Persuasive Speech Outline-Why Tea is Better than Coffee.


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Persuasive Speech Outline-Why Tea is Better than Coffee.

Speaker: (Name)

Speech Topic: Tea vs. Coffee

Speech Title: Why Tea is Better than Coffee

Speech Type: Persuasive

Audience analysis:

Knowledge: the audience is aware that tea and coffee are the two most renowned drinks globally. The audience knows that both tea and coffee contain caffeine but coffee has higher caffeine content than tea.

Attitudes: The audience has varied feelings about tea and coffee. Other prefers coffee to tea, while other prefer tea to coffee.

Expectations: By the end of this speech, I expect to give my audience reasons why tea is better than coffee. I expect that after this speech, my audience will prefer tea to coffee as their drink of choice.

Demographics: The audience is individuals of all ages and genders. They are men and women aged between 18 and 50 years. These factors are unlikely to influence my presentation.

Setting: The speech will be delivered in a public setting nutrition forum.

Speech Purpose: To persuade audience to change behavior by convincing them tea is better than coffee.

Thesis Statement: Tea is the better option than coffee as it helps with weight loss, reducing stress, and keeping individuals alert.

I. Introduction

Attention Getter: Did you know that In America, seniors are more likely to take coffee compared to their younger counterparts; they drink three times as much coffee as young people in a day (García-Blanco, Alberto and Francesco, 61). Is it possible to replace your regular cup of coffee with tea as you start your day? Undoubtedly, tea and coffee are some of the most renowned beverages in the world. When I say tea is better than coffee, it might sound like I am being biased; I am not. I am not saying this simply because I love tea but I have taken the time to assess and weigh in on both products for some time now. At one point in my life I used to be like most you, I could not start my day without my daily dose of coffee. I bet you would not believe it if I said that it’s been years since I indulged in a cup of coffee. Now, I only take coffee I cannot do without it.

Topic and Purpose: Tea is the better option than coffee and this speech explains precisely why that is the case.

Main points: I will begin with discussing how tea helps with weight loss,

Secondly, I will discuss how tea helps with stress reduction

Finally, I touched on how tea helps consumers stay alert, particularly during the day.

Relevance: The debate as to which is the better drink between tea and coffee has been going on for so long, and I feel it is important to discuss the issue and put the matter to rest.

Credibility: The people that know me can tell you that used to be an avid coffee lover for the longest time, until I found a love in tea and loved it even more than coffee. Because I have experienced both sides of the coin, I feel I am in position to speak on the matter and convince you coffee lovers to give tea a chance.

Organizational Pattern: Topical Sequence


I. Tea is the perfect remedy for weight loss and to be honest who does not like that.

Tea contains tons of antioxidants that are much more than one can ever get in coffee (Gaeini et al, 5)

Antioxidants are effective in keeping a person’s body feeling and looking fantastic.

It is for these reasons that many companies have recently started jumping the bandwagon of incorporating antioxidant in their products.

Antioxidants keeps the body feeling fresh and tea has plenty of them

Tea, particularly green tea contains caffeine and EGCG that makes fat body cells shrink and muscle cells to be more active (Saputra, Indarini, Indarini, and Silvia, 293). Green tea is known to be a good remedy for body metabolism.

Transition, Now that I have discussed how tea helps in weight loss, I will now move to how it helps reduce stress in consumers.

Another reason why you should consider taking tea rather than tea is that it helps in reducing stress.

We could all use less stress from time to time.

While the physical cause behind this is unknown, it is common knowledge that tea is used across cultures as a refreshment and bonding tool (Kondo, et al. 48).

Some cultures, such as British, have become deeply tea-drinking deeply engrained in their culture

Green tea is particularly used as an antidepressant.

Taking tea the next time you feel low is a sure way to lighten one’s mood.

Transition: Now that I have discussed the stress reduction aspect of coffee, I will now touch on how it makes a person stay alert particularly, during the day.

It is no secret that tea has proved effective in keeping people going longer.

While some people hold the idea that tea has caffeine constituent than coffee, this is not necessarily true.

Tea actually has the same caffeine constituent as coffee

The only difference is that while both drinks are stimulants, tea has a bigger depressing effect than coffee (Taylor, George, and Marcus , 148). This means that coffee does not make a person sad, rather, it reduces energy levels.

As such, while both coffee and tea have a caffeine rush on consumers, the feeling from coffee drops quicker and lasts shorter than from taking tea.

Hence, if one wants a drink to keep them alert during the day, tea is obviously the better option.


Closing Signal: As I approach the end of my speech, I would like recap the main points.

Main points: I began with discussing how tea helps with weight loss,

Second, I discussed how tea helps with stress reduction

Finally, I touched on how tea helps consumers stay alert, particularly during the `day.

Topic and purpose: Tea is the better option than coffee and this speech explains precisely why that is the case.

Audience Response: I hereby challenge all ardent coffee drinkers to be open-minded a bit and consider taking on tea as their drink of choice.

Memorable close: Judging from the above explanations, tea undoubtedly remains the better option than coffee. I hope that after today, you can consider crossing over to the tea side of life.

Works Cited

Gaeini, Zahra, et al. “Tea, coffee, caffeine intake and the risk of cardio-metabolic outcomes: findings from a population with low coffee and high tea consumption.” Nutrition & metabolism 16.1 (2019): 1-10.

García-Blanco, Tatiana, Alberto Dávalos, and Francesco Visioli. “Tea, cocoa, coffee, and affective disorders: vicious or virtuous cycle?.” Journal of affective disorders 224 (2017): 61-68.

Kondo, Yoshinobu, et al. “Effects of coffee and tea consumption on glucose metabolism: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.” Nutrients 11.1 (2019): 48.

Saputra, Darwis, Indarini Indarini, and Silvia Margaretha. “The Effect of Consumer-Based Brand Equity on Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty in the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf or Maxx Coffee.” (2020): 293-298.

Taylor, Amy E., George Davey Smith, and Marcus R. Munafò. “Associations of coffee genetic risk scores with consumption of coffee, tea and other beverages in the UK Biobank.” Addiction 113.1 (2018): 148-157.