Political Knowledge and Democracy Writing Assignment (2)

Political Knowledge and Democracy Writing Assignment

Formatting: 11-point Arial font, 2 full pages, double spaced. Type your name in the header.

Use your book and power point presentations. Outside sources are not required. Use proper citation guidelines for all direct quotes, statistics and other information that is not your own (MLA or APA is fine). Submit in Blackboard by the due date and time. Emailed papers will not be accepted.

Directions: Using your textbook chapter and power point presentations, fully answer all questions found below.

1 –Why is political knowledge important in a democracy?

2– What is the relationship between political efficacy and political knowledge?

3– What were the components of citizenship for the ancient Greeks?

4– What was required for ancient Greek citizens to engage in politics?

5– What types of knowledge is necessary for citizens to effectively participate in politics today? Give examples.

6– What are the challenges of finding reliable political information today?