Political Knowledge

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Political Knowledge

The questions about the knowledge of the US government are an important aspect not only individually but also to the general public. Out of the total public individuals who participated in the survey I scored better than 5% of them. I was below 22% of them and similar to 21% of them. This breakdown informs me that many United States citizens know about their government. However, the knowledge level is not 100% since most of the individuals just like me did not get a 100% of the total score. Certain questions like the party which is currently the majority in the US Senate and majority House of Representatives are easy to answer and since they are common knowledge they are likely to be scored best by most individuals.

Political knowledge is very important and therefore its knowledge helps and makes individuals able to judge from the political climate the economic progress and other social factors which influence the lives of individuals directly. Political knowledge is distributed according to the education level of the individuals as well as interest in politics. A high school student may know less than a college student. The political activist will know more than a college student. Higher political knowledge helps individuals accept easily political ideas and principles, it affects their attitudes towards certain political issues and it influences their political participation. Uneven distribution of political knowledge is a trend that makes it very difficult for individuals to understand politics and therefore they get opposed to certain political ideas which might be good (William, 250).

Political knowledge can be increased through its introduction and education through social media platforms. Apart from this in schools, there should be a general course which involves politics. The questions from this research can capture political knowledge to a great extent because the questions asked are very crucial and important. Therefore it can be used as a survey to analyze the knowledge of politics among US citizens.

Works cited

Galston, William A. “Political knowledge, political engagement, and civic education.” Annual review of political science 4.1 (2001): 217-234.