Physical Environment & Recreation
Lucreshia Jackson
American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Dr. Teri Logghe
28th September 2022
Physical Environment & Recreation
During my bus tour in Sentinel city, I observed different physical environments in each of the four neighborhoods. The building around Nightingale and Acer Tech Center were well maintained and, therefore, in good positions. These buildings were bordered by trees and flowers, indicating that these were high-class neighborhoods. The sidewalks and the streets were also in good condition due to their excellent maintenance. In the areas of Casper Park and Industrial Heights, it was the opposite, as the buildings showcased low-income residents. The buildings had so much graffiti on them, which created a bad welcoming image to the visitors in this area. The streets in the two areas had so many neglected vehicles, many shops were closed, and the soup joints indicated an area of low-income residents. The disparity in economies between the residents of the two halves of the four areas reflects the physical separation between them.
In Casper Park and Industrial Heights, some people could be observed cleaning the streets and moving around the parks. The billboards in these areas are also seen to be promoting religion. The flowers and trees in these areas are also minimal and are not in good shape due to poor maintenance. The recreation complex and around the park had some trash thrown around. The areas were not conducive for the residents since there were various reports of crime, homeless people, and stray animals. The areas had no riding paths, making it risky for those using bikes as they used the roadways, which could easily cause accidents. The restaurants were always parked up and had to be extended to the outside, and the movie theatres, shops, and grocery stores could be seen with people gathering there.
Our physical environments play a huge part in the public’s health since the infectious organisms that cause infections are found in the various components of the environment, such as soil, air, water, and infrastructural conditions (Mueller et al., 2019). These components may become contaminated by agricultural chemicals or industrial wastes. The environment affects the health of a community through air pollution by smoke or dust, poor housing or living conditions, toxic wastes from agrochemicals, acid rains, and wastes from industrial plants. Industrial emissions in Sentinel City put its residents at risk of skin, respiratory, or cardiac diseases. Therefore, the government in Sentinel city should take action by coming up with proper measures that ensure proper waste management and encourage planting more trees that help clean the air.
Recreational activities help our bodies remain fit, keeping off some diseases such as obesity, depression, or cardiovascular infections (Pascoe et al., 2020). These areas center for recreation in Sentinel City, where people engage in physical activities, such as the playgrounds in schools where local matches are held and basketball courts where individuals play or go to watch basketball matches. There is also the park located in the Casper Park neighborhood and the community center that serves as the meeting point for people of all ages in the city. As mentioned by the mayor, there are also plans to build more recreational centers and parks.
Recreational activities positively impact the health of the community. Physical activities benefit our mental health, joints, and cardiovascular health. An inactive lifestyle makes our bodies become diseases prone to various diseases (DeMarco & Healey-Walsh, 2020). Area such as playgrounds, recreational centers, and parks offers the public a place to work out their bodies, therefore improving public health. Through co-curricular activities, young individuals can make use of their free time productively by promoting their knowledge and skills that enable their development. Recreational activities create better economic and social growth and higher educational gains for young individuals. This helps reduce ethnic and racial differences creating a community with a common bond. Therefore, these activities should be encouraged to create a united community that embraces one another.
DeMarco & Healey-Walsh (2020) Read Chapters 3, 5 & 19
Mueller, M. A., Flouri, E., & Kokosi, T. (2019). The role of the physical environment in adolescent mental health. Health & place, 58, 102153.
Pascoe, M., Bailey, A. P., Craike, M., Carter, T., Patten, R., Stepto, N., & Parker, A. (2020). Physical activity and exercise in youth mental health promotion: A scoping review. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 6(1), e000677.