Physician assistants (PAs) play a crucial role in the healthcare industry. (2)

Physician assistants (PAs) play a crucial role in the healthcare industry. They help patients access quality medical care and provide direct care to all patients. Healthcare facilities across the country continuously rely on PAs to provide primary health care to patients and fully engage them in the process of their recovery. In a medical setting, primary care involves patient education, health promotion, health maintenance, disease prevention, and diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. I am passionate about patient education, and it is one of my motivations for becoming a physician assistant. One of my family members was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus growing up. At the time, none of us fully understood this illness, and the medical professionals involved did not educate us on what to do. As a result, our ability to manage this condition was heavily hampered. As an intern and volunteer in various health facilities, I repeatedly noticed that most patients and their families did not understand the diagnosis they were given, and it affected their ability to manage different health conditions and pursue health and wellness. For instance, while working at Empire City Laboratory, I met a patient with kidney failure due to diabetes complications. As I interacted with the patient, I quickly realized that he lacked information about his condition and was therefore not aware of the complications that could arise if he did not follow his doctor’s advice. I provided him with information about his condition and educated him on ways he could better manage his health. The patient was able to maintain his health as he avoided various health complications.

Another motivation for becoming a physician assistant is health promotion. Health promotion involves the introduction of interventions that enable people to take control of their health. One way physician assistants promote health is by creating an environment that promotes health and healing. As PAs constantly interact with patients, they must create environments that prioritize the patient’s well-being and health. Addressing the patient’s concerns creates a healing environment and promotes health. While working at the New York-Presbyterian Methodist hospital, I often shadowed various specialties as they checked on their patients’ progress. During one of these rounds, a patient that had just emerged from surgery expressed concerns that the pain he felt was an indicator that the surgery had not completely gotten rid of his problem. In response, the physician assistant I was shadowing that day listened to all the patient’s concerns, tried to understand how the patient was feeling, and in a calm voice, explained to the patient that the pain he was experiencing was due to the surgery itself. The way the PA handled this tense situation further proved that PAs significantly impact patients’ experiences, further motivating me to become a PA that positively impacts my patient’s experiences.

Personal experience has also motivated me to become a PA. I grew up in a low-income family and we could not afford proper medical care. As I had highlighted above, one of my family members was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Due to the high medical fees needed, we could not provide him with the care he needed, and his condition got worse. Other than access to medical care, we could not afford the drugs he needed. Moreover, the little we had was spent on his health, a factor that further strained our already limited resources. Over time, PAs have gained experience working with underprivileged communities without medical insurance. PAs can educate their patients on alternative medical coverage options that ensure all people, regardless of their economic status, can access quality healthcare. Given my low-income background, I hope to use the position of a PA to equip my patients with information on alternative medical coverage that can help meet their financial needs. It will help relieve these patients and families from financial constraints and will also serve to promote well-being, health maintenance, and disease treatment.

Lastly, I believe that my skills align with the skills needed in a PA. I have strong communication and interpersonal skills, traits necessary to become a successful PA. As physician assistants constantly interact with their patients, it is important that they effectively communicate and listen to their patients’ concerns. The time I have spent working and volunteering in various health facilities has provided me with first-hand experience on how I can navigate challenging and stressful situations. Patients deal with complex health problems that affect their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. As they are prone to outbursts, PAs must remain calm in these stressful situations and offer the patients compassion and understanding. I am detail-oriented, a quality necessary in PAs as they need to accurately note down patients’ conditions and prescribe the correct dosage. I am also a team player and can work with minimal supervision. It takes a team of medics to care for a patient; therefore, the ability to work with other health professionals can ensure that patients receive optimal care. While one needs to be a team player, it is also necessary that PAs work independently with minimal supervision. PAs and doctors cannot be side by side all the time. Therefore, as PAs need to carry out various duties, it is important that they carry out these duties with minimal supervision.

Good health is key to the well-being and prosperity of individuals and communities. As a PA, I hope to contribute to the healthcare and well-being of my patients and society at large. I am committed to promoting affordable healthcare, as I will ensure all my patients can access quality medical care regardless of their economic background. I believe that I possess the qualities and skills needed to become a great PA. Granted this opportunity, I will ensure that I can help as many people as possible receive quality healthcare.