Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Week 1 Rest Activity type-Running for 30 minutes; Intensity-Moderate; volume-3 min per mile pace Activity type-Running for 40 minutes; Intensity-Moderate to high, volume- 2 min per mile pace Run 1-2 miles (moderate to vigorous intensity) Run at 10 min per mile pace Interval training (4-2 ration run/walk) Run for 4 min, walk for 2 min (moderate vigorous intensity) for 30 min so 5 intervals Activity type–Treadmill running for 30 minutes at a moderate pace, 1.5km/h; Intensity–Moderate Activity type-Running for 50 minutes at a moderate pace (1.5 km/h), 3.0 km total; Intensity–Moderate

Week 2 Rest Activity type-Yoga for 30 minutes; Intensity-Moderate; volume-3 min per mile pace Activity type–Swimming for 50 laps (5 laps x 10 sets); Intensity-High, volume-4 min per mile pace Run for 30 min. Try to run at 10 min a mile pace (moderate intensity) Run 1.5-2 miles (moderate to vigorous intensity) 8-10 min mile pace Activity type–Swimming for 10 laps (100 meters); Intensity-Very High, volume-3-5 min mile pace Activity Type-Swimming for 50 laps (5 laps x 10 sets); Intensity-High, volume-4 min per mile pace

Week 3 Rest Activity type-Swimming for 10 laps (100 meters); Intensity-Very High, volume-3 min per mile pace Activity type-Bike to work and walk home (5km); Intensity-Moderate, volume-4 min per mile pace Run for 30 min. Try to run at 10 min a mile pace (moderate intensity) Run 2-2.5 miles (moderate to vigorous intensity) 7:30-8 min mile pace Activity type-Climb five flights of stairs and then walk back down and repeat 20 times with a 0.5kg weight vest; Intensity–Moderate to very high), volume-4-8 min mile pace Activity type–Climb eight flights of stairs and then walk back down and repeat 20 times with a 0.

Week 4 Rest Activity type-Runner’s stretch routine 1 min/leg, 3 sets total (30 seconds on, 40 seconds off x 6 sets); Intensity–Moderate to very high (depends how you feel each day), Volume–1 set of each activity Activity type–Climb 8 flights of stairs and walk back down and repeat 20 times with a 0.5kg weight vest; Intensity-Moderate to very high, volume-4 min per mile pace Run for 30 min. Try to run at 10 min a mile pace (moderate intensity) Rest or walk for 30 min Activity type-Running for 45 minutes with an intensity of high and volume of 5-9 min mile pace Running for 40 minutes with an intensity of high and volume of 4 min per mile

Week 5 Rest Activity type–Climb 5 flights of stairs and walk back down and repeat 15 times with a 0.5kg weight vest; Intensity–Very High, Volume–1 set of each activity Activity type-Climb 5 flights of stairs, bike to work and walk home (4km); Intensity-High to very high, Volume–1 set of each activity Run or walk 3 miles (moderate intensity)4 min per mile pace Resistance training (full body bust mostly lower body) Squats, leg press, deadlifts, lunges, leg curls, pushups. 2-3 sets of 20 or more reps. Moderate vigorous Activity type-Swimming for 30 laps (3 laps x 8 sets); Intensity-Very High, volume-4-6 min per mile pace Bike to work and walk home (5km); Intensity-Moderate, volume-4-10 min pace per mile

Week 6 Rest Activity type-Running for 10 laps and walk home (1km); Intensity-Moderate, volume-3 min per mile pace Activity type-Running for 1 hour and walk home (2km); Intensity-Moderate, volume-4 min per mile pace Run5km (moderate vigorous intensity) 3 minutes per mile pace Interval training (3-2 ration run/walk) Run for 4 min, walk for 2 min (moderate vigorous intensity) for 20 min so 5 intervals Treadmill jogging for 45 minutes at a moderate pace, 1.5km/h; Intensity–High Running for 20 minutes at a moderate pace (1.8 km/h), 2.4 km total; Intensity–moderate to high


Increasing intensity, weekly exercise duration of running and swimming. The overall training volume seems to be increasing at a healthy rate. The 5k couch to 5k program begins the second week of training with a 20 minute run at an intensive level and ends the last week with a 60 minute run at an intensive level. There is no running cessation in between. The participant’s running distance is increasing at a moderate rate.

The program consists of two weekly sessions with two types of training. The first session includes running, yoga, and runner’s stretch exercises with an intensity level that is moderate to high. The workout also includes a seated posture routine for 10 minutes. The second weekly session involves mostly swimming at high intensity and low volume. Both sets of activities have an intensity level that is very high too high in the first week; however, the intensity is decreased in the following weeks until the final week when it reaches a moderate level too high for most activities. Overall, the program does not seem to follow aerobic training guidelines because the participant does not take enough breaks from the exercise intensity and volume level. The program as designed meets the recommended guidelines for aerobic training (Bouaziz et al., 2018).


Bouaziz, W., Schmitt, E., Vogel, T., Lefebvre, F., Remetter, R., Lonsdorfer, E., … & Lang, P. O. (2018). Effects of Interval Aerobic Training Program with Recovery bouts on cardiorespiratory and endurance fitness in seniors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 28(11), 2284-2292.