Policies and Politics in Paralympics Games

Policies and Politics in Paralympics Games

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London Paralympics

London Paralympics games are an international multi-sport event for athletes with and without disabilities. This event is often attended by a large population who comprise of adults and teenagers. The previously conducted London Paralympics in 2012 served as one of the most significant multi-sport event held in the UK. The event involved athletes with various disabilities, which was managed by the International Paralympic Games. The event organizers managed the event successfully, which facilitated the efficiency of operations. With this understanding, the essay will develop useful insights into the legal requirements and policies that should be put in place to regulate Paralympics games in the United States. The London Paralympics for the Disabled will be regulated through an array of underpinning measures provided in the Integrated Communities Action Plans. This paper will present a comprehensive articulation of various policies with regard to London Paralympics for the Disabled. The integration plan provides an array of measures that support the government’s initiative and commitment to promoting strong integrated communities where people live, learn, work, and socialize based on their responsibilities, duties, and opportunities in the Paralympics event.

In the forthcoming London Paralympics for the disabled, there is a need for a high level of compliance by the organizers on how the event will be executed. The event will be promoted by the urge of the athletes to showcase their prowess and varying abilities in the field despite their disabilities. It should also take into consideration the need to promote awareness, diversity, and cohesion among the people in the community where the event will be hosted. Just like previous events, the London Paralympics for the disabled should achieve exceptional mass-market appeal. The enthusiasm and support from the British public and the previous successful performances in the United Kingdom will foster success in this forthcoming event. The event is expected to meet the organizer’s expectation by breaking the record of ticket sales and increasing the profile of Paralympics with regard to the event (Weed, 2010). The organizer aims to have the attention of the president of the International Paralympics Games and make the disability even the greatest Paralympic Games ever held in history.

The Integrated Community Action Plan plays an essential role in the provision of critical guidance to the event organizers. The policy facilitates the creation of an effective understanding of how the political organization in the country influences social activities such as the London Paralympics for the Disabled (Integrated Communities Action plan, 2019). The policy is important in that it was created to facilitate the development of a unified and diversified community. The policy’s integration is influenced by the fact that negative diversity can exist and reduce the effectiveness of integration. To avoid such adverse effects, government departments should identify and provide a review of various services and priorities on how integration can be driven best.

The organizer should understand essential priorities in the event to remain mindful of pertinent efforts made to promote the integration. Bearing in mind that individuals from different parts of the world with varying disabilities will take part in the event, it is important to remain mindful of diversity in the promotion of integration. According to the neo-system theory, integration can be achieved through various interrelations that are functioning in the social situation rather than individual groups and societies. According to an analysis by Cetina and Cicoure (2014), it is possible to achieve integration in the event through efficient coordination of the participants (Integrated Communities Action plan, 2019). Taking this analysis into consideration, the event for the disabled will promote diversity and a situation of unity and togetherness amongst people of varying races.

In previous Paralympics events, the government has facilitated the promotion of cohesion and integration by supporting the action pan policy. In the future event, efforts from the government will facilitate ending programs to identify the most effective practices that will promote the highest level of cohesion while curtailing issues of discrimination and segregation. To abide by the requirements stipulated in the Integrated Communities Action Plans of Weed (2010), the organizers of the Paralympics will facilitate the promotion of unity and establishment of meaningful relationships amongst the participants. The event often involves the participation of individuals from different parts of the world, an aspect that will increase interaction and possibility of brooding friendship between the management, participants, and individual countries.

The policy document encourages political development and the growth of freedom space in the section of Rights and Freedoms. According to this section, there must exist the promotion and respect for equal rights and the freedom of communities and individuals such as the disabled whose voices are often ignored (Integrated Communities Action plan, 2019). The government aims at supporting marginalized groups such as women, children, and the disabled which means that the event will receive the necessary support from the participants. Considering that the government will provide the anticipated support, the organizer should ensure that the event fosters an integrated state among the participants that fosters unity and gives the disabled the voice they deserve. Besides, it is necessary to ensure that every participant feels comfortable in diverse backgrounds by ensuring the provision of important tools and materials.

