. Consequently, it helps in combatting burnout by increasing personal satisfaction. The goals may be intrinsic and extrinsic to satisfy the personal desire as an administrator. The plans can be categorized into short-term and long-term (Roussel et al., 2006). My short-term goals as a nurse administrator at Florida Nursing Home entail completing small tasks like enhancing sustainability through environmental conservation, professional training, and gaining experience in information system management. The long-term goals include completing the project and getting a promotion as the overall administrator. There exist several strategies for setting goals.

Clarification of the Professional Goal

Clarifying the professional goal entails asking tough questions to explore my achievement and what I will achieve in the future, like completing a master’s education in healthcare administration, becoming full partners with physicians, and generating effective workforce policies and planning. Notably, the clarification of personal goals includes completing short courses on healthcare training for managing healthcare provision. Also, the need to exhibit changes to encourage career development through creating specialization. Consequently, I need further education training in information systems management to limit cyber challenges (Chase, 2010). As an administrator, I plan to pay for additional nursing education to assist with strategic nursing provision and administration management approaches. Furthermore, balancing further education with my work and family becomes a priority to enhance economic and social balance for professional survival as a nurse administrator.

Use of Smart Goals

SMART goals will enable me as a nurse administrator to be specific in goal setting, like acquiring additional education like a master’s in healthcare administration. I will also be able to measure success through the ability to use technological approaches in the management of information systems in nursing (Chase, 2010). Through the attainment framework, the goals of acquiring education will create systematic approaches to providing healthcare services. Notably, the goals align with my long-term vision of completing projects and getting a promotion.

Writing Down Goals

Writing goals down entails the description of the short-term and long-term goals. The long-term goal includes completing projects and getting promoted (Chase, 2010). Also, the short-term goals include completion of professional training, sustainable management of the environment, and training experience in information systems management.

Establishment of Professional Development Plans

Establishing the professional development plans includes attending inter-states healthcare conferences and publishing an article concerning healthcare provision. Also, I will take part in the healthcare committee discussion (Chase, 2010). Moreover, advancing my master’s degree in healthcare management will create innovative and creative paradigms for effective leadership as an administrator at Florida Nursing Home.

Goal Prioritization

The most important goal per my development plan is attaining my higher education master’s degree in healthcare administration. Also, I will effectively manage the environment through the use of environmental conservation measures like the use of degradable healthcare tools (Chase, 2010). My choice of advancing in the management of information systems involves exhibiting online training courses that offer strategic approaches to the information system in the nursing home’s management.

Creation of Timelines for Achieving the Goals

The initiative involves creating the deadline for the plans to deliver management approaches to nursing delivery. Each goal has specific timelines; for example, the project of creating a computer-based information system will take six months to implement. The six months period makes a systematic duration through which the detriments like discouragement can be mitigated easily (Chase, 2010). Also, my plans entail reducing the project’s expenses by limiting the project implementation period. Another initiative that fits by plans for creating the timelines for achieving the goals includes conducting online searches that would help define the timelines for achieving the objectives.

SWOT Analysis

Using the SWOT analysis provided paradigms for determining the strength and weaknesses of my plan development criteria (Ladd et al., 2020). The SWOT analysis helps in the organization of thoughts for the development of solid strategies for the achievement of goals. SWOT analysis describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.


What sets me apart from my colleagues is my ability to exhibit comprehensive communication skills and social interaction framework for everyone within the organization. Also, my competitive advantages are the ability to offer services to patients with the help of nurses, the ability to care for the employees and the clients, and the ability to employ environmentally friendly practices for the sustainability of the nursing organization (Ladd et al., 2020). Consequently, my competitive advantages include the cost-based approaches of production and service delivery to the patients at low cost and the use of a technological-based production system to manage information within the organization.


Shortages of healthcare professionals characterize my weaknesses. There are few nurses and medical officers in Florida Nursing Home. Also, the organizational changes in pay structure have made me unable to develop a familiar payment system through which client confusion will be mitigated (Ladd et al., 2020). Difficulties in the management of Medicaid continue to define my weakness. The number of senior citizens is rising, making it difficult for an administrator to determine a strategic plan and move towards relative fund implementation.


Several opportunities characterize the healthcare administrative position at Florida Nursing Home. As such, the chance of exploiting the insurance companies who insure patients must be handled with care (Ladd et al., 2020). Also, the health IT startups create a systematic realm where the Florida Nursing Home information system planning will get achieved. Consequently, the community-based organizations plan to work with the Florida Nursing Home to deliver effective health services to the public at the state and the local level. Moreover, the pharmaceutical and medical devices companies have contacted my management to continue supplying medical equipment and drugs to the organization.


I have experienced several threats in the administration of Florida Nursing Home. The primary threat is the need to address the rising cost of healthcare which has affected the whole nation. Also, the threat of recruiting top nursing talent because of the increased pay needed for their salaries. Another threat in the administrative position is the difficulties in managing Medicaid. Furthermore, protection from cyber-attacks has become a threat, making me pursue courses dealing with information systems management.

Determination of the Action Plan

An adequately designed action plan is suitable for realizing and tracking goals. The action plans are used to create a clear management path for the organization’s success. Notably, the level of the action plans varies depending on the resources available and the complexity of the goals. My action plans entail setting smart goals that are attainable, specific, relevant, time-based, and measurable. Also, my list of actions entails benchmarking with colleagues in a different organization, learning new skills, and creating a plan that leads to ultimate objectives (Phillips et al., 2018). Moreover, setting the timelines continues to characterize the action plans by establishing the time framework for action. Furthermore, the designation of the hospital resources and assigning the task to the task force determines the qualified health officers to perform the task. Most importantly, monitoring the progress through internal reporting and holding regular meetings to create clear ideas of progress towards the goals.

Measuring the Progress

Measuring the progress in nursing creates success in managing financial and human resources. As such, I reckon the progress by recording the overall goals achieved. Also, the improvement is effectively measured using the task done, the milestone, and the task deadline (Harrington et al., 2020). Furthermore, a calendar helps track the progress by checking the job and its pores of completion.


As an administrator of the Florida Nursing Home, my development plans create a systematic approach to the effective management of the organization. The projects entail goal setting, clarification of the professional goals, and the use of smart goals. It also encompasses goal prioritization and the establishment of effective development plans. The administration’s weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities can easily be determined through SWOT analysis. Furthermore, action plans and measuring progress equips my position as a Florida Nursing Home administrator with valuable insight into management.


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