According to the Action policy, there is a need to create an economically and socially strong and integrated community. It intends to address barriers that are likely to undermine integration and limit opportunities for the marginalized communities through actions such as race disparity audit and hate crime action plan. It intends to complement the strategy of the Civil Society to create a thriving community and facilitate the realization of social values and enriches lives (Integrated Communities Action Plans, 2019). The government intends to implement five integration areas and ensure that they work together to identify pertinent priorities for the marginalized communities and promote the most effective way to address them. To achieve the main objectives of the Paralympics event, the organizers should implement systems that tackle discrimination and hate against the marginalized groups. This is important since such actions can divide people rather than facilitating the celebration of activities that bring diverse communities together.

The integration policy aims at facilitating the creation of an economic opportunity for residents in the United Kingdom. According to the policy, there are various elements of disparity as a result of racial based recruitment of individuals in the games (Integrated Communities Action Plans, 2019). This challenge is more pronounced to individuals who are disadvantaged, such as the participants of the Paralympics for the Disabled. However, the provision of the opportunity to interact and mix can promote healthy integration spaces. The event should promote the rights of the marginalized individuals in the community including the disabled, children, and women, to ensure that their rights are upheld. The London Paralympics for the Disabled will incorporate the attendance of diverse people, particularly those that are targeted by the forthcoming event, and is intended to promote cohesion and integration amongst the people.

The disabled are often forgotten in most events, which creates the need for social events that are well planned and executed. Social events such as the Paralympics should be organized in a manner that promotes enhanced relationships amongst the participations. Considering the UK has hosted a wide array of immigrants, the government understands the importance of promoting essential political ideologies for the benefit of the community (Brittain & Beacom, 2016). It is thus evident that the event will value individual needs in a bid to promote diversity and equality. Bringing diverse communities together into one place will promote political strength between the individual communities while fostering a sense of togetherness.

Political ideologies promote various leisure policies, and doctrines are often informed by various political philosophies and platforms such as socialism, liberalism, and conservatism. The organizer should take into consideration various political concepts and ideologies, such as community empowerment, when organizing events that promote integration and cohesion. This is important since such an event will provide an avenue where individuals participate in various activities that promote both political and social functions. According to Brittain & Beacom (2016), there are limited leisure policies with regard to political ideologies because free leisure time often presents significant challenges to government authorities in the country. Braye, Gibbons, & Dixon (2013), explain that urban leisure spaces in the country are limited by the growth of towns in the region. However, although pertinent political ideologies are taken into consideration in the growth and expansion, particular aspect are broad and not included in political platforms and the policies of particular policies.

The Paralympics event will promote the need for the community to benefit from enhanced growth and a sense of cohesion. This is because; many people in the community are often interested in the promotion of cohesion and integration amongst individual states and countries (Fincher, Iveson, Leitner, and Preston, 2014). The efficient execution of the event will create a central meeting place where disabled members of the community will meet and bond in a socially acceptable manner. It is important for the event organizer to take into consideration both cohesion and integration since it will influence the people who will attend the event. Through this, the organizer will facilitate the likelihood of having people turn for similar events and offer the desired support for the marginalized group.

The London Paralympics for the Disabled will promote integration and cohesion, which entails how people live and co-exist with each other in different geographical settings. This event should promote essential values that ensure that people respect each other regardless of their abilities and disabilities to exist in respect and harmony for each other. The Paralympics has an integration and cohesion panel whose main aim is to bring the stakeholders and the participants together. According to Bailey and Pill (2015), event organizers should take into concern various factors that promote diversity, such as religion, gender, and age difference. Through the organizing committee and pertinent stakeholders, the event should implement policies that promote unity amongst the people. The operations of the event should be executed based on the previous Paralympic for the Disabled that was conducted in 2012 (Davies & Mackenzie, 2014). It should focus on activities that bring the participants from different parts of the world together rather than what highlights the differences between them.

Activities at the event should be directed towards the creation of a communication vision that promotes whose main aim is to promote the diversity of the participants (Fincher et al., 2014, p.20). Therefore, it is important to ensure that the event organizer is well on political agendas that participants in the event embrace and appreciate. Getting well-versed with the cultural norms and beliefs of the participants will facilitate a clear understanding of the most effective approach that should be implemented to promote the events’ agenda. For instance, the organizer should encourage participation amongst the community members to promote the spirit of cohesion and support for the marginalized individuals in the community, while promoting diversity as the main political ideology.

This event will be held in London and will share similar events as those which were used in the 2012 Summer Paralympics. The city will facilitate the enhancement of bonds between the diverse communities and promote ideal celebrations, considering it is home to many people. London city will act as the center of attraction, celebration, and cohesion during the time that the event will be progressing. The management and success of the event will also get influenced by the political environment and the stability of the region. Although the United Kingdom believes that power vests with the people, the event’s management and organization are likely to get influenced by element of power and authority. Nevertheless, the participants’ freedom and rights should be respected and upheld accordingly.

The organizers should consider both ideological and political motives to shape the service provision practices of the event. They should take into consideration the market size and political ideologies that give directives on the best way to conduct a Paralympics event for the disabled. The organizers should be considerate of the play of authority of power both at the national and local levels to prevent conflicts that could erupt between the authority and the citizens. Political institutions should also be contracted in that they are essential in the provision of necessary administration required to execute events such as the London Paralympics for the Disabled.

Following the scheduled withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), it is important to introduce means that will facilitate integration in the country. Therefore, it is important to observe and inculcate the culture of integration during the planning of the event. The political analysis shows that most individuals in the country are inclined to political and social empowerment, and there is a growing realization that the government intends to empower the citizens (Brittain & Beacom, 2016). The researcher thus feels that it is important for the event to invent mechanisms that will ensure that the socially disadvantaged are well empowered. The organizers should implement new methods of ensuring increased vigilance of the event to avoid insecurities. The manager in-charge should be objective enough to avoid the creation of sentiments that could promote discriminatory practices at the event (Davies & Mackenzie, 2014). Every participant should demonstrate the spirit of cohesion and integration to ensure that the participants feel cared for and that their needs are taken into consideration. This is essential as it will be consistent with the beliefs and ideologies of integrating different people within society. To have a successful event, people should be incorporated in the preparation and organization process effectively. This will be in alignment with the policy requirements that promote the integration process.

The organizer should contract competent service providers and ensure that they execute their services with utmost dignity and integrity. This will help to prevent the likelihood of actions that promote discrimination against the marginalized groups for disability benefits and opportunities. For instance, it is common for service providers to declare physically unfit participants as “fit for work” and deny them benefits in a bid to cut on government spending. In the same manner, the seating rules for wheelchair users should be well-outlined while taking into consideration the needs of the participants and discriminatory policies.

It is easy to promote integration and cohesion in a society that is united under similar political ideologies. However, integration can be promoted where people have the freedom to interact freely. The integrated community development action policy will promote the anticipated cohesion for the people in the country, among other foreign participants. Therefore, the London Paralympics for the Disabled should observe the political ideologies that people subscribe to and their attitude in giving a theme to the events. The participants should be empowered through continuous involvement to promote the spirit of cohesion and integration.


Bailey, N. and Pill, M., 2015. Can the state empower communities through localism? An evaluation of recent approaches to neighborhood governance in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(2), pp.289-304.

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Brittain, I., & Beacom, A. (2016). Leveraging the London 2012 Paralympic Games: what legacy for disabled people?. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 40(6), 499-521.https://doi.org/10.1177/0193723516655580

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Weed, M. (2010). How will we know if the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics benefit health?. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.c2202